Edit by Chief: Please read the "Trade thread general guidelines" about bumping. Do not post until a full 24 hours have past since your original post or most recent post. Edit your post instead to add information or answer a question. We do this so that everyone has an equal opportunity on the sell forum.
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Here are some stuff im selling!
All the indentified things start at 1k and increments of 1k must be made!
All Unidentified things start at 10k and increments of 2k must be made!
I will add things whenever i find new things!
[IMG]wts alot.JPG[/IMG]
check these items out at freewebs.com/panzie-saviors
on the WTS ALOT pg
Selling weapons purple and gold near max and some max
lol no pics.........
Umm go to the site???