The best idea yet (imo)
DJ Josh
Hi ppl this is my first post on a forum so any mistakes i make pls post advice on.Anyway to buisness.there are a lot of fun ideas floating around here most of which i love the sound of but haven't yet noticed any 1 use my idea so here it is.
Lets have a trading card system implemented.Why i here you ask well for 1 thing many ppl such as myself who have finished game with all 4 char slots (ahem still 2 chars i cant try ahem cough) have a huge collection of top weapons and a couple of 15k's for each char (for build switching purposes) and are bored of farming and helping ppl with m's and q's can have a fun and long term purpose for staying on the game while waiting for updates/expansions.How would this system work well you could take a couple of aproaches that i can think of offhand.
1. It could work in the same style as the digimon/yugioh/magic card battle games.
2. Or you could play it in the style of top trumps with the highest stat chosen wins system
We could have card traders in the capital citys with cards sold there getting better as you progress to further capitals as in amnoon and drokners.Also monsters could drop card packs which you pay traders to open for you and the packs could have the same colour coding as the weaps and items for rareness and cost of opening hence would work as an excellent gold sink.People could trade cards with each other to better there collections or sell to gamers if there not into the game that much.The cards would depict all enemies and bosses in the game which would mean new cards would be made available with big updates and expansion packs where in new monsters and bosses are introduced.And maybe occasional tournaments were the top prize would be to have a card made depicting the char used by the winner then the last winner could defend there title with a different char to get there card made and so on.There would need to be i think a new outpost for games to take place in or maybe a seperate district in existing towns which i would imagine to be a big request but dont know much about programming.
Anyway there you have it pls leave your thoughts or additional ideas.
THX for listening.
*sry just realised i posted in the wrong place pls could somebody move it for me thx
Lets have a trading card system implemented.Why i here you ask well for 1 thing many ppl such as myself who have finished game with all 4 char slots (ahem still 2 chars i cant try ahem cough) have a huge collection of top weapons and a couple of 15k's for each char (for build switching purposes) and are bored of farming and helping ppl with m's and q's can have a fun and long term purpose for staying on the game while waiting for updates/expansions.How would this system work well you could take a couple of aproaches that i can think of offhand.
1. It could work in the same style as the digimon/yugioh/magic card battle games.
2. Or you could play it in the style of top trumps with the highest stat chosen wins system
We could have card traders in the capital citys with cards sold there getting better as you progress to further capitals as in amnoon and drokners.Also monsters could drop card packs which you pay traders to open for you and the packs could have the same colour coding as the weaps and items for rareness and cost of opening hence would work as an excellent gold sink.People could trade cards with each other to better there collections or sell to gamers if there not into the game that much.The cards would depict all enemies and bosses in the game which would mean new cards would be made available with big updates and expansion packs where in new monsters and bosses are introduced.And maybe occasional tournaments were the top prize would be to have a card made depicting the char used by the winner then the last winner could defend there title with a different char to get there card made and so on.There would need to be i think a new outpost for games to take place in or maybe a seperate district in existing towns which i would imagine to be a big request but dont know much about programming.
Anyway there you have it pls leave your thoughts or additional ideas.
THX for listening.
*sry just realised i posted in the wrong place pls could somebody move it for me thx
Ok to try and off set the jack asses populated on this board. A card game is IMO not required but not a bad idea either. However there is so much to do, if I wanted a card game I'd go back and play FF8 again.
Xue Yi Liang
It's not an unreasonable request - but, if you're gonna add a card game to GW, why not go all out and add Chocobo Races, Snowboarding, Forklift Races, Pazaak Card Games, Swoop Races and Trivia Quizzes for gold?
Didn't mean to flame ya -(maybe a little) but minigames don't appeal to everyone.
BTW - don't take all the flaming personally. But how can you not expect that reaction when you claim it's "the best idea yet"?
Didn't mean to flame ya -(maybe a little) but minigames don't appeal to everyone.
BTW - don't take all the flaming personally. But how can you not expect that reaction when you claim it's "the best idea yet"?
Xue Yi Liang
Well it's not as if there weren't any gold sinks.... Fissure of Woe Armor, black dye and "Godly" items are pretty effective as far as that goes.
Why not just collect expensive weapons and armor. Do you have a full set of fissure armor yet? If you want to collect something so badly, collect expensive items in the game that are already there.
bunch of flamers. i think the point of this post was to say that this game needs more variety. the idea of a card game though didn't sit well with me, its just too different from what the game is. Still the fact is you shouldn't flame a guy who wants to improve the game or at least kill some time doing something different other than farming items/faction.
DJ Josh
yeah got 7 15k's so far dont like the look of the fissure armors and have a huge collection of max gold weps got all swords and bows except i only got purple storm and crystaline at the mo just waiting for extra storage space so i can carry on with the hammers and axes and have only a few staffs and wands at present same with shields and off-hands but started this little self created quest a long time ago and things im missing are just to rare or to expensive especialy when there is always an e-bayer waiting to out bid you.
if yall guys have a card game so much then dont play it. This game feels like it should have some offhand interraction to give it a more mmorpg feel and a card game ala ff8 style would do just that. Between pvp battles, pve quests, and selling/buying, there isnt anything to do but just stand around outside.
yea. i agree with Xue whole heartedly. in my defense he did use ( imo).
hhmmmm how many plat will you give me for a rookie card of myself? There's even a little piece of my first set of armor attached to it!
Just so everyone knows where this idea came from. They're doing it for WoW, and some of the rarer cards will affect your online character(s).
For the comic -->
for the info
Tyco's response to this news
For the comic -->
for the info
Tyco's response to this news
We are not merely suggesting that the World of Warcraft CCG is satanic - we are suggesting that it was literally designed by Satan. I didn't even read the information, I just assumed it was a monstrous, immoral act and moved on. I didn't understand yet that they were considering desirable foil cards, which are my heart's delight, emblazoned with codes to give you pets and hats and so forth. Gabe hasn't played a CCG since Harry Potter, and now they're going to re-introduce him to that twisted culture of madness and excess. It's not hard to imagine their new child subsisting on a diet consisting entirely of cards. |
as far as i know the WoW card game is a real card game you get at stores. This idea is about a virtual card game played within guild wars.
Darkside Revenge
It's not like it hasn't been done before in a MMO...I don't really like the idea of a card game necessarily...but mini-games wouldn't be so bad. I miss the casinos...a nice little gold sink if the person running it wasn't a scammer. Something like a gambling house (where you could go in like an arena) wouldn't be horrible...but before they put anything like that...i'd rather have guild scrimmages and more pvp options first =p
Woot long live Yu-gi-oh, pokemon and magic!.. i don't care what anyone says they rule and GW needs some mini games.. don't tell me to go play mario party because last time i threw the controler at the TV and left the room...
Originally Posted by dargon
Just so everyone knows where this idea came from. They're doing it for WoW, and some of the rarer cards will affect your online character(s).
NHL 2002 had cards in the game you can buy to unlock cheats.. but im not sure if thats what he is talking about
What would be nice would be an areana where people could bet on gladiator-like battles between monsters and win prizes. I picked this up from the rpg game Dragon Warriors.
Blow Up Doll
Originally Posted by DJ Josh
yeah got 7 15k's so far dont like the look of the fissure armors and have a huge collection of max gold weps got all swords and bows except i only got purple storm and crystaline at the mo just waiting for extra storage space so i can carry on with the hammers and axes and have only a few staffs and wands at present same with shields and off-hands but started this little self created quest a long time ago and things im missing are just to rare or to expensive especialy when there is always an e-bayer waiting to out bid you.
Jaythen Tyradel
Originally Posted by Ultimate_Gaara
Woot long live Yu-gi-oh, pokemon and magic!.. i don't care what anyone says they rule and GW needs some mini games.. don't tell me to go play mario party because last time i threw the controler at the TV and left the room...
but OT:
Card game: MEh. Not something I personally would like to see added to Gw since it isnt something I would play as a mini game. However, mini game type stuff is nice to help pass time and to take a break from the regular gameplay.
Red Sonya
Heh, I have a suggestion to get people to play the WHOLE game. A PVE LADDER system for those that complete every mission and adventure through every zone with each character. It would list number of completions and hours played. The reason I think many people rush is because after the first character there really is no other PVE reward other than farming. But, add some sort of LADDER leader board for the PVE game and PVE players that don't care for PVP can have something to accomplish as well.
Each zone would have a ladder npc somewhere in it and to keep it adventerous he/she/it would randomly locate everytime through the area. So, there won't be any websites showing the locations of this ladder npc. Meaning you can't just zone into an area and get credit for the ladder without finding him/her/it.
Something else I would add, when you complete the entire game, every mission, on the last mission you would get some bonus gold item drop, random, but, a very nice quality item gold drop that would be specifically for that character type.
PVE players need a reward system just like PVP has. Something to strive for, something to make playing the game through consecutive times more fun and goal oriented other than getting to level 20 and ascending and farming.
Each zone would have a ladder npc somewhere in it and to keep it adventerous he/she/it would randomly locate everytime through the area. So, there won't be any websites showing the locations of this ladder npc. Meaning you can't just zone into an area and get credit for the ladder without finding him/her/it.
Something else I would add, when you complete the entire game, every mission, on the last mission you would get some bonus gold item drop, random, but, a very nice quality item gold drop that would be specifically for that character type.
PVE players need a reward system just like PVP has. Something to strive for, something to make playing the game through consecutive times more fun and goal oriented other than getting to level 20 and ascending and farming.