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__________________________________________________ ______
WTS Max Golden Vampiric Shortbow Of Marksmanship.
Damage 15-28 (Req 12 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% While Health Below 50%
Vampiric 4/1
Marksmanship +1 19% Chance
Reply Or Whisper Me Ingame If Your Interested
Serious Offers Only
Sabaku Waterga.
Sabaku Golden.
Sabaku Painless.
Godlike Spirit.
WTS Golden Max Damage Bow.
Sabaku Waterga
its almost max marksmanhip req too. damn, just one off.
Sabaku Waterga
yeah..i dunno if that was severe sarcasm or just really ment as a wow...cuz im way too sleepy to figure it out...so im just gonna go with ''yeah''