Edit by Chief: Please read the "Trade thread general guidelines" about bumping. Do not post until a full 24 hours have past since your original post or most recent post. Edit your post instead to add information or answer a question. We do this so that everyone has an equal opportunity on the sell forum.
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I Have the right not to sell these items if i think the price is to low.
Take a Look, i have like 5 things
Sir Markovic
Sir Markovic
Sir Markovic
Please Someone make an opening offer for some of these items.They Bow and Staff are pretty good
Please Someone make an opening offer for some of these items.They Bow and Staff are pretty good
Nyax Soulreaper
1k on 3 to get ya somewhere
Judas Paladin
1 bump per 24 HOURS!!!!!!! and a free bump
One and Two
whats bump?
Bumping means moving a post to the top. Markovic: read the trade forum rules: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...ad.php?t=21599
there pretty crap, besides its not worth selling anything these days thats not maxdmg gold at least then if its perfect mods as well youll be pushing