Where is my retail key
Mr T Bone
Ive looked through all my stuff in collectors edition and dont see my retail key, where is it?
Mr T Bone
I just found an email in junk box
Dear Gamer,
You have successfully pre ordered Guild Wars from Simply Games. NCsoft Europe and Simply Games are delighted to forward you this access key.
This Key will give you an exclusive item (The Chimeric Prism) and take a sneak preview of the game prior to release.
Your access key is as follows: ***************************
is this my retail key?
Dear Gamer,
You have successfully pre ordered Guild Wars from Simply Games. NCsoft Europe and Simply Games are delighted to forward you this access key.
This Key will give you an exclusive item (The Chimeric Prism) and take a sneak preview of the game prior to release.
Your access key is as follows: ***************************
is this my retail key?
The the regular edition, the key is on the inside of the CD Case. I would imagine it's something similar for the CE.
Your retail key is inside the CD case with the game discs in it. You need to scratch the silver substance off with a coin to reveal the key.
Alex Weekes
The European box has slightly different contents guys, so please be careful giving out advice .
In the European box the Access Key is on the back of the Installer Disc 1 card sleeve. Bottom right corner, scratch off the silver stuff to reveal the key.
In the European box the Access Key is on the back of the Installer Disc 1 card sleeve. Bottom right corner, scratch off the silver stuff to reveal the key.
Mr T Bone
thanks i found it