WTS Tower Shield GOLD !!!
Keiyoushi Idaten
Ill start bid at 5k do u have an IGN that i can contact u with in game? LMK ty
Not a bad shield!
free /bump!
Bleh, the IMG format doesn't work with this hosting site. Photobucket is SOOOO much better.
phoenix twin
ill bid 10k on it ign phoenix twin unless u want to do a trade i have many nice gold weapons just pm me in game
Krasvkha Zvezda
IGN = Krasvkha Zvezda
IGN = Krasvkha Zvezda
I'll bid 12k on it. IGN Mean Watermelon but add to friends in case i'm on another character.
Looks like someone beat me to it, 13k it is.
Krasvkha Zvezda
14k it is.
Hmmm, guess my only choice is to make it 20k
Keiyoushi Idaten
25k IGN Keiyoushi Idaten
phoenix twin
plz contact me in game and i will offer you items as tarde along with somemoney
I'll go 27k for this baby.
32k for me
phoenix twin
guess im out of this bid
this is a nice shield, depending how high it goes I will probably offer
When are you going to end this auction?
40k offer