Faintheartedness + Shadow of Fear
Do these two skills stack in terms of reduced attack speed? I don't have the necessary resources to figure this out myself, all legitimate answers are welcome.
Attack speed debuffing question
They don't appear to stack. Willing test subject #1, a Rockshot Devourer, showed similar attack speed for Faintheartedness by itself, Shadow of Fear by itself and Faintheartedness and Shadow of Fear combined. Only when both ended did his attacks speed back up to regular pace.
Drats, the prospect looked so promising...thanks for the answer.
Red Sonya
Remember though Shadow of Fear affects like an AOE slow, so it still has it's advantages if several are pounding on your healer. Can degen 1 while slowing the others.
Yeah, the skills still have their uses alone. It would be lovely if the skills' descriptions showed the percentage of attack speed reduced, like Frenzy or Flurry.
superauron: the skill descriptions for faintheartedness and shadow of fear do give percentages these days. Both skills give 50% attack speed reduction, which apparently don't stack.
Ah, really? I must be referring to an outdated site this whole time then! Thanks for all the work and info.