Satcking Runes
I just bought my first pice of 15K armor an i am wondring if the asclone armor or the knights armor will stack with a rune of absortion?
runes of the same type do not stack.
the higher one takes precidence over the lesser one.
two minors equal a minor not a major
the higher one takes precidence over the lesser one.
two minors equal a minor not a major
thx, but i am talking about the armer from marhan's grotto
dose the armor stack with the rune of major absorption?
dose the armor stack with the rune of major absorption?
the inherent absorption from the armor and the minor/major/superior rune of absorption will both work, yes. since the inherent property of the armor isn't technically a rune i wouldn't call this "stacking" so much as "combining".
Thanks so much, which dose more Ascalon or knights Armor?
Ascalon and Knight's are the same (-2 damage); the only difference is looks.