this treasure was found during troll farming, one day old never been used! limited time offer while supplies last!
the stats are shown below
Gold- max piercing dmg(15-28) Vampric Half Moon of Defense dmg +13% vs hexed foes vampric 4:1 armor +5 always
post offer along with in game name
whisper either Blazin Rasin, Blazin Chaos, Blazin Inferno (freind) or Brother Mhenlo (me) or Bad Mhenlo (my solo smiting 55 monk)
wts max dmg gold (4:1) vampric half moon of wardig
Brother Mhenlo
Brother Mhenlo
why wont anyone consider this stupid bow!
Originally Posted by Brother Mhenlo
stupid bow
well....only has a perfect defense, decent vamp, bad damage mod. some may not think its worth throwin money at