PC salvaged but unidentified runes


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005

Death Knights Warriors


there's alot of wepon price guides and stuff but i dnt see anybody mentioning runes.... i have runes that i have salvaged but not identified. since runes can only be unlocked from a priest of bathazaar or by identifying it, i think there is alot of money in un-identified runes but i got no idea about prices. could somebody put a list together

Judas Paladin

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

San Diego, CA



well...there kinda is already a market for this stuff.. it's called selling GOLD UNID 38-40 armors for like 5-7k each i've seen as the going price.

If you salvage them already...then probably on any major/minor runes you won't get any real money off of( with the exception of maybe abs. and vig.)

UNID sup Salvaged runes probably all go for like 5k-7k each as well ( which is understandable considering the going prices of the gold UNID armors ) with the exception of:

UNID sup warrior runes i have seen go from 12-25k each
UNID sup monk runes 10k per
UNID sup vig...just tack on like 5-10k more on the trader's price for vig