Need Money Badly!!!
I need a really good money making strategy! I've tried farming, I've tried buying stuff and selling it for more, I've tryed PvP, it all just wont work for me! please help!
Kai Nui
Anet is hiring. Learn what you need to join. reprogram the game so that it's un-nerfed. that's my strategy anyway.
there ain't nothing like a trip to UW/FoW to get cash
Andy of Glacieria
Lol. U infiltrated A-net and unnerfed stuff for urself. I ain't buyin that sorry. PM me more because I wanna know more tho, maybe ur saying the truth :O
mugg faced
you can buy on ebay. although i never have done as i dont have the trust in the ppl selling it. if any1 has bought gold of of ebay and recieved thier goods proptly then please tell me and maybe i will....