Original poster, Shazam, wanted to know how to get Fur Squares. He was correctly answered by One and Two, and that was responded by a post by with incorrect information and then the thread got closed.
To the Original Poster of the question - You can get Fur Squares either by:
1. Giving 4 Charr Hides to the Collector in Ascalon City - this Collector is standing by the merchants.
2. Using an Expert Salvage Kit on certain "Hides" that drop from monsters. You only have a small chance of actually getting a Fur Square from them, but it's a chance and you have to use an Expert Salavage kit to have that chance. Here's the list of "Hides" you have a chance of Expert Salvaging Fur Squares from:
Centaur Hide, Centaur Vest, Charr Hide (unadvisable), Dolyak Hide, Losaru Hide, Shiverpeak Bowmaster Vest, Snowy Centaur Hide, Snowy Ettin Hide Hide,
The Collector is correct for crafting Fur, but you will not get Fur from "Any Hide" using an Expert Kit ... You will either get Tanned Hides or Leather. |