I got B/O on alot of the stuff not all. Reserve the right not to sell if not high enough.
Please leave the number you are bidding on as well as your ign. Most of this stuff im looking to sell within a day or two.
The unid longbow is the feathered design. The two 15>50 longbows are the Ascalon design.
1. c/o=40k
2. c/o=
3. c/o=12k
4. c/o=
5. c/o=
6. c/o=10k
7. c/o=
8. c/o=
9. c/o=
10. c/o=10k
11. c/o=
12. c/o=
13. c/o=
14. c/o=15k
15. c/o=30k
16. c/o=
17. c/o=
18. c/o=
19. c/o=
20. c/o=
Please let this thread die. Im gonna re sell everything with a better advert
Huge clearance! gold Sephis, Longbows, Spatha, 15>50's requ8 UN-ID's Perfect Upgrades
#14 - 5k IGN Kanwulf The Viking
10k on # 6 and #14 each
IGN smitey micsmite
IGN smitey micsmite
Knight of Eternal Darknes
30k #15
legion le
10k start on #3 IGN Legion Le
Haywires Destiny
Bought a biggee no more gold left =(
IGN: Haywires Destiny
IGN: Haywires Destiny
Thor Wolfson
10K on 10
Stalker Haras
12k on 3
#14 - 15k IGN Kanwulf The Viking