WTS Weapons,upgrades and more!!!!!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005


[RPGS] The Fuedal Knight's of Lions Arch



WTS [Golden] Max Dmg Fiery Gladius of Shelter
Fire Dmg 15-22
Dmg +17% While Hexed
Armor +6 Vs Physical Attacks
Req 9 Swordsmanship
>Min Bid 7.5k<
WTS [Golden] Icy Falchion
Cold Dmg 14-21
Dmg +14% While Enchanted
Req 10 Swordsmanship
>Min Bid 2k<
WTS [White] Butterfly Sword
Slashing Dmg 15-22
Req 9 Swordsmanship
>Min Bid 750g<
WTS [Blue] Icy Wingblade Sword of Shelter
Cold Dmg 13-18
Armor +4 Against Physical Attacks
Req 7 Swordsmanship
>Min Bid 750g<
WTS [White] Earth Staff
Energy +10
Earrth Dmg 11-22
Req 12 Earth Magic
>Min Bid 500g<
WTS [Purple] Scroll
Energy +10
Req 8 Earth Magic
Improves Casting Speed using Magic Skills Chance 12%
Armor +4 While Attacking
WTS [White] War Hammer
Blunt Dmg 18-35
Req 11 Hammer Mastery
>Min Bid 750g<
WTS [White] Flamberge
Slashing Dmg 13-18
Req 7 Swordsmanship
>Min Bid 400g<
WTS [White] Flamberge
Slashing Dmg 14-21
Req 10 Swordsmanship
>Min Bid 500g<
WTS [Blue] Crippling Cleaver of Defense
Slashing Dmg 6-24
Lengthens Crippled duration on foe
Armor +4
Req 8 Axe Mastery
>Min Bid 750g<
WTS [White] Eternal Bow
Piercing Dmg 14-26
Req 7 Marksmanship
>Min Bid 1k<
WTS [White] Shadow Shield
Armor 16
Req 12 Strength
>Min Bid 1k<
WTS [White] Earth Staff
Earth Dmg 11-20
Energy +10
>Min Bid 500g<
WTS [Blue] Long Sword
Slashing Dmg 15-22
Damage +15% While Enchanted
Req 9 Swordsmanship
>Min Bid 750g<
WTS [White] Short Bow
Piercing Dmg 15-28
Req 12 Marksmanship
>Min Bid 600g<
WTS [White] Longbow
Piercing Dmg 13-25
Req 9 Marksmanship
>Min Bid 400g<
WTS [White] Short Bow
Piercing Dmg 14-27
Req 9 Marksmanship
>Min Bid 600g<
WTS Fiery Hammer Haft
Fire Damage
>Min Bid 500g<
WTS Hammer Grip of Defense
Armor +4
>Min Bid 200g<
WTS Hammer Grip of Defense
Armor +4
>Min Bid 200g<
WTS Hammer Grip of Shelter
Armor +4 Against Physical Attacks
>Min Bid 150g<
WTS Hammer Grip of Warding
Armor +5 Against Elemental Attacks
>Min Bid 175g<

PLZ leave your IGN so i can contact you.

Happy Bidding!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

200g for def hammer grip