Leveling.. A PAIN!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Burleson, Texas

As they descirbed the game.. I thought lvling would be somewhat of a breeze, atleast through the first 10 lvls atleast. Well today I got to Old Ascalon and am lvl 6. I found a party and we spent 2 hrs killing stuff/questing. After the 2 hrs, im still not 7. Im close, but not there. Not only does it take a long time, but its boring. Old Ascalon has some fun quests, but from what i'v seen, walking around this dead land doing quests for 2 hrs at the same lvl kinda.. well.. sucks.

Im only lvl 6, and spending 2 hrs questing and not hitting 7 is kinda rediculous. I mean its only lvl 6! I could see this at lvl 10 but its 6, cant imagine what 10+ will be like. I just didnt expect this from how they described it.

The game is about hours played, once you have put in all your hours, and hit that cap, then you can do the good pvp stuff.

Oh yea, you can do PvP only chars but if you havnt unlocked the skills and stuff u have to play a crappy premade build.

I dont see how you can become 20 in 2-3 days as eveyone said.

So.. any tips, help, am I doing this wrong? Is there a better way to lvl up? I bought this game cuz I am a PvP junkie, thats all I like doing, and it seems I got to spend hours to get to it.




Sins FTW!

Join Date: Mar 2005


Angel Sharks [AS]

My best advice is to keep aiming for the missions. I do the missions with people my level and we are fighting monsters 3-5 levels higher than us. It helps, or seems to. Can be tough at times, but the rewards are worth it. Quests I plan to do a lot for downtimes when I get tired of doing the missions and want to do some exploring.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by Atticus11
As they descirbed the game.. I thought lvling would be somewhat of a breeze, atleast through the first 10 lvls atleast. Well today I got to Old Ascalon and am lvl 6. I found a party and we spent 2 hrs killing stuff/questing. After the 2 hrs, im still not 7. Im close, but not there. Not only does it take a long time, but its boring. Old Ascalon has some fun quests, but from what i'v seen, walking around this dead land doing quests for 2 hrs at the same lvl kinda.. well.. sucks.

Im only lvl 6, and spending 2 hrs questing and not hitting 7 is kinda rediculous. I mean its only lvl 6! I could see this at lvl 10 but its 6, cant imagine what 10+ will be like. I just didnt expect this from how they described it.

The game is about hours played, once you have put in all your hours, and hit that cap, then you can do the good pvp stuff.

Oh yea, you can do PvP only chars but if you havnt unlocked the skills and stuff u have to play a crappy premade build.

I dont see how you can become 20 in 2-3 days as eveyone said.

So.. any tips, help, am I doing this wrong? Is there a better way to lvl up? I bought this game cuz I am a PvP junkie, thats all I like doing, and it seems I got to spend hours to get to it.

yea i would say quest untill you dont have any then move on because i was playing for 2 hours last night and i am almost 7...


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

I don't have a problem levelling. I'm almost done with all the quests & missions in Pre-Ascalon and I'm halfway to level 9. Right now I'm just saving up for Post-Ascalon.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Most of us take the time learn a few strategies. Specially people that got it on 28th. Im at lvl 9, and its been a blast.

dont power lvl, and it will.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


Guild of Night


I'm doing quest by quest and just staying away from power lvling.

I have EQ2 in the background for that. Just play the game/storyline instead.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

I got to lvl 12 on the 27th. I focused mainly on the missions to progress the story. Why you may ask? well, exp along the way and the 1000xp bonus at the end, another 1000xp if you do bonus mission. If you want to lvl fast don't dilly dally around looking for quests you will end up wasting to much explore time.

Then later on and you go back to previous areas and do quest farming with henchmen and pick up skills that you missed. For wealth this is also a good idea since all you would need to bring along in terms of henchmen is the monk, so you get more loot and better dividends on the cash earned.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005

I would recomend striking out for Piken Square. I got there last night and there were a number of quests for 1000+ exp.

If you are still in seared ascalon then the quests are worth 250 or 500, and most of the monsters are -3 levels or more to you.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

I really dont see why everyone is griping about lvling speed. I got to lvl 9 in about 5-6 hours. Seriously i got the game last night and I'm lvl 9 already. I have almost 2k g also. Here's a tip, DO MISSIONS! Do missions and never stop doing missions. If you want to lvl up quickly you ahve to be gaining exp all the time. Never stop doing missions. Also some quests give you 1000 exp also so do those too cause you can probably solo them.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

Seriously, as everyone else is saying.. don't try to powerlevel and it won't be a pain. I've been spending all my time doing different missions and trying to collect as many skills as I can. I'm only doing the missions for the loot and skill rewards, not the exp. The levels are coming along quite nicely.

Beet Takeshi

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

You want something to complain about, go play Star Wars Galaxies, then get back to us.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Burleson, Texas

Ok, where do I get missions? I have been making the mistake of doing quests the whole time. I have done 1 mission, the one to go from Ascalon to Seared Ascalon. Who gives out missions? And where do I find them?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

I forget. Really. I don't know.


This aint Wow. It's more about learn how to use your skill leveling is secondary. If all you want to do is level then buy Wow. It's about the story, the skill, the weapon, trading, bartering, quests, missions, in other words.... the game.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Burleson, Texas

Hey morons, I asked for advice, I have bought wow and I hate it, I bought this game cuz it sounded perfect to me. Maybe I forgot to say that the game has been fun overall.

thanks to those who did give me advice. Those who didnt can stop making useless posts.

Now can anyone answer me on where to get mission and who gives them out? The one mission I did do was really fun.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by Atticus11
Ok, where do I get missions? I have been making the mistake of doing quests the whole time. I have done 1 mission, the one to go from Ascalon to Seared Ascalon. Who gives out missions? And where do I find them?

The First mission is The Great Northern Wall... you can get there from Asclaon City, there are signs...

When you finish, you will either start directly at the next mission, or you will be at an outpost...If at an outpost, someone there will give you a quest that will lead you to the next mission.

Also, watch the level of the monsters you are fighting... the exp per monster is based on its level and your level... I'm level 6 in KoA and no longer receive any EXP from level 0 monster and only about 16 exp from level 1 monsters... thus I could spend 4 or 5 hours beating on level 1 monsters and still not level up...



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Burleson, Texas

Is that one pre-searing or once you are passed the academy? I already passed the academy and am in Seared Ascalon.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by Atticus11
Is that one pre-searing or once you are passed the academy? I already passed the academy and am in Seared Ascalon.
I was speaking of Post-Searing.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Burleson, Texas

Ok thanks, im going to find it and try it out.




Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by funbun
This aint Wow. It's more about learn how to use your skill leveling is secondary. If all you want to do is level then buy Wow. It's about the story, the skill, the weapon, trading, bartering, quests, missions, in other words.... the game.
and the hot female elementalist and ranger dances too.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Atticus11
Is that one pre-searing or once you are passed the academy? I already passed the academy and am in Seared Ascalon.
the academy was not a mission

look for the warmaster around the area and accept the mission to defend the wall
there is a staircase with a signpost saying great northern wall follow the signs to the staging area
join others or get henchmen for free (names followed by <healer> for example click on them select join
when you have your party click enter mission and you are off



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Burleson, Texas

Thanks a lot loviatar. Going to do that now.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Burleson, Texas

I found Warmaster tydus, and he doesnt have a mision to defend the wall. He has a quest to deliver somthing. Is that the wrong warmaster?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Burleson, Texas

That was a pointless post.. since non of the information in there is what I asked for.

Also, I figured out he gives you the defnd the wall quest after you deliver the letter.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Atticus11

Also, I figured out he gives you the defnd the wall quest after you deliver the letter.
i forgot that part - my oops



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by Blackace
hmm so you're not even lets say past...5% of the total content and you're complaining? Get lost please.

I agree. If you want to play a game where lvling is TOUGH try and play Lineage2. Seriously, imagine sitting there for hours staring at your characte and doing the same thing over and over....

This game is great because you do quests and missions that have substance.

Devil's Dictionary

Devil's Dictionary

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2005

Presumed missing...


For some reason people mistake "game for a casual player" for "Ridiculously Easy".
If you want easy level-up, go get Progress Quest.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Burleson, Texas

I had never done a mission before I made this post. I just finished the defend the wall mission and it was awsome. I was going to do the 2nd part and got en error

But, the missions seem fun and you get 1000exp at the end of em. So im going to keep on doing them.

Thanks for the help

Perishiko ReLLiK

Perishiko ReLLiK

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2005

Divine Guardians of the Soul (Soul)


I'll answer this with this: This isnt like a game where you kill monsters and gain Great exp... do the quests / missions, and you level up Incredibly Fast! not to mention gain quite a few of those wanted skills... Missions give 1k exp right off the bat, plus the side quests that can give you an extra 1k exp... and the quests on average are about 250-500 and you can do them while your killing those monsters that give the meager exp.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Burleson, Texas

I found a party and we are rippin thru the missions.. im alrdy lvl 9 and it rocks.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


U went to Academy too soon in my view. I left Pre-Searing at level 8.. why? cause I did all the quests and talked to all the collectors, and had a butt load of gold and salvage to take with me... And I did all of the Northern Wall area... with the massive level 10 charr... When I got to Pre I was a high enough level and rich enough to get armor and go straight to missions... where the real EXP is!!! Ave exp including bonus from completing missions is around 3000 exp... 1000 for primary mission, 1000 for Bonus objective, and near 1000 in kills normally... if you actually FIGHT and dont just finish the mission in record time... Ruins of sumeria and nolani academy are excellent examples of long quest with good rewards... Lots of salvage, and gold to go around, and plenty of exp to play with...

basic rule of thumb. if you are in a area and you are getting 0exp when u kill something... its time to move on... That means u are above the level for the standard player and enemies in that area. So to advance you keep going. if you can't then u must suck. and no amount of grindage is going to help that cause u are not getting any exp for just staying in the same place doing the same thing over and over... DUMB!!!

personally I think that's a good thing. one of the main problems with other MMORPGs is that there is nothing but thieves and grinders in the games that do nothing but do the same thing over and ovcer till they are so strong nothing stands in their way. so they can act like gods and blow the others away. Even at the max level 20 a simple level 7 -12 character still has a chance against them because of the game balancing. + and -%s for one... make things more equal for fighting, no just pwnage...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

I dont really care about leveling at the moment...(im level 8 btw) im more collecting stuff to salvage and then sell them to real players wich sometimes give 30 gold for one piece of iron...

Devil's Dictionary

Devil's Dictionary

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2005

Presumed missing...


Hah! You got a knack for commerce, chap.
I can barely sell my material items for half of the material trader's price.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005



Originally Posted by Atticus11
I found a party and we are rippin thru the missions.. im alrdy lvl 9 and it rocks.
each mission is comprised of two parts, the primary mission and a bonus mission...each are worth 1k exp.

You can finish the missions and bonus missions as many times as you want but you will only get the exp bonus once for each mission/bonus mission.

(if you miss the bonus mission you can go back and finish it.)

you can tell you status on a mission from the map, if there are 2 swords through the shield then you have completed both the bonus and the primary mission..

(example) that first mission there are four pieces of armor that you can collect and give back to the guys ghost for the 1k bonus exp.

Ashleigh McMahon

Ashleigh McMahon

Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005

North East England

WoTU[Warlords of the Underworld]


Article took from www.guildwars.com

Built for Competition

"The game is designed to reward player skill and teamwork, not time spent playing, so you won't need to spend hundreds of hours leveling up your character to compete."

Regards, Ashleigh.

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


leave presear...you level faster

Devil's Dictionary

Devil's Dictionary

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2005

Presumed missing...


Yup. Last time I played through pre-seared, I got to level 9 only to have level 3 henchmen and be killed by two level 4 players. I spoke with some people and found out I wasn't the only.

Ashleigh McMahon

Ashleigh McMahon

Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005

North East England

WoTU[Warlords of the Underworld]


Deaths reply sounds right.

Your power is barely based on level, but based on skill

Hehe, no offence, Death


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

im level 9 and its taken me no time at all to get from 8 to 9, its probably because your in a group, i have not yet been in a group. but one thing i notice is im getting reammed apon by level 3-4s and im level 9, so i dont know whats wrong, and im a warrior. what damage should you have on a weapon at level 9?

Ashleigh McMahon

Ashleigh McMahon

Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005

North East England

WoTU[Warlords of the Underworld]


Not Much.

The reason for your dying is because Charr monsters are relativly strong for there level, and you require quite good armour to solo them.

Regards, Ashleigh.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

*directed at original poster*

you suck. go and play counterstrike.

in Guild Wars you may have to think.

for your sake they should have written a warning of such on the box