The Shadow Blood guild is now taking open recruits.
This is a guild formed around order, commitment, organization, and most of all having fun.
This guild is a serious guild, but a fun one. We are very organized in our operations. Some examples of this are, we will not invite anyone and everyone (after we get a good member base), consideration is free, invites are earned. Our Officer spots are limited and also earned/taken. If you want to take an officer spot, earn it. If you want to keep it, remain a leader and don't let others perform over you. These are just a few examples of how our guild runs in an organized manner.
Our numbers are very small right now at the current moment, so for the time being invites will be given out more than usual, but be warned after our numbers get larger, cuts will be made based on various factors such as, inactivity and lack of performance. To avoid being cut, simply play the game, perform well, and have fun.
For considerations/invites whisper Jaaku Seijin in game, or simply reply to this post.
Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon.
Shadow Blood
Jaaku Seijin