Guild cape question..
hey guys just wandering where do i get a cape and how do i add a design to it?
You first need to be in a guild or make one(100 gold), then need to have the guild leader design and make a cape at the guild emblemer located at the fountain in ascalon. That will cost 2000 gold (2 platinum bars).
Originally Posted by TheSecondSeven
You first need to be in a guild or make one(100 gold), then need to have the guild leader design and make a cape at the guild emblemer located at the fountain in ascalon. That will cost 2000 gold (2 platinum bars).
Lasher Dragon
Once you have 1000 gold they autoconvert into platinum bars
Originally Posted by Lasher Dragon
Once you have 1000 gold they autoconvert into platinum bars
can you chose from one of the designs at the guild creator or do you have to make one at emblem maker?
Lasher Dragon
I made my cape in pre-sear where you make the guild. I only paid 100 gold. I guess I must have been on the ball, because from what I hear you could only get that price within the first hour of the 48 hour preview event.
Damn , it says 2 platinum now...ouch
I noticed the cape's model is not that great - looks a bit girly if you ask me (being a male)
On the other hands, I see NPC with some great (model) designed capes...why can't we get these instead of the girly one?
On the other hands, I see NPC with some great (model) designed capes...why can't we get these instead of the girly one?
Lasher Dragon
Be very careful when you design your cape - I already did mine, but now when I go look at the capes I notice something I missed earlier: You can change the basic shape of the cape. I am hoping when I get off work to see if I can change it for only 100g.
Does everyone in the guild have to pay 2000 for a cape, or does the whole guild just pay once and everyone gets them?
Lasher Dragon
One-time fee for the whole guild.
Guild is only one time costs.
1x 100 gold for the guild
1x 2000 gold for the cape
1x Sigil and (I don't know how much) gold, or even no gold...
1x 100 gold for the guild
1x 2000 gold for the cape
1x Sigil and (I don't know how much) gold, or even no gold...