This is both an auction, aswell as a shop.. There are no buyouts/min bids, but as allways. When posting your bid/offer, post a serious/reasonable offer.
I accept only gold & globs of ecto (current value of 7.5k/ecto), but i prefer mainly gold.
When i see an offer i like, i will close the bid on that particular item and contact the buyer in-game.
If you would like to offer a buyout on an item, please feel free to contact me in-game and do so.
As already said, no items have minimum bids/buyouts on them, but i do have hidden reserves on the following items:
I play on European servers, so i might not be online when you are.. so we have to make arrangements before the actual trade.
Enjoy the game.. I surely will.
As allways (propably no need to even say this,but.. ), i reserve the right not to sell and bla bla bla..
Current offers:
WTS 52 items/weapons/mods (gold/purple) inside!
Ramen Noodle Soup
15k w30 IGN ur pwned
4k on w 28
ign ms midnight
ign ms midnight
Bumpity Bump.. and for gods sake fellas, you really think ill be selling them weapons that cheap? :P
2k for w5
1k for w11
ign is fudge fudge
1k for w11
ign is fudge fudge
4k for w5
2k for w11
ign fudge fudge
2k for w11
ign fudge fudge
500g on W19 - IGN Jet Wardoc
Gundam Wing X
1k on w24
time for a new bump
Most items sold ingame, closing auction.. sorry fellas, theres no way im selling those that cheap.