Henchmen allowed in Sorrows Furnace?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Just wondering if Henchmen will be allowed into the new areas being added. I don't see why not but there could be something in place to prevent them entering. If anyone knows, or if a dev/gaile could just give a quick yes/no, i would appreciate it. Thanks.

Lord Bentam

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

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Muffins of Wrath (MoW)


Well I'm assuming if its like FoW/UW type area it won't .. but then again it doesn't require favor ... I don't think they will allow henchies ...

Bingley Joe

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Philosophers of Denravi

Can't say for sure, but I still think it's a safe assumption they'll allow them.

I sure hope so..


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Lord Bentam
Well I'm assuming if its like FoW/UW type area it won't .. but then again it doesn't require favor ... I don't think they will allow henchies ...
Well it is unlike FoW/UW in that it does not require favor, or money and you are also able to walk there instead of having to get teleported by an NPC. Assuming of course it's accessed in Lornars Pass which seems to be a pretty safe bet.

But anyway, theres arguments for it being either way and opinions are nice and all, but I'm really just looking for a definate yes/no from someone.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Lord Bentam
Well I'm assuming if its like FoW/UW type area it won't .. but then again it doesn't require favor ... I don't think they will allow henchies ...
I really hope they do allow henchies into the new area. I know some people that may quit GW if this new area doesnt allow henchies because they are fed up with dealing with stupid PuGs. I still find it quite funny that one is allowed to take a henchie in the most highly competitive part of the game (HoH/GvG) but is disallowed to take it in an area with computer-controlled AI.

LoL Anet!

@velvetbunny, sorry i don't know. I do hope they allow henchies there and will wait it out and see.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

no it is not like uw or fow it is just another area like the crystal desert etc.. so YES henchies will be aloud in ur party and will be aloud into the areas



There is no spoon.

Join Date: Jun 2005



2 days left! I'm definitly "sick" that day. I don't want to miss the release!


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


Rather than asking about the availability of henchmen in the new areas, I think it's time to ask how much longer Anet is going to keep the henchmen out of the UW/FoW.

Red Sonya

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

If it's in Lornar's Pass, two things come to mind. The henchies in Beacons Perch suk and cannot do well in Lornar's Pass, but, if you come out of Rancor with the ascended henchies you can play through Snake Dance all the way to Beacons Perch. So, even if henchies are allowed and Sorrow's Furnace is in Lornar's Pass, it's going to be a hellofa long trek from Rancor to it. People who group will get the advantage of leaving from Beacon's Perch, people who use henchies will get screwed and have to leave out of Rancor. Unless of course there is a "mission" that takes one to Sorrows Furnace, but, I highly doubt it.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


Given that it's going to be an area with quests + a mission, I actually think they will fit it into the general followthrough right now. Currently you go Droknars, Ice Caves, Iron Mines, Thunderhead. Give that Sorrows Furnace is a depleted mine, maybe they'll fit it in between Iron Mines and Thunderhead. Especially since the only other part of the game that has a huge non-linear jump (mapwise) is D'Alessio --> Divinity, this makes sense. When you do Iron Mines, you finish, way up near Mineral Springs, but the next mission is far to the south at Thunderhead. It makes sense to me that Sorrows Furnace would start up in that area and then head south, underground to an exit point near Thunderhead.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

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Why is everyone saying it's going to be in Lornar's pass? Everything we've heard so far indicates that Sorrows furnace and Grenth's footsteps will be accessible thru Tasca's Demise and Whitman's Folly...


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


Actually, ShadowStorm, they'll be both in the same place as Sorrows Furnace is a mission and Grenth's Footsteps is the area around the mission. Much like Sanctum Cay and Stingray Strand or Iron Mines of Moldune and Frozen Forest.

Wrath of m0o

Wrath of m0o

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Originally Posted by ShadowStorm
Why is everyone saying it's going to be in Lornar's pass? Everything we've heard so far indicates that Sorrows furnace and Grenth's footsteps will be accessible thru Tasca's Demise and Whitman's Folly...
Because in Lonars Pass you can see the road leading down into the mountain that will be sorrows furnace. My 1st time through Lonars from rankor to Beacons i noticed the road and was trying to get there. I was in shock when i found out it brought me to Beacons.
But as they say an abandoned mine in the shiverpeaks, Dont know if it's acessable from Lonars..But i bet that road is the entrance.




Join Date: Jun 2005




i hope not ! i hate the henchs


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by neoteo
i hope not ! i hate the henchs
You may hate them, but allowing them to be used would not effect you in any way but would allow a choice for those who want it.



Sig Fairy

Join Date: Feb 2005

Once upon a time..


Everyone, the update will come on the 7th.. in the meantime, please try to refrain from spreading rumors. I'm not sure where people got the assumption that Sorrow's Furnace includes a mission, but remember, unless it came straight from Gaile, Alex or another verified ANet employee, anything *outside* of the information given on this page is unverified, and remains merely rumor.




Join Date: Jun 2005




ok , i have a good reason , people tend to solo this game , using the henchs
then go to forums and say they are bored , finish the game too soon etc ...

so i say , remove the hench completely , so people will take longer to own it .

i would put henchs only in pre searing ...

i hope there are no hench in second chapter ... human play or no play ..

go play a non online single player game

Kobun King

Kobun King

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

I don't see how being frustrated with retarded PUGs is better than finishing the game too soon with henches. Infact, it's much worse. It's not like this game is long anyways.

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


people like you are the reason people like me play with henchies most of the time (refering to neoteo)




Join Date: Jun 2005




well there you have it , contradiction ..

its not long if you play with henchs , but its boring after a while

with retarded pugs , its slow and takes too long ...

so where do we stay ?

make a party with half retarded half henchs , will fit you perfect


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by neoteo
ok , i have a good reason , people tend to solo this game , using the henchs
then go to forums and say they are bored , finish the game too soon etc ...

so i say , remove the hench completely , so people will take longer to own it .

i would put henchs only in pre searing ...

i hope there are no hench in second chapter ... human play or no play ..

go play a non online single player game
Well, I'm gonna go out on a limb here, but i believe most people will agree playing through the game with henchmen is much harder then a GOOD team of real people. If you think Henchmen allow people to cruise through the game, you must get some truely terrible partiest. And said terrible parties/players is why some of us prefer to just use henchmen and have noone to blame for a mistake but ourselves.




Join Date: Jun 2005




some of us prefer to just use henchmen and have noone to blame for a mistake but ourselves.
BLAME ! , this is it , most people are too proud ... its a game ,,... who cares if they call you a noob , ... just have a fun .. i prefer 1000 times being called a noob ... or playing with a complete noob party .. then having silent stupid henchs , doing nothing ...


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by neoteo
BLAME ! , this is it , most people are too proud ... its a game ,,... who cares if they call you a noob , ... just have a fun .. i prefer 1000 times being called a noob ... or playing with a complete noob party .. then having silent stupid henchs , doing nothing ...
Edit: Nevermind, i almost fell for the flame bait until i realized its impossible to argue with someone who considers their way the only way. Enjoy your game your way and I will continue to enjoy the possibilty of using henchmen in Sorrows Furnace.




Join Date: Jun 2005




i fail to see how some people playing with henchmen has any effect on your game
lets see if i can say this in a way that will not make the mods delete my post again ...

i really would love to see the game free from people that mostly use henchs to evolve in the game .

becose its a online game , i would like it too be for online social people only ...



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


Originally Posted by Aria
I'm not sure where people got the assumption that Sorrow's Furnace includes a mission, but remember, unless it came straight from Gaile, Alex or another verified ANet employee, anything *outside* of the information given on this page is unverified, and remains merely rumor.
I could have sworn I saw it described as that by Gaile and/or Alex, but a brief search through both the guildwars.com update pages and on here and I can't find any evidence that they did my bad. I'm not normally one to rumor monger.

Legendary Battousai

Legendary Battousai

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005




as to why people think the entrance is in sorrows furnace, is because if you have ever been on a drok rush/run, near the end of Lonars Path, theres a hidden cave which leads to a shrine of Grenth. As of now, it takes you to the underworld, yet people suspect it to be changed. Im not saying that it will be, but that is where the rumor stemed from.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Allies of Inverness


Gaile or some other developer said that Sorrow's Furnace will be noth west of Camp Rankor!

Immortal Flame

Immortal Flame

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Well there could be a few different entrances, probably one in Lornars and one in Tascas. To the topic though, probably for the same reason that the other two "ascended end game" areas UW and FoW does not allow henchs, neither will Sorrows. Just my guess.



Wilds Pathfinder

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Originally Posted by POurab
Gaile or some other developer said that Sorrow's Furnace will be noth west of Camp Rankor!
well please put a link to where you saw that and you would be helpful

and there are alot of suspicious looking places where the entrance could be, not only by the grenth statue, but look in that cave in mineral springs, where the glowing orbs are, or the dragon thing in droknars, if you explore the entire maps like i do, you will find lots of stuff like that, so until someone official says for sure where it is, i guess none of us know until tomorrow


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


so now because the southern shiverpeaks ( Lornars in particular ) is so stupidly hard, that you need to run it, when sorrows furnace comes out, it will be available only to the elite players, thanks Anet! your going to f--- up again!

Takeko Nakano

Takeko Nakano

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Join Date: Aug 2005

Great Britain


Originally Posted by Kobun King
I don't see how being frustrated with retarded PUGs is better than finishing the game too soon with henches. Infact, it's much worse. It's not like this game is long anyways.
I have to agree. For short or fairly simple quests, I don't mind using NPCs. But I always go with human players on missions and long/difficult quests - or just whenever possible.

However NPCs are crucial, because some locations have very few human players visit them. If there were no NPCs, you'd have to solo those quests completely by yourself.

Takeko Nakano

Takeko Nakano

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Great Britain


Originally Posted by Legendary Battousai
as to why people think the entrance is in sorrows furnace, is because if you have ever been on a drok rush/run, near the end of Lonars Path, theres a hidden cave which leads to a shrine of Grenth. As of now, it takes you to the underworld, yet people suspect it to be changed. Im not saying that it will be, but that is where the rumor stemed from.

"The journey through Grenth's Footprint and Sorrow's Furnace will not be easy, but entering the area will be!"

I don't think they'd be so stupid as to make access to their flagship update as difficult as to make you go on the Lornar's Pass run!


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


most players havnt seen 80% of the game.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by Takeko Nakano

The journey through Grenth's Footprint and Sorrow's Furnace will not be easy, but entering the area will be!
They also say that its "player skill not time spent playing" that affects your game play experience. which is a straight out lie.

Takeko Nakano

Takeko Nakano

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Great Britain


Originally Posted by Akimb0
They also say that its "player skill not time spent playing" that affects your game play experience. which is a straight out lie.
You didn't address my last point though. Why would they make access to their flagship update near impossible? If it is off Lornar's Pass, it's at a fairly "easy" stage, not miles off down the run.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

New England

Metallica Roadies


Originally Posted by Akimb0
so now because the southern shiverpeaks ( Lornars in particular ) is so stupidly hard, that you need to run it, when sorrows furnace comes out, it will be available only to the elite players, thanks Anet! your going to f--- up again!

Relax......... i believe anet has some idea of what they are doing, and what they need to do! its 1 more day, and then we can go at it! but i doubt it will be nearly impossible to get in. as long as they make it for only ascended chars, i will be happy. i dont want to see any lvl 1's or 2's there!

*Edit* *Off-Topic* and how does player skill not outweigh time spent playing? is this another argument for UAS?

i would think that someone who has played 200 hours of pvp will be better then someone who just picked it up, because those 200 hour honed the skills needed.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by neoteo
i really would love to see the game free from people that mostly use henchs to evolve in the game .
Quoted from the box. check it yourself if you still have it.

Jump right into a world of thousands where each mission is created just for you. Live a fast paced adventure without travel time delay, high death penalties, or spawn camping. Join with friends or play solo with a band of skillful henchman.
I like to play with other people during the BWE but as they went on the idiots and griefers showed up. For me it only takes one idiot/griefer to ruin my fun for the evening especially now that i have very little time. To me it isnt even worth my time looking at other players to complete quest or missions regardless if they are griefers/idiots or not.

As i said in my previous post, i still find it quite funny that a henchman aren't allowed into the FOW/UW but are allowed into the GvG/HoH(two places where henchman should never be allowed). I guess that the competitive PvP part of the game isnt too competitive


Fye Duron

Fye Duron

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Personally, I really hope that they do allow the henchies. I personally don't like too many PUGs. Plus I like to explore every part of the area not just the beaten path that everyone sees.



Jungle Guide

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Originally Posted by dargon
Actually, ShadowStorm, they'll be both in the same place as Sorrows Furnace is a mission and Grenth's Footsteps is the area around the mission. Much like Sanctum Cay and Stingray Strand or Iron Mines of Moldune and Frozen Forest.
can i see the evidence of this? ... every interview i have read on this does not incinuate this to me, and could very well change my idea where it will be. Firstly ... its no blind eye that access can come from port sledge ... i mean approx. 4 days ago a ship just appeared there. Says something, personally I thought these were '2 new exploarable areas' as stated in many interviews. Which leads me to belive they are not directly linked. They may be next to eachother, connected somehow, but not mission/area around mission.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


Like I said on the last post on page 1, I may have screwed up