Terrible place for an err=7...
Was playing today, finishing up ascension on my Mesmer, and decided to try the bonus for dragon's lair. I finished the mission, got my 1k xp and skill point, and went to pick up an egg. The moment I pressed skip, I err=7ed out and now I have the mission complete, but I have to completely re-do it to get to Droknar's....
Question is, has anyone else come across this issue? It happened way too fast to be a network problem on my part, and the moment I got kicked out I was able to log back in, so I think this may be a serverside/software bug.
Thanks in advance going to go redo the most tedious mission ever.
Question is, has anyone else come across this issue? It happened way too fast to be a network problem on my part, and the moment I got kicked out I was able to log back in, so I think this may be a serverside/software bug.
Thanks in advance going to go redo the most tedious mission ever.
Master Oria
i get them too. not often though, but i think everyone gets them. I was
traveling around in the desert with a guild mate a while back and we both
it an error 7. i didn't know he did untill i log back in and he told me he just
got an error and got booted out. so it wasen't an issue from the user side,
but had to be from the server. Its not a common error though and i would
not worry about it. my in-game /age is at 848 hours and i only got that error
3 or 4 times. its rare enough
traveling around in the desert with a guild mate a while back and we both
it an error 7. i didn't know he did untill i log back in and he told me he just
got an error and got booted out. so it wasen't an issue from the user side,
but had to be from the server. Its not a common error though and i would
not worry about it. my in-game /age is at 848 hours and i only got that error
3 or 4 times. its rare enough
Numa Pompilius
I think err #7 basically means "connection lost", it might be due to crappy connection (a friend of mine has a bad ISDN, and he gets that sometimes while playing with us) or it might be a server-side crash (then everyone in the instance should get it).
wow. iv logged bout 550 hrs and iv had err=7 over 20 times. once me and a guildie were in the fissure ( and on TS ). early on a guy got booted, a minute later his friend said that he told him he got err=7. about 45 min after that me and my guildie both scream WHAT!? at the exact same time as we both get err=7. in the begining i never got this, but i seem to be getting it 1-2 times a week now.
I think I got it even worse than you. I got the 1k and skill point from both the mission and the bonus. We were heading toward the portal, then I get the error. You can imagine how pissed off I was.
worse, even tho i didnt want to do thunderhead(which i didnt finish alrdy) i deicded 2 help a friend with thunderhead cuz he was stuck on it for a few weeks, and ive finished it in first try with my other characters so i decided to help.. we do really good and right as confessor dorian comes i accidently unplugged the modem lol and it ends up into a err=7 heh.... my fault but still thats worse...atleast he finished it
worst err 7 i had was after beating undead prince rucik on last mission they get on my nerves and peeps think u just left
I was in the final mission of the game, everyone had -30 DP but I had +6 bonus, 2 ppl had timed out, it was the end cinematic.....err=7 BOO YEAH GW shut me out. I put in all the effort and dragged my group to the end almost single handedly and THAT happens, bad bad timing.
Got Err=7 in Thunderhead yesterday, twice, in the same spot (near catapults) :S
That after organizing a nice guildie team - don't risk my nerves doing that one with PUGs.
Also Dragons Lair seemed to give me lots of Err=7s earlier, usually during the last movie, so I'm not particularly looking forward to going there with my 3rd char now :/
The most embarassing is lagging out in Tombs though
That after organizing a nice guildie team - don't risk my nerves doing that one with PUGs.
Also Dragons Lair seemed to give me lots of Err=7s earlier, usually during the last movie, so I'm not particularly looking forward to going there with my 3rd char now :/
The most embarassing is lagging out in Tombs though
Numa Pompilius
Just for the record... 300 hours, exactly three Err #7, all of them in the last week.
Commander Ryker
I don't think a day has gone by that I haven't gotten an err 7. The worst was when my guild was doing tombs and had just gotten to HOH. It did it with my first character in Thunderhead Keep when we were almost done, it's done it in the FOW and the UW. I've talked to the techs at anet and tried numerous things none of them worked. I've resigned myself to a life of err 7 while playing GW.
Gustav Gloomp
i get err 7 when i want to change districts. it wont let me leave the district then sometimes the game freezes and i hav to exit and restart the wholeee game again.
Ah, the infamous err=7, I think I've been lagged out of every possible situation in the game. In fact my proudest moment in the whole game is when I completed the last mission, not because I did more than half of it with only 4 people, but because I was lagging like hell and managed to not get lagged out until 3 seconds after I got to Droknars.
Interesting thread: i've been insisting to anet the various errors i get regularly (error 7 and 10 mostly, with occasional 8 and 40-something) are their fault not mine, citing evidence such as other members of my party getting them at the same time, and they have been insisting right back that it's my connection. Maybe if i copy this thread, with so many ppl complaining about it happeneing, they will finally accept they have an issue. Also, btw, if you ever get an error while trying to map-jump between towns or districts, i have found a simple solution - press N, and it will say "connection to freinds server lost". Click connect, it does so, and everything is fine again (for a while, anyway). I seem to lose my connection in this way if i stand still too long - ie while trying to sell something in a town.
Originally Posted by Gustav Gloomp
i get err 7 when i want to change districts. it wont let me leave the district then sometimes the game freezes and i hav to exit and restart the wholeee game again.
on this pc i cant log out at all without GW crashing, I error 7 all the time, and nowadays i get error 10 a lot. cant change towns, cant map travel at all, have to relog back into friends, which i dont get, basically Anet suck.
I used to get the error daily with my cable connection and wireless router. After a while I realised that because my computer was in the corner of my room the wireless probably wasn't getting through properly. Ever since I moved the computer (2 meters) I don't think I've dropped out once.
Kool Pajamas
My worst was one day trying to get to ice tooth cave. 3 times I got err=7 when I was about 1 minute away from getting there.
does this error 7 just disconnect you from the game or cause your computer to crash?? I ve had several instances where during a battle my pc will just crash to reboot?? If any of you have experienced this and know how to fix it let me know, please
Commander Ryker
Originally Posted by bowsmack71
does this error 7 just disconnect you from the game or cause your computer to crash?? I ve had several instances where during a battle my pc will just crash to reboot?? If any of you have experienced this and know how to fix it let me know, please
When I get the err 7 it just goes to the sign in screen. I've never had it crash (while playing GW) to reboot. Sounds like your computer. Do you have enough ram and an updated video card?
i have it a lot 2 like 2/3 times a week
then my internet just disconnects
everyone is offcourse mad at you because they think you left
that's why before every mission i right down 1 name and if i get the error i can whisper that person to appologyze but it wasn't my fault
normally they aren't really that pissed at me when i say that
then my internet just disconnects
everyone is offcourse mad at you because they think you left
that's why before every mission i right down 1 name and if i get the error i can whisper that person to appologyze but it wasn't my fault
normally they aren't really that pissed at me when i say that
Divine Elemental
i always get err 7 when in vault or hoh......
ive gotten it atleast 3 times all time i played its either server crash bug / bad connection
cable connection wirelessly (comcast)
i have the router beside me.... but i got disconnecteed 1-3 times but thats when comcast crashed i think or some bad reason
ive gotten it atleast 3 times all time i played its either server crash bug / bad connection
cable connection wirelessly (comcast)
i have the router beside me.... but i got disconnecteed 1-3 times but thats when comcast crashed i think or some bad reason
The worst place is finishing Thunderhead keep and then getting err 7 and finding out that the mission is not complete.
Also in fow and just before getting to the forgemaster to get your armor.
p.s if you think Dragon lair is the most tedious mession ever wait till you get to thunderhead.
Also in fow and just before getting to the forgemaster to get your armor.
p.s if you think Dragon lair is the most tedious mession ever wait till you get to thunderhead.
I get err 7 sometimes.. mostly it is when i am in a fighting arena and then my pc totally freezes. which s**ks.. then i have to reset my pc.. ah well i get used to it now.. but i still don't like it!
The EXACT same thing happened to me, same place same thing. The party I was in decided to try the bonus, cutscene comes up and everyone else presses skip, so I do and Er=7. Darnit.
Err 7 is simply a disconnect error, it can be cause by an Anet server crash, or a crash of any server you hop through to connect with Anet. It can also be cause by a laggy server that causes too many packets from your end to be dropped before reaching Anet, so you can still be technically connected, but get err7 because for all intents and purposes, Anet's server doesn't actually know you're there and drops you.
I've had some embarrassing err 7's in HoH and arena pugs, so far though, nobody's given me grief for "quitting" on them. Luckily errors are pretty rare for me.
Thinking more about this error, and people having it happen in the same specific areas quite often, I wonder if user side cpu lag, such as caused by a ton of crap happening all at once on screen, can actually effect the info being sent back to Anet, causing a disconnect similar to a net lag issue where Anet just doesn't get enough info from you and drops you.
I've had some embarrassing err 7's in HoH and arena pugs, so far though, nobody's given me grief for "quitting" on them. Luckily errors are pretty rare for me.
Thinking more about this error, and people having it happen in the same specific areas quite often, I wonder if user side cpu lag, such as caused by a ton of crap happening all at once on screen, can actually effect the info being sent back to Anet, causing a disconnect similar to a net lag issue where Anet just doesn't get enough info from you and drops you.
the drizzle
Originally Posted by pstation3
worst err 7 i had was after beating undead prince rucik on last mission they get on my nerves and peeps think u just left
thats happened to me like 2ce now...and ive only had the game for 2 weeeks and played only like 30 sth hours. and it only seems to happen while watching the end-movie of a mission...
Most embarassing err=7 situation? Standing up to stretch my legs with my laptop and accidentally stepping on the network cable, pulling out the back! D'oh!
Night Raven
Bought the game last June and got 1 or 2 Err=7 in about 2 months.
Two weeks ago, we were trying to get the Divinity Coast bonus and it happened like 8 times in the same day! Believe me, i almost got branded as a "leaver".
I called my ISP and they changed my cable modem.
Never happened since.
Two weeks ago, we were trying to get the Divinity Coast bonus and it happened like 8 times in the same day! Believe me, i almost got branded as a "leaver".
I called my ISP and they changed my cable modem.
Never happened since.