Kai Nui
What glitches have you found?
Here are all the following that I've found.
Auroa Glade - You can go behind the portal by going to the side of it.
Granite Citadel - You can go behind the portal by going to the side of it.
D'alessio Seaboard - You can die if you stand against the gate. It is hard, the easiest possible ways are take off your armour, save your presearing armour, use superior runes, or get run there or find a way to get there at a low level... or a combination of these. I have seen people dead here, but I haven't successfully done it... yet.
I'm sure there are more places where you can go past the portals, and if you know them, post them. They're kind of fun to use to tease the people from behind the portals. Especially since there's not much else fun in the game to do really.
Here are all the following that I've found.
Auroa Glade - You can go behind the portal by going to the side of it.
Granite Citadel - You can go behind the portal by going to the side of it.
D'alessio Seaboard - You can die if you stand against the gate. It is hard, the easiest possible ways are take off your armour, save your presearing armour, use superior runes, or get run there or find a way to get there at a low level... or a combination of these. I have seen people dead here, but I haven't successfully done it... yet.
I'm sure there are more places where you can go past the portals, and if you know them, post them. They're kind of fun to use to tease the people from behind the portals. Especially since there's not much else fun in the game to do really.
Naughty or cool stuff with the camera glitching
Low level or out of place monsters appear at boss spawn spots in S. Shiverpeaks when the boss isn't there.
A bugged. repeatable something or other in post searing that drops dyes like in pre searing i.e. lots - do not freaking PM me asking info (WARNED)
Monks can dance on air in Droknars and you can see the hole in their skull in a desert town.
One time the shadows in whitmans knocked me down and i was stuck knocked down for about a minute.. sliding around on my butt and couldn't do anything while my henches killed em
hmm what else..
Low level or out of place monsters appear at boss spawn spots in S. Shiverpeaks when the boss isn't there.
A bugged. repeatable something or other in post searing that drops dyes like in pre searing i.e. lots - do not freaking PM me asking info (WARNED)
Monks can dance on air in Droknars and you can see the hole in their skull in a desert town.
One time the shadows in whitmans knocked me down and i was stuck knocked down for about a minute.. sliding around on my butt and couldn't do anything while my henches killed em
hmm what else..
Sereng Amaranth
Zoned out of ToA to try to get another zone. We were doing Galrath. When we zoned back in, we lost someone. They were in the zone and we were in ToA. Reminded me of the original Star Trek movie when they were testing the new teleporters and the dude got disintegrated.
Trek nerd moment!!
It wasn't just a dude, it was two people. The first was the new Vulcan science officer, Sonak I think was his name, and the other was an admiral who happened to be Kirk's ex-wife. He married some admiral in the years between TOS and TMP and they divorced soon after. I can't remember why she was coming on board, but she got fried along with the Vulcan. The poor girl at the controls was old Yeoman Rand, the pretty skirt from TOS. Apparently she got promoted.
We now return you to that thing we call reality.
It wasn't just a dude, it was two people. The first was the new Vulcan science officer, Sonak I think was his name, and the other was an admiral who happened to be Kirk's ex-wife. He married some admiral in the years between TOS and TMP and they divorced soon after. I can't remember why she was coming on board, but she got fried along with the Vulcan. The poor girl at the controls was old Yeoman Rand, the pretty skirt from TOS. Apparently she got promoted.

We now return you to that thing we call reality.
You can pass the portal in Lornar's Pass into Beacon's perch
And I once got stuck in the ground at Divinity Coast, where you go to the fountain to cleanse yourself, right next to the top step.
And I once got stuck in the ground at Divinity Coast, where you go to the fountain to cleanse yourself, right next to the top step.
Mercury Angel
You can use corpse exploitation spells in Divinity Coast to enter the cleansing area prematurely, causing the mission to become unbeatable.
The objective becomes to get cleansed in the fountain, and so the Justiciar won't open the gate. Then, you've got a necromancer that CAN get cleansed, but can't get out. Getting cleansed will ready you for the next mission objective, but without any of the party near the Eye of Janthir actually cleansed, the eye won't budge.
If you had a vampiric item, you could suicide outside of the gate and let the necromancer travel back through, I suppose.
More of an unforseen complication than a glitch.
The objective becomes to get cleansed in the fountain, and so the Justiciar won't open the gate. Then, you've got a necromancer that CAN get cleansed, but can't get out. Getting cleansed will ready you for the next mission objective, but without any of the party near the Eye of Janthir actually cleansed, the eye won't budge.
If you had a vampiric item, you could suicide outside of the gate and let the necromancer travel back through, I suppose.
More of an unforseen complication than a glitch.
One and Two
Long glitch....send it to anet i guess...
but this one. sit down in the lake in destiny gorge, and my fem monk loses her hair!
but this one. sit down in the lake in destiny gorge, and my fem monk loses her hair!
put your cameria angle below water level. then ur air reappers; i lost dead bodys of Tengu in the lake then when i put my cameria in the water POOF there they are.
Long time ago (around May?) henchies walked through the air outside Yak's Bend. They ran without stopping then eventually died. When I got there to see the corpses, I flew too. I still have the screenshots, but in my home's comp.
Originally Posted by One and Two
Long glitch....send it to anet i guess...
but this one. sit down in the lake in destiny gorge, and my fem monk loses her hair! |

Numa Pompilius
Speaking of slightly fuxx0red graphics, did you know there's been flooding in Majestys Rest?
Also did you know theres a floating torch in Eastern Frontier?
Also, did you encounter the Royal Charr Airforces of Surmia?
Originally Posted by coleslawdressin
One time the shadows in whitmans knocked me down and i was stuck knocked down for about a minute.. sliding around on my butt and couldn't do anything while my henches killed em
hmm what else.. |
Originally Posted by quickmonty
Had that happen to me outside Piken .... slid around on my butt and back into Piken. Funniest thing I've seen in GW
I got stuck on the landscape wayyy back near Grendich, I think. I could only spin around. My teammates tried pulling some monsters to kill me, to see if I would die & resurrect to cure the glitch. Damn things weren't strong enough, had to strip naked for them to hurt me, and I finally died in my skivvies. Anyway, that didn't work.
Thunderhead Keep has a plethora of oddities. Everyone knows about running through the closed gate; but, also walking the wooden planks up to the King's pedestal area, one at a time, all of our party members "slipped" down in what seemed to be the crack between the planks. Under the Boardwalk.
And what is with warriors being able to kill the tower inhabitants at Riverside with melee?
You have to stand inside the wall of ice at Borlis Pass, in order to place the powder keg in the proper place, to destroy that wall.
EDIT: I almost forgot, we were doing Borlis Pass, and one of our guildies accidentally dropped the torch after lighting the first beacon--and it disappeared. Pressing alt key, we finally located it behind the beacon, but at the BOTTOM of the ravine behind. I didn't think things "tumbled" downhill...
Thunderhead Keep has a plethora of oddities. Everyone knows about running through the closed gate; but, also walking the wooden planks up to the King's pedestal area, one at a time, all of our party members "slipped" down in what seemed to be the crack between the planks. Under the Boardwalk.
And what is with warriors being able to kill the tower inhabitants at Riverside with melee?
You have to stand inside the wall of ice at Borlis Pass, in order to place the powder keg in the proper place, to destroy that wall.
EDIT: I almost forgot, we were doing Borlis Pass, and one of our guildies accidentally dropped the torch after lighting the first beacon--and it disappeared. Pressing alt key, we finally located it behind the beacon, but at the BOTTOM of the ravine behind. I didn't think things "tumbled" downhill...
Near the exit at Port Sledge you can walk down a slope which takes you under water. Also, at the top left of the second set of stairs from the left in Droknars you can walk up the cliff a little way.
The Mighty Toe
Not so much of a glitch as an oddity; but go to Lion's Arch, go through Merchant's Row from the fountain and at the end on your right, there is a cage. Run close to the cliff behind it and you go into it and dance cage.
The Mighty Toe
You can also walk along the cliffs in Lion's Arch if you go to the ones at the end of Merchant's Row.
Mercury Angel
Originally Posted by Sofonisba
And what is with warriors being able to kill the tower inhabitants at Riverside with melee?
It should mean the game is actually a 2d game, with a 3d perspective, seeing as it doesn't acknowledge vertical distance. (Warriors will attack you from under/on top of bridges, when you're far far away, vertically. However, since you're close enough laterally, it doesn't matter.)
In Dragon's Gullet there is a rock that resembles Pride Rock from the Lion King. I was running at it, and meant to go around it but ended up going through it..sort of. It ended up teleporting my to the top of the rock, You could see the whole map lol. It's a pretty scenic spot, I've taken a few groups there that were interested. Not sure if it is intentional like an Easter Egg or just a simple glitch. But I've never had it happen anywhere else.
Just walkup to it, and keep'll windup on top of it, it's really high up. Just as simple to get down too. Makes for a nice screenshot..and no one can resist saying things like "On top of the world" and such :P.
_-Edit-_ So maybe Dragon's Gullet isn't totally useless after all, at least you can get a good view
. And..of course..that extra-special collector bag out there...>>
Just walkup to it, and keep'll windup on top of it, it's really high up. Just as simple to get down too. Makes for a nice screenshot..and no one can resist saying things like "On top of the world" and such :P.
_-Edit-_ So maybe Dragon's Gullet isn't totally useless after all, at least you can get a good view
The milk shake
lol, in the bloodstone fen mission near the bonus, u can walk right up a wall.
Entering scoundrel's rise you can pass by the gate, and the lighting is way different than if you actually go there. Unfortunately you can't usually explore far before getting to the edge.
In Borlis Pass, at the part where you blow up the snow bank to get into the cave where the bonus is, you can walk partially through the snow, and you can walk really far up the steep slope to the left of it.
In the Fissure of Woe, in the Wailing lord quest, when you cross the bridge, on the far side of the bridge you can walk down the slope to the river underneath the bridge.
In Borlis Pass, at the part where you blow up the snow bank to get into the cave where the bonus is, you can walk partially through the snow, and you can walk really far up the steep slope to the left of it.
In the Fissure of Woe, in the Wailing lord quest, when you cross the bridge, on the far side of the bridge you can walk down the slope to the river underneath the bridge.
Bingley Joe
If you walk up the path at the right side of the exit at Bergen Hot Springs and follow it all the way to the end you can trigger the instance.
Originally Posted by Bingley Joe
If you walk up the path at the right side of the exit at Bergen Hot Springs and follow it all the way to the end you can trigger the instance.
Originally Posted by The Mighty Toe
You can also walk along the cliffs in Lion's Arch if you go to the ones at the end of Merchant's Row.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Elona's Reach glitch. Unless it was fixed?
Anyway, if someone stands right next to the gate and you try to walk beside them but facing the gate you'll actually "push" through the gate. Doesn't even start the timer. Get someone with a pet and then everyone can go through.
Anyway, if someone stands right next to the gate and you try to walk beside them but facing the gate you'll actually "push" through the gate. Doesn't even start the timer. Get someone with a pet and then everyone can go through.
Puddin Tame
I'm always the one that gets stuck under stairs/other undesirable locations in tombs maps...
Mineral Springs: after passing one boss location at a bridge and getting near another boss location with a bridge, you can turn left and get to another boss location. (I have seen the Mesmer boss here most often.) There is a small cliff, walk towards that cliff and you end up standing on the ice.
Pre-Searing Ascalon City: go up all the stairs. There's a NPC with a hammer in his hands. Behind him is a house/building, some grass and a wall. On the minimap it shows an area enclosed by other walls behind this big wall. I have seen players standing there, appearing and disappearing again. I don't think it's a location you can walk to (Not like if you go right behind Prince Rurik, walk towards Cynn, pass the gate in the wall and watch the battle between Charr and human NPC's, notice King Adelbern on the side watching the battle as well.)
Pre-Searing Ascalon City: go up all the stairs. There's a NPC with a hammer in his hands. Behind him is a house/building, some grass and a wall. On the minimap it shows an area enclosed by other walls behind this big wall. I have seen players standing there, appearing and disappearing again. I don't think it's a location you can walk to (Not like if you go right behind Prince Rurik, walk towards Cynn, pass the gate in the wall and watch the battle between Charr and human NPC's, notice King Adelbern on the side watching the battle as well.)
Surprised no one mentioned the glitch at Thunderkeep mission with passable doors.
Originally Posted by coolsti
Surprised no one mentioned the glitch at Thunderkeep mission with passable doors.
Ashley Twig
Did somebody mention the few bridges that you walk over, put it looks like you're going under it?
Originally Posted by coolsti
Surprised no one mentioned the glitch at Thunderkeep mission with passable doors.
The glitch in AB when you stop moving. You cannot attack, or be attacked, by melee, dunno about you attacking with wands and the like. Only rangers can hit you =S
lol u resurected a one year old thread
Hey, don't knock him. His reply was totally related to the topic and proved that he used the search button.
Former Ruling
At the GWFC in game 1 of iQ vs WM, iQ's number two got the "stuck in ground" glitch lol.
That is common for GvG maps - and I'm sure the people there were impressed with the Glitching of the game they are promoting lol.
That is common for GvG maps - and I'm sure the people there were impressed with the Glitching of the game they are promoting lol.
Originally Posted by Sekkira
Hey, don't knock him. His reply was totally related to the topic and proved that he used the search button.

so ill post something.
there is an anoying glitch that wen many mobs are attacking you and u hit a running skill, u can get out of the "circle" that they make around you, but even if you are miles away they will still hit you, and u will keep teleporting back to your location, anoying as hell.
Carl Butanananowski
that would be called LAG.
and no one mentioned the dragons lair glitch? where you walk thru the portal in ToPK
and no one mentioned the dragons lair glitch? where you walk thru the portal in ToPK
Originally Posted by Carl Butanananowski
that would be called LAG.
and no one mentioned the dragons lair glitch? where you walk thru the portal in ToPK |
That's lag.