Warrior/Necro ! Please suggestion my build!
Zealot Dang
Zealot Duelz
Strength: 10+1
Blood: 11
Galrath Slash
FInal Thrust
Plauge Touch
Vampire Gaze
Life Transfer (Elite)
Rush to call target, WildBlow, get critical hit, then attack, Galrash, then keep doing it, until target foe health below 50%, Final Thurst + WildBlow
While attacking, watch out ur health, if it goes down, use Vampire gaze, then Life Transfer.
Plauge Touch, transfer any conditions on u to foe.
Sprint/Hamstring work together to Cripple foe.
Please suggest your comments. Thanks
Strength: 10+1
Blood: 11
Galrath Slash
FInal Thrust
Plauge Touch
Vampire Gaze
Life Transfer (Elite)
Rush to call target, WildBlow, get critical hit, then attack, Galrash, then keep doing it, until target foe health below 50%, Final Thurst + WildBlow
While attacking, watch out ur health, if it goes down, use Vampire gaze, then Life Transfer.
Plauge Touch, transfer any conditions on u to foe.
Sprint/Hamstring work together to Cripple foe.
Please suggest your comments. Thanks
[email protected]
I looked into this a little, and understand your strategy. It's good, but I'm wondering about rez and have you considered Berserker Stance.
Swop vampire gaze for vampirc touch - you'll be in melee range anyway as a W
Plus, touch does more stealing, so works better. Good build though, I might have to steal it :P
Satire Elexus
One suggestion. Weaken armour (-20 armour for 10 - 34 seconds). You will be able to slice your way through any caster with much ease

White Designs
What is it for?
Just a quick fix here... drop blood, lower strength to 8+1 (or whatever your shield requires), raise swordsmanship to 12 base + 4 from sup rune + hat, put the rest in death and swap life transfer for virulence. Or do something similar to that and get a different necro elite besides life transfer/virulence if you want. Swap vampiric gaze for frenzy. Use hamstring then virulence. Have more faith in your monk(s).
You will run into major energy problems with sprint/hamstring/plague touch/gaze/life transfer, frenzy/virulence in for gaze/transfer is much less stress on your energy pool, especially when you're using frenzy intelligently and not spamming it. Plus frenzy/virulence are much more useful than gaze/transfer if you are being ignored.
You will run into major energy problems with sprint/hamstring/plague touch/gaze/life transfer, frenzy/virulence in for gaze/transfer is much less stress on your energy pool, especially when you're using frenzy intelligently and not spamming it. Plus frenzy/virulence are much more useful than gaze/transfer if you are being ignored.
Yukito Kunisaki
Good thoughts Jake...
That original build requires WAAAAY too much energy and needs a Frenzy + Zealous Sword Hilt for it to gain any headway. Seems you're interested in blood magic huh? In that case... maybe this bloody swordsman?
12+1+3 Swordsmanship
8+1 Strength
10 Blood Magic
Sever Artery
Hundred Blades {E}
Plague Touch
Vampiric Touch
Ressurection Signet / Strip Enchantment
It's not a Rend Enchantments, but it's better than nothing and it heals for quite a bunch. What? SELF-HEALS!!! YOU N00B!!! Little note there for all you pros, the healing is just a side affect. Plague Touch heals you, hurts them... Vamp Touch does ARMOR IGNORING damage. That's the important note. Strip Enchantment heals you, but you still strip an enchantment right?
These are all uncounterable secondary skills too. Hexes like Life Siphon/Transfer suck because hex removal is rampant in most places. Can't counter Vamp Touch/Strip Enchantment.
No hamstring needed. Too expensive for an easily removal condition and without Zealous Hilt, you'll REALLY be strapped for energy. Gladiator Armor should help here.
*edit* maybe Offering of Blood {E} to offset the Vampiric Touch's extreme energy consumption, but that's iffy. Not sure what to replace it with.
That original build requires WAAAAY too much energy and needs a Frenzy + Zealous Sword Hilt for it to gain any headway. Seems you're interested in blood magic huh? In that case... maybe this bloody swordsman?
12+1+3 Swordsmanship
8+1 Strength
10 Blood Magic
Sever Artery
Hundred Blades {E}
Plague Touch
Vampiric Touch
Ressurection Signet / Strip Enchantment
It's not a Rend Enchantments, but it's better than nothing and it heals for quite a bunch. What? SELF-HEALS!!! YOU N00B!!! Little note there for all you pros, the healing is just a side affect. Plague Touch heals you, hurts them... Vamp Touch does ARMOR IGNORING damage. That's the important note. Strip Enchantment heals you, but you still strip an enchantment right?
These are all uncounterable secondary skills too. Hexes like Life Siphon/Transfer suck because hex removal is rampant in most places. Can't counter Vamp Touch/Strip Enchantment.
No hamstring needed. Too expensive for an easily removal condition and without Zealous Hilt, you'll REALLY be strapped for energy. Gladiator Armor should help here.
*edit* maybe Offering of Blood {E} to offset the Vampiric Touch's extreme energy consumption, but that's iffy. Not sure what to replace it with.
@Yukito - VT sense, but the OP originally listed VG. I wonder if he had a use in mind for it? VG can be fired at a retreating enemy (twice maybe), plus requires less energy. Just depends on what he's planning on doing with it.
I think I'd use Bonetti's rather that OoB.
(Don't use VT if you use Bonetti's)
I think I'd use Bonetti's rather that OoB.
(Don't use VT if you use Bonetti's)
Zealot Dang
Pretty kool suggestion! Thanks a lot
Is that really a problem if we use Frenzy, it takes double dmg.
Hundred Blades? ya, i should think of that
Here 's my fixed build:
Zealot Duelz
Strength: 8+1
Blood: 10
Wild Blow (1)
Hundred Blades (2) *Elite*
Frenzy (3)
Galrath Slash (4)
Sprint (5)
Hamstring (6)
Plauge Touch (7)
Strip Enchantment (8)
Beside that, i spent many times to decide which weapon is better with W/Ne build. Sword or Axe ...
I know Yukito posted many topics talk about W/Ne build. He 's kinda experienced on this build. But ya, please don't call anyone noob man
like me example, i start playing Ele/Mes or Ele/Mo 4 months, i 'm quite exp about it. But for W/Ne, yup, i need to learn something.
Is that really a problem if we use Frenzy, it takes double dmg.
Hundred Blades? ya, i should think of that
Here 's my fixed build:
Zealot Duelz
Strength: 8+1
Blood: 10
Wild Blow (1)
Hundred Blades (2) *Elite*
Frenzy (3)
Galrath Slash (4)
Sprint (5)
Hamstring (6)
Plauge Touch (7)
Strip Enchantment (8)
Beside that, i spent many times to decide which weapon is better with W/Ne build. Sword or Axe ...
I know Yukito posted many topics talk about W/Ne build. He 's kinda experienced on this build. But ya, please don't call anyone noob man

like me example, i start playing Ele/Mes or Ele/Mo 4 months, i 'm quite exp about it. But for W/Ne, yup, i need to learn something.

Yukito Kunisaki
Originally Posted by Zealot Dang
Is that really a problem if we use Frenzy, it takes double dmg.
Hundred Blades? ya, i should think of that
Here 's my fixed build:
Zealot Duelz
Strength: 8+1
Blood: 10
Wild Blow (1)
Hundred Blades (2) *Elite*
Frenzy (3)
Galrath Slash (4)
Sprint (5)
Hamstring (6)
Plauge Touch (7)
Strip Enchantment (8)
Beside that, i spent many times to decide which weapon is better with W/Ne build. Sword or Axe ...
I know Yukito posted many topics talk about W/Ne build. He 's kinda experienced on this build. But ya, please don't call anyone noob man

like me example, i start playing Ele/Mes or Ele/Mo 4 months, i 'm quite exp about it. But for W/Ne, yup, i need to learn something.

Furthermore, Wild Blow vs. Seeking Blade, too many wards/enchants that allow blocking/evading. In that regard, Wild Blow falls short. Still, I see only Galrath Slash in there, so maybe it's worth it. [just Wild Blow when they stance or right after you Galrath].
I'd say replace hamstring with Vamp Gaze. If they're running, look at them for a second and watch them die... Removing cripple is too common... [unless you're fighting morons, which with this build, I assume happens about 75% of the time...]
Due to lack of there being a more useful swordsmanship elite, I guess I would suggest a Victory is Mine! {E} build for this setup. Hundred Blades is said by many to pretty much be junk as a skill. [I miss the days when it wasn't elite, however the bomb that was IW + HB was quite fierce and therefore it needed the nerf...]
You don't need Tactics with ViM! however since it's the energy we want.
bow user thing
i always use axes for my warrior builds, but this is mine(PvP)
grenths balance
axe rake
excutioners strike
disturbing chop
I will avenge you
For great justice
rez sig
let my whole team die start rezing with i will avenge you then if i have low heath target someone with full and grenths balance on them. only lost a few fights with this build
and my attribute points are
16 axe 13 or 14 str
usually bring a while hexed sheild and a furious axe of defence
grenths balance
axe rake
excutioners strike
disturbing chop
I will avenge you
For great justice
rez sig
let my whole team die start rezing with i will avenge you then if i have low heath target someone with full and grenths balance on them. only lost a few fights with this build
and my attribute points are
16 axe 13 or 14 str
usually bring a while hexed sheild and a furious axe of defence
Originally Posted by Zealot Dang
Is that really a problem if we use Frenzy, it takes double dmg.
Hundred Blades? ya, i should think of that
Here 's my fixed build:
Zealot Duelz
Strength: 8+1
Blood: 10
Wild Blow (1)
Hundred Blades (2) *Elite*
Frenzy (3)
Galrath Slash (4)
Sprint (5)
Hamstring (6)
Plauge Touch (7)
Strip Enchantment (8)
Beside that, i spent many times to decide which weapon is better with W/Ne build. Sword or Axe ...
I know Yukito posted many topics talk about W/Ne build. He 's kinda experienced on this build. But ya, please don't call anyone noob man

like me example, i start playing Ele/Mes or Ele/Mo 4 months, i 'm quite exp about it. But for W/Ne, yup, i need to learn something.

not only W/N, all warriors should not i mean..
Yukito Kunisaki
Well, Hundred Blades probably shines brightest when used in conjunction with a Conjure or Judge's Insight or something...
Aside from that, I'd have to say I made a booboo regarding that build. Swordsmen can cause conditions faster than the other classes thanks to only 4 adr. and 7 so you can use that with plague touch and blam, 15 energy for 5e. Not a bad trade.
Well, here's an idea, best for pvp I'm sure
12+1+3 sword
9+1 strength
10 blood magic
Sever Artery
Galraths Slash/Savage Slash
Victory is Mine! {E}
Plague Touch
Vampiric Gaze/Strip Enchantment/Res Sig
Depending on your teammates, your arena, and your foes, choose skills accordingly and your damage will be great. A bloody deepwounded foe eating a critical galrath to the face won't be living long and with energy to feed both your vamp gaze and your plague touch, the synergy should be quite devastating.
Aside from that, I'd have to say I made a booboo regarding that build. Swordsmen can cause conditions faster than the other classes thanks to only 4 adr. and 7 so you can use that with plague touch and blam, 15 energy for 5e. Not a bad trade.
Well, here's an idea, best for pvp I'm sure
12+1+3 sword
9+1 strength
10 blood magic
Sever Artery
Galraths Slash/Savage Slash
Victory is Mine! {E}
Plague Touch
Vampiric Gaze/Strip Enchantment/Res Sig
Depending on your teammates, your arena, and your foes, choose skills accordingly and your damage will be great. A bloody deepwounded foe eating a critical galrath to the face won't be living long and with energy to feed both your vamp gaze and your plague touch, the synergy should be quite devastating.