Are bows like the composite bow, with which arrows have shorter fly time, dodged or missed fewer times than bows like the horn bow?
Do skills like "Read the Wind" or "Favorable Winds" with which the arrows fly faster make the arrows be fewer times dodged or missed?
Thank you.
Are fast arrows dodged or missed fewer times?
Yes. The more level an arrow, and the faster it's flight, the harder it is for your target to dodge it.
John Waffletord
unless they have a skill that dodges attacks.
Arrow flight time is what balances out things like the Long and Flat Bows. Both have the best range, but Flatbows fire faster. However most people still prefer Longbows because the arrows have a shorter flight time and are much more accurate against a moving target at long ranges.
Favorable winds and read the wind both give a huge advantage to the flatbow.
Thank you all, very interesting!
Note: Yes, I have read that, the Flat Bow is the bow which has the longest arrow flight time (1 second), and is among the fastests (1 arrow/ 2 seconds) bows. Also, wish to comment that: I have got a Flat Bow which gives +1 energy on hit, but -1 energy regeneration; this may be interesting if one can hit 1 time per 2 seconds more than 66% of the time.
Note: Yes, I have read that, the Flat Bow is the bow which has the longest arrow flight time (1 second), and is among the fastests (1 arrow/ 2 seconds) bows. Also, wish to comment that: I have got a Flat Bow which gives +1 energy on hit, but -1 energy regeneration; this may be interesting if one can hit 1 time per 2 seconds more than 66% of the time.
Thats why so many prefer Stormbows I believe, as they have very fast flight speed