Question About Superior Absorption???


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


I was wondering which piece of armor to add the superior absorption? Ive read that the computer randomly decides where you get hit by an opponent and its usually torso, then leg area. So does this mean that I should put superior absorption on breastplate(cuirass)? Thanks


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

Urban Heros


i was reading yesterday that it doesnt matter and that it's a universal damage reduction of 3. same for Knights and Ascalon armour.

But i've also read that it is localised. so people will probably tell you both, i dont know how you would go about testing it.

Count Feanor

Count Feanor

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Hellsing Organization or... RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!

The Royal Priesthood


Put it in the chest piece. You could put it elsewhere but it doesn't really matter. The damage reduction of absorbtion runes are global while, I believe, dmg reduction in armor pieces are local (Knights, Ascalon).



Ministry of Technology

Join Date: Feb 2005

Washington D.C.

Idiot Savants


Damage reduction is global for everything unless they've recently changed it.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by Sarus
Damage reduction is global for everything unless they've recently changed it.
That's final, don't make up any lame arguments that they changed it with the equipment exploit fix, that's what the manual says, etc. because it isn't.