So, from what I gather hitting lvl cap takes a couple of days. My question is what happens after that? Is there an alternative to constant FPS style PvP action? Don't get me wrong, I'm an avid PvPer, been so ever since UO, but I do like that little PvE flare to my games. Basicly my question is - Is there some challenging PvE content in this game? Dungeons, maybe even raid content?
The other thing I need to ask is, how is this game going to support itself? Client sells only? I find that hard to believe. Im sure NC Soft is not going to jump head first into something that's not going to be profitable, but with the recent SOE "pioneering" of the "approved" secondary market I'm a little bit concerned. So if you guys know anything I don't please share. I don't want to invest time into a game that's going to be dominated by the secondary market (lineage 2, anyone?).
That's the two major ones, I'm sorry if I sound a bit paranoid, but WoW was such a huge disappointment to me, that I decided to be cautious before getting excited again