IS a shadow bow a long or short bow?
rugal nuker
pls help...thx much
Storm bow is long
Storm bow is long
I coulda swore it was just an ivory bow, (wich suck)
Krank is right.
Shadow Bows are exactly the same as Horn Bows and Ivory Bows
with a range of 80', a flight time of 0.75 seconds and a refire rate of 2.7 seconds
Shadow Bows are exactly the same as Horn Bows and Ivory Bows
with a range of 80', a flight time of 0.75 seconds and a refire rate of 2.7 seconds
how good are eternal bows?
Storm bows are not long, they are compound
storm bows are long.
eternals are same as composites which, imo, is best for sniping
eternals are same as composites which, imo, is best for sniping
The table says storm bows are long, I disagree because I grouped with a guildmate that had one. I could fire from further away than he could at the same mob.
maybe the guildy attacked closer to the monster then u did... and wasn't firing at max range... ?
storm bows have the same stats as long bows... case closed
storm bows have the same stats as long bows... case closed