What is the Hall of Heros?
The Hoh is a battle (which is faught every 10minutes). It can be accessed through the Tomb of Premeival Kings which is a place you get to from either a Pvp character or going thru a warp in Dragons Lair. What people do here is create a group (of 8 players) and enter the mission in order to go to Hoh and gain favor for America. But its not easy, you will have to go through battles leading up to the Hall and in the process fighting good teams along the way, such as ranked guild teams etc. Before gaining entrance to the Hall of Heros you must fight on 8 Different maps:
1 The Underworld
2 Burial Mounds
3 Broken Tower
4 Scarred Earth
5 Unholy Temples
6 Dark Chambers
7 The Courtyard
8 Sacred Temples.
Maps 1, 2, 6 are all one versus one battles. You will be randomly picked with a team to take down to advance.
Maps 3 and 7 are altar maps, which is a map where you hold an altar for 10minutes or take the altar and cap it while the other team(s) try to take your hero down and cap before the time runs out. Map 3 is a 1vs1 so it is a common strat that you cap and fight the team. On the other hand map 7 is a 3way free for all. If you have the altar at one point both teams will attack at the same time, while (if your team has capped) tries to prevent other heros from capping (assuming your hero died) or just heal your hero and keep him on the altar.
Maps 8 and 5 are Relic runs.. These are one versus one where you run a relic back and forth (like capture the flag if you will). The goal is to get 3 more relics before your opponent caps one or cap the last relic.
Map 4 is a Four Way standoff, where 2 teams fight at a time (blue vs red) (yellow vs green) and the winners fight to advance.
Sometiems it will not always be in this order. You may skip, from Map 1 to Map 8 which saves you a lot of time fighting but you do not gain as much fame (for example). Some times, If you win at the right time, you can skip to the hall of heros.
Hall of Heros
The halls is an altar map and the objective is to cap the altar and keep possesion on it when the time runs out. Hoh matches last 10minutes long and start again after every win. The previous team will start the game already holding the altar. The message you see "Apathetic's Team has won the Hall of Heros, and keeps the favor of the gods for America" is an indication that a match has just ended and will begin in about a minute. This passing time is for the players who have just won to pick up their goodies they recieve from a nice little chest in the Hoh only accesseble to the winning team.
Yes, you get prizes for winning the Hoh. From the Chest drops (always) 3 Celestial Sigils. And 1 Gold Item. The rewards go to random players on the team (not necessarily the leader). Some times that one gold item that drops is better than the sigil. For example; Ive gotten a Gold Unid Stormbow from the chest, but the item varies, Gold Unid Armor, or Maybe a gold unid Axe or Sword. It all depends. 4people on the team will walk away without a prize, well thats life, but you are still in the Hoh and if you hold it one more time, you have another chance of getting yourself a sigil. No one person can get 2 sigils or 1 sigil and the gold item, it goes to 4 different people on the team, BUT one person can get a sigil for every win for 5times, and you may not even get one. Its all luck.
Ok, just to claify some things about fame. Fame is gained from winning maps on the way to Hall of Heros. The value increases with every win. Let me demonstrate
By winning the first map, you gain 1 fame. You go to burial mounds and win again you gain 2 fame. With both of these wins = 3 fame. If you do a nice run and win 7 of the 8 maps you will surely gain nice fame, but will take you a while, but for some who skip to hall of heros and win, they can only gain they would if they were starting from the first map. For every consecutive win, you gain more fame. Heres the chart
Originally Posted by Sama
Originally Posted by sama
Here's how ranks work: The first win gives you 1 fame point. The next consecutive win gives you 2. Then: 3 4 6 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 |
For more fame comes rank and with particular ranks (3,6,9) you gain rewards or emotes which you can set off by typing (/rank or /fame). Here is a list of amount of fame you need for each rank.
Rank 1 - 25fame
Rank 2 - 75fame
Rank 3 - 180fame (Deer emote)
Rank 4 - 360fame
Rank 5 - 600fame
Rank 6 - 1000fame (Wolf emote)
*this is where i'm a little sketchy*
Rank 7 - 1650fame
Rank 8 - 2800fame
Rank 9 - 4665fame (Tiger emote)
There is no such thing as a Dragon emote or anything of that sort. When Gaile Gray was in LA dist 1 after the weekend a couple of guildies got in questions about the next ranks, it is said that there is no definitive emote for the ranks yet but will be soon (people are getting closer). But for the time being no one is rank 12 yet who has some dragon emote or what ever is floating around.
*EDIT* There is infact an emote for rank12 with the current update, which is infact a Pheonix.
Just want to verify that you cannot gain fame through Gvg or Competition arenas.
Soon enough I'll get some pictures of the Hall and how things operate. For more information about it visit Guild Wiki : Tombs
Hopfully this clears some things up about Hall of Heros. Hopefully itll make ya wanna go out and tomb. Any questions or comments feel free to leave here or pm me. I will make sure to get them answered.
Do you only get fame for flawless wins? Extra fame?
No, you get fame for the win itself, you get extra FACTION for the flawless.