Question about weapon % Dmg and then pricing



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005


First off I want to make sure I am calculating dmg bonuses correctly.

Assuming both axes are held by the same person with the same stats:

Axe #1
6-28 +12% HP>50 +20% Customized-That would make both the min and max dmg go up by 32% (again correct me if I am wrong) making that axe 8-37 (1.92 rounded to 2 for min 8.96 rounded to 9 for max)

Axe #2
6-26 +15% HP>50 +20% Customized= +35% making that axe 8-35 (1.92 rounded to 2 for min 9.1 rounded to 9 for max)

So by that, axe number 1 should do more damage than #2 unless I am calculating this all wrong. The reason I ask this question, is because I bought axe #1 last night (a sephis axe) for 80k and then saw axe #2 (also a sephis axe) sell for over 200k. When i messaged the seller of axe #2 I was called a noob among other things and that I didn't know how to do math and that a +15% 2 less than max dmg axe will do more dmg that a max with +12. I just want to know if i am calculating dmg wrong.

Thanks in advance for all responses.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Clouds

Scars Meadows [SMS]


actaully, if you calculate in critical hits when chasing monks axe 1 is far far far better. people just want 15>50 for icon status, unless theyre complete idiots

Me Burn U

Me Burn U

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

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Doomfollower Legion


Just did it on my comp calculator Anyways your math was correct.. he has probably just pissed at you for proving he was overpricing (or seller of axe #1 under pricing)



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Why anyone would buy a nonmax weapon is beyond me. (unless it is for looks)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005


Okay, now I don't feel as stupid. And as far as looks, both axes were the same (both sephis axes) so pricing should have been in check.