System Overload due to thousands of users grabbing the Summer Update?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

I can see a Y2K happening when the download is up for grabs. What are the chances of bandwidth overload and server crash?

The Great Al

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005



z0mG!@ It'5 tw3lve oh Too wh3re's t3h updat3!!1!one!1

Vermilion Okeanos

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

stream technology pwn all

translation: leave it to Anet to worry about... I doubt we will have much problems at all (remember BWE? it would be something like that)

One and Two

One and Two

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

go to sleep and let all the other suckers blow up their comps, if you think that will happen. personally, i just wanna know whats there. reading is good enough for now, as my parents are @#(%*ing about games and addiction.