Firstly I've tried the search facility and nothing appears to be posted on this topic, however if this is covered in another post I apologise.
My question is around the European and American servers. I normally play on European servers because of the usual time zone issues (I live in the UK), but last BWE there was an absence of players on the European servers who used English. This caused me a problem when finding groups as people, quite rightly, wanted to converse mainly in their native language.
Therefore is there plenty of english speakers on the European server or are most english speaking european players on the US server?
Thanks for your help.
European or American Server?
Well.. I plan on playing on the european server atleast, and I usally speak english even if it isnt my native language. Hope everyone else that knows it will speak english aswell. I simply cannot imagine that you will have problems finding friendly english speaking players on the european server, once more get the game :p
I started playing on the European servers too due to timezone issues. I eventually got tired of not understanding the general chat in town and ending up in the mission groups where the team members dont understand what you are saying. So I switched to the American servers and have never been tempted to switch back.