Is being a ranger fun?

rugal nuker

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


I am just wondering is a ranger fun? i had never try that b4,ppl who try that and they seem sucky....pls let me know...

Which combination sld i choose for being a ranger?

help much appciated..thx



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


Being a ranger is definitely fun, it just takes a bit of time and effort to find the best combinations of attribute to suit your playing style.

Like every profession in GW, there are bound to be many people out there who are VERY bad at playing particular professions, however don't let that cloud your judgement as to whether a particular race is good or not.

As a ranger, you could build yourself primarily towards trapping, beastmastery or bowmastery along with other combinations as well as the many variations you could get from your secondary profession.

The best thing is to try it and find what's best for yourself.

I'm sure there are many GW rangers who will tell you the same: it is fun to be a ranger!

rugal nuker

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


cool thx to u,but i would like a ranger with traps,bowmastery and another 2nd class attribute with expertise..but i cant make my mind wat 2nd class should i choose...

Mr Jazzy

Mr Jazzy

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Mending For The [win]


ele or necro or mesmer...or hey warrior! maybe even monk!

rugal nuker

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by Mr Jazzy
ele or necro or mesmer...or hey warrior! maybe even monk!
u give me so can i make my mind?lol



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by Mr Jazzy
ele or necro or mesmer...or hey warrior! maybe even monk!

Exactly! There is no perfect one to go for. If you want a ranger, the best thing to do would be to choose the ranger to start and then play around pre-searing with all the secondaries.

That way you can find what could be an ideal secondary profession (and if not, once you get further in you can always change your secondary!)

Gustav Gloomp

Gustav Gloomp

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Sydney, Australia

i started a ranger today and made my 2nd prof an ele. its pretty good

rugal nuker

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by aismailuk
Exactly! There is no perfect one to go for. If you want a ranger, the best thing to do would be to choose the ranger to start and then play around pre-searing with all the secondaries.

That way you can find what could be an ideal secondary profession (and if not, once you get further in you can always change your secondary!)
oooo....thx buddy,i will do that..thx much for the advise...GooD Luck to u.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


Here Be Dragons

**loves being a ranger**

killing things sneakily without getting up close? who wouldn't like that!!! lol.

i think ranger/ele or ranger/mes make the best combo... but it is all down to what YOU preferm not me.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Followers Of Master Jack


by the way, trapping works very nicely in most of the PvE world. If you're leaning towards a trapper, Mesmer is best secondary. Since traps are easily interrupted, Mesmers have a couple interrupt prevention skills. Elementalists have one anti-interrupt skill as well, but less effective in my opinion.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


I started a ranger/monk only so that I can get rebirth and resurrect, and because the ranger's skills are so neat that it would be a waste to place any attribute points elsewhere. I want a pet, and that with trapping as well as marksmanship leave not much room to be good in a secondary profession's skills.

But I may change my mind later, and switch when I get to the desert. Then I would consider an elementalist to specialise perhaps in earth magic for protection (and earthquake).


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Followers Of Master Jack


Originally Posted by rugal nuker
cool thx to u,but i would like a ranger with traps,bowmastery and another 2nd class attribute with expertise..but i cant make my mind wat 2nd class should i choose...
Remember, Expertise does not affect SPELLS. So, if you're thinking of an expertise-beneficial build, Warrior has the most compatible skills. Mesmers probably has the next most (they have a long line of stances, including the two inturrupt prevention stances), Elementalists benefit from glyphs, Necromancers from certain "touch" skills (probably bad for Rangers), and Monks with mostly some smite skills.

But as someone else here said, any secondary with ranger has it's benefits. The key is combining skills and point investment properly.

rugal nuker

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by galkraft
by the way, trapping works very nicely in most of the PvE world. If you're leaning towards a trapper, Mesmer is best secondary. Since traps are easily interrupted, Mesmers have a couple interrupt prevention skills. Elementalists have one anti-interrupt skill as well, but less effective in my opinion.
wat are the mesmer's skill to prevent interruption? pls post...thX

Aeneador Oree

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005

Dead Poets


It definitely is. Especially in PvP... you can drive a warrior mad, prevent a caster from using spells and help out teammates when things get ugly with the right skills at hand.

Since the ranger is a very complex and challenging profession to play, there are - however - a lot of players out there who simply dont understand how to handle the ranger.

First of all, you're not a tank. Rangers, being long-distance-fighters, are most useful when there's a healthy amount of space between them and the actual battle. Especially since rangers deal more damage the higher they are relative to their target. So, if you evade the raging battle, run up a hill and shoot your arrows from this hightened position, you're most useful to your teammates.

If a warrior attacks you, use either Throw Dirt (blinds them) or Pin Down (Cripples them) and then run. If you're a good distance away, shoot him with poisioned arrows, while using Troll Unguent to compensate damage dealt to yourself. Interrupt his Healing Skills with Distracting Shot, which will also disable the interrupted skills for an awesome 20 seconds. I managed to kill a lot of warriors this way.

When one of your teammates, say the monk, finds himself in trouble, simply use Throw Dirt on the attacking Enemy - if it's a physical damage dealer - or cripple him so your teammate has a chance to run away.

I chose Elementalist as a second profession, Obsidian Flame being the only reason. Most players heal themselves when they're down to 15% HP and since OF deals incredible damage incredibly fast and incredibly instant, it's a wonderful away to quickly end a fight.

This is, of course, just one of many ways to play the ranger. Just keep in mind, that you're not a tank and that in PvE as well as in PvP you're a flexible assisting unit, meant to help your teammates and keep the overview. That's why the ranger is imho the most reliable target caller and widely referred to as "jack of all trades".



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by rugal nuker
oooo....thx buddy,i will do that..thx much for the advise...GooD Luck to u.

Thanks and good luck to you too - if you ever need a bit of help, whisper me in game: Aglaranna Sachs.

rugal nuker

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by Aeneador Oree
It definitely is. Especially in PvP... you can drive a warrior mad, prevent a caster from using spells and help out teammates when things get ugly with the right skills at hand.

Since the ranger is a very complex and challenging profession to play, there are - however - a lot of players out there who simply dont understand how to handle the ranger.

First of all, you're not a tank. Rangers, being long-distance-fighters, are most useful when there's a healthy amount of space between them and the actual battle. Especially since rangers deal more damage the higher they are relative to their target. So, if you evade the raging battle, run up a hill and shoot your arrows from this hightened position, you're most useful to your teammates.

If a warrior attacks you, use either Throw Dirt (blinds them) or Pin Down (Cripples them) and then run. If you're a good distance away, shoot him with poisioned arrows, while using Troll Unguent to compensate damage dealt to yourself. Interrupt his Healing Skills with Distracting Shot, which will also disable the interrupted skills for an awesome 20 seconds. I managed to kill a lot of warriors this way.

When one of your teammates, say the monk, finds himself in trouble, simply use Throw Dirt on the attacking Enemy - if it's a physical damage dealer - or cripple him so your teammate has a chance to run away.

I chose Elementalist as a second profession, Obsidian Flame being the only reason. Most players heal themselves when they're down to 15% HP and since OF deals incredible damage incredibly fast and incredibly instant, it's a wonderful away to quickly end a fight.

This is, of course, just one of many ways to play the ranger. Just keep in mind, that you're not a tank and that in PvE as well as in PvP you're a flexible assisting unit, meant to help your teammates and keep the overview. That's why the ranger is imho the most reliable target caller and widely referred to as "jack of all trades".
hey thx for ur effort for posting a long post to informat me...but y not before the battle,set a trap on ur location,so that if a warrior rush to u trying to take u down,u can flee,because the warrior will walk into the trap and will become that a good idea?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by rugal nuker
hey thx for ur effort for posting a long post to informat me...but y not before the battle,set a trap on ur location,so that if a warrior rush to u trying to take u down,u can flee,because the warrior will walk into the trap and will become that a good idea?

It is, but assume that in a lot of cases, the battle may move around, meaning that you are no longer protected from the trap you have set at the start. If a warrior goes for you, you could always throw dirt, then lay a trap beneath his feet - then back off to deal a lot of ranged damage while they flounder about blind.

rugal nuker

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by aismailuk
It is, but assume that in a lot of cases, the battle may move around, meaning that you are no longer protected from the trap you have set at the start. If a warrior goes for you, you could always throw dirt, then lay a trap beneath his feet - then back off to deal a lot of ranged damage while they flounder about blind.
wooo..nice nice..THX EVERYONE


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Followers Of Master Jack


Originally Posted by rugal nuker
wat are the mesmer's skill to prevent interruption? pls post...thX
Mantra of Concentration- cancels 1 interrupt
Mantra of Resolve- cancels all interrupts for entire duration, but lose X energy or stance ends

then Ele's have Glyph of Concentration- your next spell cannot be interrupted

The problem with Mantra of Concentration, is if someone is trying multiple times to interrupt you from placing a trap or a spirit, 1 cancellation is not enough.

Mantra of Resolve will lose your energy fast if you're not careful with it

Glyph of Concentration takes a second to cast, and although it says spells only, I have heard rumor that it works on traps too. Obviously, i have not tried this one.

All useful, figure out which works best when.

rugal nuker

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by galkraft
Mantra of Concentration- cancels 1 interrupt
Mantra of Resolve- cancels all interrupts for entire duration, but lose X energy or stance ends

then Ele's have Glyph of Concentration- your next spell cannot be interrupted

The problem with Mantra of Concentration, is if someone is trying multiple times to interrupt you from placing a trap or a spirit, 1 cancellation is not enough.

Mantra of Resolve will lose your energy fast if you're not careful with it

Glyph of Concentration takes a second to cast, and although it says spells only, I have heard rumor that it works on traps too. Obviously, i have not tried this one.

All useful, figure out which works best when.
i think i will take mantra of resolve but i want domination


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005



Originally Posted by rugal nuker
hey thx for ur effort for posting a long post to informat me...but y not before the battle,set a trap on ur location,so that if a warrior rush to u trying to take u down,u can flee,because the warrior will walk into the trap and will become that a good idea?
Yes that is also a possibility. Playing with a ranger is a lot of fun.
the way Aeneador Oree descriped is also the way i play my ranger(ofcourse some minor differances). I love to deal conditions to opponents.

John Waffletord

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Baltimore, MD, USA

I'm a R/Me and i like it.. although im not using any mesmer skills at the moment.

rugal nuker

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


Should i go for a all ranger or a ranger with some mesmer attribute?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Ye olde England.

If you really like the idea of trapping you can try a more offensive style, which I've seen to me very effective. If you bring a few defensive skills like whiling defence and throw dirt plus maybe some Mesmer stances with high expertise and WS you can do allot of damage and cause allot of havoc via trapping. If you want to be a pure trapper then you should even bring a staff with +energy so that you can continuously pump of traps.
My main character has been a R/E since the Beta's and I still love every minute playing as him, theres so many possibilities.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

lol! i played ranger and still playing ranger! so rangerizing lol! i think itz the most complete class coz it can evade (like a war and better than a prot) it can interrupt (like a mesmer, and even more bastard) it gan deal loads of dmg (not so much as an air pizza strike but...) it got a good armor (AL70, +30 against magic pizzas, even +15 against specific ele pizzas), and its so bastard (poisn/crippl/bleed). Of course u cant do all these things with a single build. I did with a 3R 1Mo team and did 51 consec wins in the team arena!

so... u dont really need to hybridate with a secondary class, but remember that expertise reduce cost of all ranger skills AND also all other non-attribute-linked skills for all other professions!!!

PS: why do ppl use a 25mana trap to do 50 dmg when they could just use kindle+dual.
bha! traps are for UW use!

PPS: to the french guy u used light of dwayna....your teamm8s died while running like chickens in the whole map! nearby does not imply a 10Kmeters radius!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by rugal nuker
Should i go for a all ranger or a ranger with some mesmer attribute?

Really, if you want your ranger skills to be effective, you don't want to spread yourself too thin, so decide what build you'd prefer i.e: trapper and then put your attribute points into the relevant areas (i.e: wilderness survival and expertise for trapping / marksmanship for bowmanship etc..) and use the rest for boosting your secondary profession skills to assist the ranger skills.

rugal nuker

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


Wooo....nice one...51 wins..

rugal nuker

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


Anyone can give me any sugesstion for wat attribute sld i use for the mesmer hand?domination,iLLusion or inspiration magic? which is suitable? build is a using wilderness,marksmanship,expertise and one more mesmer so confused on which attribute sld i choose...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

I would suggest all domination. I played the game as an Ele/Monk, and now I've just about finished the game as a R/Mes in half the time. Rangers are so much fun to play.. All my skills are in Expertise/Wilderness/Marksmanship and 4 points in Domination. You can't beat Backfire to kill a boss and using all ranger interrupts to prevent healing...Rangers Rock.



Join Date: Aug 2005

Ranger was my first character...and still my favorite character. I can play healer as a R/mo, I can play tank as a pure ranger, I can play solo as a R/'s just an amazing class to play. It's difficult to get started, as the ranger is a jack of all trades master of none, but with the right build setup and skill selection you can play just about any role in the group.

Felix: who is using 25 energy to set a trap? I'm using 13 energy to lay a trap that does 59 spike dmg and induces HP degen through bleeding...bump your expertise attribute. My ranger solo build is based around're obviously not using traps appropriately.

Rugal: 4 attributes and you spread yourself too thin to be effective. Bump Expertise, Widlerness Survival, and Inspiration Magic. Throw Dirt, Whirling Defense, Mantra of Resolve & Spirit of Failure are your friends...figure out how to use them together.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Sweet Hillsides

Dragons Family (DF)


I love my R/MO; she was my first character (and introduction to online gaming). Now that I've gotten the timing better, I loooove using distracting shot. Last weekend, minotaurs were attacking our group, and I managed to get distracting shot off to interrupt the "bullstomp". It was so rewarding. When the rest of the guys brought the beast down, one of them said, "hey, he never got his stomp off!"

I find it easier to go out with just henchies to do things with my ele/mo, but more fun in groups with the ranger, even if some people don't appreciate her.

Shmash Witdaclub

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


i am playing a ranger/el. she is fun. I am not using anything from my secondary yet, so i am not quite sure if am happy with the elementalist side of it yet.

i will say one thing, rangers kick some serious butt in the ascalon arena

whoever said going ranger/earth el, that is prolly a bad idea since a lot of earth spells are very costly in mana, to which you will not have enough of.


Elemental Evil

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005

Well I've played thru the game with 3 chars and just recently started a R/Me. I can honestly say that rangers are damn powerful! For PvE I've done all the missions and quest with henchies and several with just the healer! Although I love my N/Me, my W/Mo and my Ele/Mo....this ranger has been the easiest to move thru the game. I haven't found a bad way to play her yet.

Hope you enjoy your new char RN and just remember that everyone has there own way to enjoy this class. I don't think any one person will have all the answers for you. Theres just so much to experiment with in this class. Enjoy it and try several combos, as you go thru the game your skills that you get may soon change your direction.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

VA,USA...for now.

Don't tell everyone how amazingly well rounded and powerful a well played Ranger can be.
They'll all want one.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

I only find my ranger fun when interupting spell casters, rangers with pets are noobs.

Drinking Frog

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

I love my R/Me. As the others said, Rangers are very complex with a lot of options, and they are easy to spread thin. You have to focus your character. You cannot be a beastmaster, trapper, interrupter, and damage dealer with a secondary. It's hard, at first, but once you have a good skill inventory, you can start to make a theme. It's tempting to try and be a jack of all trades, but you will end up with a watered down character who is effective at nothing.

If you want to deal some damage from a distance, bump up your marksmanship and equip a bunch of preparations and bow attacks. For trapping, obviously, you equip traps, but you also have to worry about your energy and getting interrupted. If you want to work your pet to the max, then also keep some defensive skills or Troll Unguent so that you can concentrate on the beast skills.

I found that I enjoy a more damage dealing role, so I have Hunter's Shot (for bleeding), Poison Arrow, and Tiger's Fury (for fast attacks) working pretty often. I also keep distracting shot to prevent someone from healing or curing my poison. The only Mesmer skills I pack are Empathy and Backfire, both domination skills. Using some combination of the skills, I can usually take down any opponent in PvE or PvP fairly quickly, especially healers. My weakness is against a foe that has no flesh and doesn't cast, but you don't find many groups in PvE like that. If I know I have to deal with a lot of those, I may swap out Hunter's Shot and Poison Arrow for something more suitable.

Just in case someone does start whacking on me, I keep Whirling Defense handy. I've also been playing with Throw Dirt instead of Hunter's Shot, and that can be a lot of fun.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005

Kuopio, Finland

Angelz of Evil


I have also another char, N/R , and i used to have a hearty wolf. I gave it a petname when it had reached lv 20. One day i thought that it would be nice to train an elder pet. But when i left my wolf and got a lynx, it had the same petname that my wolf had had... So... Is there a way to see what level of evolving my pet has? Like some command? Or is there a way to erase the pet name to see the evolvation from the automatic name? I'm really pleased if u can tell me the answer... Thank u...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Land of the Z Chest \o/

[NOT]-Nomads of Turmoil.



my 4th charac is a trapper ranger, and it's been quite fun. (when ppl start saying a specific class is sucky, it's only bcuz they havent found the right build for them and scrap/give up on that class...)


rugal nuker

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


so i hate it when the recharge for traps is long and i have no time to set many traps should i equiqe?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

VA,USA...for now.

Originally Posted by BeatWolf
I only find my ranger fun when interupting spell casters, rangers with pets are noobs.
*shakes head sadly*
Spoken like someone that lets their pet run unleased and hasn't had them spayed.

Ummm, and I think your pet just peed on your leg.