Awaiting the Frog's Arrival
Saridley Kronah
I stood on the frog and everyone started yellin at me like crazy, some of the insults were crazy.
thats cos everyone is gay
Lag Hell
Originally Posted by Saridley Kronah
I stood on the frog and everyone started yellin at me like crazy, some of the insults were crazy.
i was in LA once, ppl were goin crazy over the frog, and being me (and being high on pot) i went over and started pissing ppl off, "the frog did ur mom up the a$$ last nite..." "ana| rape the frog...." etc...etc... and i got suspended by EULA for 2 hours... thats how much they love the frog...
Sai of Winter
When the clock hit 12:00 am pacific time, the wasn't responding and eveyone just freaked out. Then, they said to dance so the Frog would speak. Everyone was dancing like crazy, then a few minutes later the Frog finally spoke. Everyone was excited. The Frog moved to all 3 international districts to speak and people were spamming with qustions like crazy! It was just insane and chaotic.
Numa Pompilius
Lag Hell & Axle Fische: you've got issues.
You know your cool when you wait around all day for a frog, heh
hrhr, new business idea...
"Everyone pay me 2 plat, else i'm gonna bodyblock the frog! I mean it!"
"Everyone pay me 2 plat, else i'm gonna bodyblock the frog! I mean it!"
Originally Posted by Ultimate_Gaara
You know your cool when you wait around all day for a frog, heh
An interactive one, that is.