23 Sep 2005 at 20:45 - 43
I skipped a lot of the preceeding posts so this is mostly to the first poster.
If most guilds are anything like my guild has been, we have a lot of booms and recessions. In one month TLH has had anywhere from 30 active, online members to 10. Guild Wars is a fast paced game in almost all aspects, especially when compaired with most MMORPG's. People come and go quickly, and since active members are in such high demand, guild hopping occures.
So while on the outside of all that I can understand your frustration in finding such guilds as what you're stated as looking for, but as for myself, being the guild leading and dealing with the heat that goes on with everything, it's simply a matter of hiting a guild on one of its peaks.
One other aspect of Guild Wars that is difficult, is finding leaders who will lead your "3 groups" at one time. Many guilds will have 50 members online, and not be doing anything organized together, simply because of the lack of leadership.
So, now as far as any advice I would give, it would be this. Find a guild that has established leadership, that has good organizing skills. Stick it out for a couple weeks and don't get discouraged too quickly with some times where it seems like the guild is dead, because if your leadership is good, it wont last.
Anyway, that's the best advice I can give ya.