Hi I have a very nice shield Id like to trade sorry i dont know how to post a pic but its :
16 def reinforced buckler req 9
+42 hp while enchanted
-2 dmg in stance
its pretty near perfect
Id like to trade it for
a max dmg SEPHIS axe with +13-14% damge (dont think I can get +15% any way can I ?)
while health above 50% mods r not important up to req 13-14
if u guys think Im dreaming tell me or do I need to add some plat to the deal this shield is perfect I think for the w/mo or farming mo/w that uses tactis
ign The Muffen Man
wtt shield for sephis look inside
The Muffen Man
you are dreaming. sephis axes are worth triple or quadruple your shield.
The Muffen Man
i can add a +30 hp pommel aswell
Going to have to come up with more cash if you want a Sephis, especially a gold one with stats like that.