Vigor Runes Not Working
Twisted Nun
I have three runes of major vigor on various parts of my clothing. I am a N\Mo 6 at the moment. When I pull off the clothing with the vigor runes, nothing happens to my health. Likewise when I put it on. Can someone 'splain please?
you can only use one...they dont stack
John Waffletord
you can only use one rune of each type.. they do not stack.
Nyax Soulreaper
they dont stack sadly, only one works at a time... whichever one has the higher value
(lol sry mods just j/king but he should of searched)
(lol sry mods just j/king but he should of searched)
you wanna know how many posts and threads come up if you use the word Rune and Vigor? A lot!
try it sometime.
try it sometime.
My thoughts exactly. In fact I've noticed a remarkable drop in "you should have searched" spam, and I'm glad. It's Q&A for a reason.
Lord Bentam
3 people say the exact same thing? ..
Originally Posted by Lord Bentam
3 people say the exact same thing? ..
One and Two
lookie here. this forum is for people who know how to use the search. i wish.
Twisted Nun
Actually, i did search, and in the first several hits i got, none of them had anything to do with vigor runes directly. and they kept getting further and further away from that topic.
I got my first Rune of Major Vigor last night, and I was wondering (since we're on the topic here) if the rune is always associated with the piece of clothing you apply it to first? In other words, if I apply it to my vest now, and I upgrade to a better vest, can I take the rune off of my old vest and apply it to my new vest? Or does it just become part of that first vest? thx
When you apply the rune it will become part of the vest. If you get a new vest you can use an Expert Salvage Kit on the old vest to try and remove the rune. If you are successful then you can apply the salvaged rune to the new vest. However, there is no guarantee of success when you try to salvage the rune. You might end up with some iron or some tanned hide squares instead and then the rune is lost.
If you upgrade your vest, you will need to buy an Expert (or Superior!) Salvage kit and salvage your old vest (the one with the rune). Just be aware that you have a chance of losing that rune when you do this. In my own experience, I have a pretty good rate of success, but I do lose runes this way.
Have a good day.
Have a good day.