Some questions from a noob.
Hi. I just recently bought GW and thought it was awesome!
Anyways, I would like to ask:
1.What are collector's items? What do they do? I have Enchanted Lodestones and I don't know what to do with them.
2.Do you just equipt Artifacts or do they have other purposes?
3.When I see builds, I see people say eg: 'Air Magic: 11+2'. What does this '+2' mean?
4. How do u mix dyes together?
5. How do PvP only chars. enter the fighting place?
6. How do RPG chars enter PvP arenas? I heard that I can't unless I arrive at it through story mode. ANd if this is true, can I teleport there?
Please answer my noobish questions. It would be a big help. Thanks!
Anyways, I would like to ask:
1.What are collector's items? What do they do? I have Enchanted Lodestones and I don't know what to do with them.
2.Do you just equipt Artifacts or do they have other purposes?
3.When I see builds, I see people say eg: 'Air Magic: 11+2'. What does this '+2' mean?
4. How do u mix dyes together?
5. How do PvP only chars. enter the fighting place?
6. How do RPG chars enter PvP arenas? I heard that I can't unless I arrive at it through story mode. ANd if this is true, can I teleport there?
Please answer my noobish questions. It would be a big help. Thanks!
One and Two
1. you exchange for what the collector has. usually a good deal, considering.
2. its like a shield type equip. more energy, increase stats or something usually. a bonus.
3. +2 means major rune. +3 superior, +1 minor. runes upgrade stats, but at hp negatives (-50 for major, -75 for superior)
4. double click. click.
5. its already on the map. you just enter.
6. you go to the arena. there's an arena guard you talk to.
most of this stuff you need to get past the searing.
2. its like a shield type equip. more energy, increase stats or something usually. a bonus.
3. +2 means major rune. +3 superior, +1 minor. runes upgrade stats, but at hp negatives (-50 for major, -75 for superior)
4. double click. click.
5. its already on the map. you just enter.
6. you go to the arena. there's an arena guard you talk to.
most of this stuff you need to get past the searing.
That was a quick reply! Thanks! That really helped.
A part I still don't get is the runes part.
I assume you find the runes? How do you use them?
And sorry, another question. Are scrolls the same use as artifacts?
Sorry for my stupidity.
A part I still don't get is the runes part.
I assume you find the runes? How do you use them?
And sorry, another question. Are scrolls the same use as artifacts?
Sorry for my stupidity.
One and Two
you find armors. you expert salvage for the rune, and identication kit for what attribute it modifies. you apply it to armor.
scrolls are the same as artifacts, but uglier and not seen as much later in the game, i think.
everyone started out new, np.
scrolls are the same as artifacts, but uglier and not seen as much later in the game, i think.
everyone started out new, np.
Sorry, me again!
I would like to ask what Unatural seeds are for? And other seeds? And the shimmering scales. Do I just drop the scales since they are quest items?
And I would like to ask how to use the Salvage tool since I don't get the in-game explanation.
And how do I get the 15k armour? I know im a LOOOONG way from it, but I'm just curious. Hehe..
I would like to ask what Unatural seeds are for? And other seeds? And the shimmering scales. Do I just drop the scales since they are quest items?
And I would like to ask how to use the Salvage tool since I don't get the in-game explanation.
And how do I get the 15k armour? I know im a LOOOONG way from it, but I'm just curious. Hehe..
Here's some answers..
1. Unnatural seeds are a collector's item - there's a collector in fort Ranik who will give you something if you have 5 unnatural seeds on you. Otherwise just sell them for money.
2. Shimmering scales are a quest item for the initial quest you do to get your first set of skills. Once you have completed this quest you don't need anymore of them and can safely ditch them and forget.
3. To use a salvage kit you need to double-click on the kit, your icon will now change, then single click on the item you want to salvage.
note - you can't salvage your starting armor or items you get from quest's.
4. Rhe 15K armor is way at the end of the game. They are offered by armor crafting npc's in 2 different outpost's. To buy them you need 15K gold per piece as well as crafting items - each armor will require different crafting items.
As you play the game you will come across npc's called "Crafter's". These npc's can craft you new sets of armor if you have the gold and crafting materials for them. As you progress through the story the armor's offered will get progressively better.
Hope that helps.
1. Unnatural seeds are a collector's item - there's a collector in fort Ranik who will give you something if you have 5 unnatural seeds on you. Otherwise just sell them for money.
2. Shimmering scales are a quest item for the initial quest you do to get your first set of skills. Once you have completed this quest you don't need anymore of them and can safely ditch them and forget.
3. To use a salvage kit you need to double-click on the kit, your icon will now change, then single click on the item you want to salvage.
note - you can't salvage your starting armor or items you get from quest's.
4. Rhe 15K armor is way at the end of the game. They are offered by armor crafting npc's in 2 different outpost's. To buy them you need 15K gold per piece as well as crafting items - each armor will require different crafting items.
As you play the game you will come across npc's called "Crafter's". These npc's can craft you new sets of armor if you have the gold and crafting materials for them. As you progress through the story the armor's offered will get progressively better.
Hope that helps.
That helps HEAPS!
Thanks alot!
And ONE more question... I hope...
Where are these crafting materials? Are they just dropped by monsters?
Thanks kamatsu and One and Two for answering my questions.
Thanks alot!
And ONE more question... I hope...
Where are these crafting materials? Are they just dropped by monsters?
Thanks kamatsu and One and Two for answering my questions.
Wow, a new person to the game! I remember when I played this for the first time!
Some advice: take your time and enjoy the game to its fullest. Now it will be most fun, and most challenging. It will be most challenging because you won't have much money and you will use the weapons that you find along the way, which will be more suited to your current level at your current stage of the game.
Later, when you play your 2nd, 3rd or 4th character, the temptation to transfer money and higher level weapons from your older, higher level characters will be too great (after pre-seering of coures, otherwise transfer is not possible) and the difficulty and challenge of the game will drop considerably.
For your first character, try to avoid buying higher level stuff from other human players, don't let yourself get "run" any place (you can go anywhere by following the natural line of the game's story) and avoid any parties containing high level characters who "just want to help" with the mission or quest (its amazing how many level 20 characters don't have anything better to do). This way you can enjoy the game at least one time through in the manner that it was designed!
Btw, if you are so new that you don't know what I mean by "getting run", that is when you basically get escorted from A to B by a higher level character, you being dead or alive on arrival, it doesn't make a difference.
Some advice: take your time and enjoy the game to its fullest. Now it will be most fun, and most challenging. It will be most challenging because you won't have much money and you will use the weapons that you find along the way, which will be more suited to your current level at your current stage of the game.
Later, when you play your 2nd, 3rd or 4th character, the temptation to transfer money and higher level weapons from your older, higher level characters will be too great (after pre-seering of coures, otherwise transfer is not possible) and the difficulty and challenge of the game will drop considerably.
For your first character, try to avoid buying higher level stuff from other human players, don't let yourself get "run" any place (you can go anywhere by following the natural line of the game's story) and avoid any parties containing high level characters who "just want to help" with the mission or quest (its amazing how many level 20 characters don't have anything better to do). This way you can enjoy the game at least one time through in the manner that it was designed!
Btw, if you are so new that you don't know what I mean by "getting run", that is when you basically get escorted from A to B by a higher level character, you being dead or alive on arrival, it doesn't make a difference.
You get crafting materials by salvaging weapons and armor drops. The amount you salvage (I could be wrong about this, just a guess) depends on the damage of the weapon/defense of the armor. Aside from that some enemies drop salvage materials, such as Bog Skale's drop, scales, Fire Imps drop charcoal (rare) and Smite Crawlers drop Ectoplasm (rare).
Hehehe. Thanks for answering my questions cunninghambone and coolsti! And thanks for the awesome tips coolsti!
It's funny, I help people at random missions just because I have nothing better to do, lol. I completely agree with what coolsti says. One other thing though, don't take advantage of people. If you have something someone else needs, help them out. This doesn't apply to people who stand in towns and spam-beg, ridicule them. A game like this is fun, mostly due to the community. The other day I gave away 60k to low level characters on their first time through the game. Don't feel like you're a noob just because you have questions, everyone posting on this forum had questions at some point and we asked. Enjoy!
Edge Martinez
Originally Posted by One and Two
you find armors. you expert salvage for the rune, and identication kit for what attribute it modifies. you apply it to armor.
This is one way of doing it. If PvP will one day be your focus (and dude,... it's awesome), ID it before you expert salvage it, as it will unlock it for you to use on a PvP only character, which you should have the option for when creating new characters. Expert Salvage isn't always guaranteed to work. You might try it on gold armor and get 3 iron ingots.
Originally Posted by Edge Martinez
This is one way of doing it. If PvP will one day be your focus (and dude,... it's awesome), ID it before you expert salvage it, as it will unlock it for you to use on a PvP only character, which you should have the option for when creating new characters. Expert Salvage isn't always guaranteed to work. You might try it on gold armor and get 3 iron ingots.
- If a rune is in a monster dropped armor you have 100% chance of getting it if you use a Expert Salvage kit. ie a minor vigor rune in Grawl Gear, you expert salvage it you will get the rune from it.
- If a rune is in your own armor and you then use an expert Salvage kit on it you do not have a 100% chance of getting the rune out. You only have a chance of getting the rune out.
- if you expert salvage a monster dropped armor which has an un-identified rune in it you will get an un-id'ed rune from it. If you then use an identify kit on the rune you will see what rune you have as well as unlocking it for PvP use - this means if you create a PvP only character they will be able to use that rune.
Oh, and another tip that helped me enjoy the game more at the beginning:
For the first time you try to do the missions in post-seering, do it with henchies only. Its not important if you succeed or not, or if you do the bonus. You CAN succeed very easilly with henchies if you play them correctly, but that is not my point. The point is, by doing the missions with henchies, you can do them at your own pace. This means you can explore around and see what they are all about, and even learn some strategies for how to best do them. You also can pay attention to the story line if that is at all important to you.
The problem with doing the missions with human party members is that there always seems to be members who have done it xxx times before (for example with other characters) and who then tend to just rush through them, leaving you no time to orient yourself or to realize what is going on. I do this with each new mission. I don't try for the bonus. If I succeed with henchies, then I do it with humans for the bonus.
For the first time you try to do the missions in post-seering, do it with henchies only. Its not important if you succeed or not, or if you do the bonus. You CAN succeed very easilly with henchies if you play them correctly, but that is not my point. The point is, by doing the missions with henchies, you can do them at your own pace. This means you can explore around and see what they are all about, and even learn some strategies for how to best do them. You also can pay attention to the story line if that is at all important to you.
The problem with doing the missions with human party members is that there always seems to be members who have done it xxx times before (for example with other characters) and who then tend to just rush through them, leaving you no time to orient yourself or to realize what is going on. I do this with each new mission. I don't try for the bonus. If I succeed with henchies, then I do it with humans for the bonus.
Hehe thanks you people for teaching me!
And yep, GW has a great community
And yep, GW has a great community