Alright so i heard from a friend who plays this game says that you could run this game at full quality and where everything is beautiful and run the game smoothly even if you dont have a not so good video card because it runs off there thing or something like that. Is it true?
Currently, and i cannot change and i know its crap, heres my system
fx 5200
512mb of ram
amd athlon xp 2400
Can i run this game to full settings?
doubt it. Try it and see.
Hmmm, you have 512 RAM and the minimal is 256. I don't see what is so bad about your graphics card.
Devil's Dictionary
You can run it at 1024x768, AA off, 3/4 of quality.
You might not be able to run it smoothly at completely maxed settings, but you shouldn't be too far off. It looks awesome even at low or moderate settings, but my recommendation would be to try playing at low settings and turning up things until you start getting some slowdown, or conversely start out at max and turn down quality if needed until you're at a playable level.
I'm running it on an Athlon XP 2000+ with 512 MB of ram and a Radeon 9800 graphics card, and I can run it at full settings, but it's not extremely smooth. I generally play with Anti-Aliasing turned off and the graphics slider at about 3/4, and get an extremely good framerate(about 60 FPS), and just a bit of slowdown in areas(down to ~30 FPS) when there's a lot going on- like a bunch of elementalist spells going off at the same time.
I'm running it on an Athlon XP 2000+ with 512 MB of ram and a Radeon 9800 graphics card, and I can run it at full settings, but it's not extremely smooth. I generally play with Anti-Aliasing turned off and the graphics slider at about 3/4, and get an extremely good framerate(about 60 FPS), and just a bit of slowdown in areas(down to ~30 FPS) when there's a lot going on- like a bunch of elementalist spells going off at the same time.
I run maxed setting on a p4 3ghz, ati radeon 9800 pro and 2 gig of kingston hyperX ram... 1600x1200, 4x AA..perfectly smooth graphics, only hiccups are from lag a bit last night.