Please, get those Green items out!
I'm glad the need for farming is gone cause I sucked at farming. And everything I find I usually sell to traders, merchants... always NPC so all these new increased drops are AWSOME. I got a key drop last night when in the Arid Sea and there was two chests... I could only open one... got a purple Grim Cesta worth about 200 gold... left me wondering what was in the other chest but none of the henchies would give me their key drops so I could find out.

Sciros Darkblade
Originally Posted by Esrever
I doubt it.
Look at the previous situation with gold items and collector's items. Cost for me to buy my current longbow, a 15%>50 max Ascalon Bow with perfect +5 armor grip: 800g buying the 5 items the collector wants from players, 1k for the grip. Cost for me to buy a Gold Stormbow with identical mods: Easily 100k, if not more. What's the difference in game terms? Only the price to sell the bow to the merchants? Why the vastly different prices? It is because there are people who say "ZOMG! IS LEET GOLD STROM BOW! I MUST HAVE!" and pay ridiculous prices for the same items as collector's. Add in the fact that the new items have cool names and that they only drop from hard to beat area's, and I can see prices only going up. |
Axes and swords seem a bit more difficult to get a hold of, so they might be 40-50k for a time, but even then, I imagine they will go down.
I mean, the -45/-2 stance shield, along with some other collectors' items, was a bother to get due to you needing like 5 bleached shells and what not. Bleached shells were not that plentiful, and yet the shields only sold for 2-5k per.
People keep farming green items, bosses keep dropping them over and over, and soon the demand for them will wane.
I imagine green will stabilize at some low amount, gold will go up just a bit from where they are now, and that's where things will stand for a time.
People currently ARE in the "OMG I MUST HAVE!" mood, but the difference between max stormbows and green items is one is in short supply and one most certainly is NOT. In LA dist 1 last night I saw 6 people within a span of 10 minutes all advertise the 15% enchanted green hammer. I imagine that if I made them compete for a sale, I'd nab it at around 10k. Heck, I bought a green water focus for 5k last night just to try and help set the precedent ^^.
As far as crafting materials go, well, I wish I knew more about the matter.
emil knight
I don't want them out... I just don't want to see people selling them for ungodly amounts of gold...
Greens are NOT worth more than 1K. Sorry.
Greens are NOT worth more than 1K. Sorry.
Sciros Darkblade
Oh I'd say that some are definitely worth more than 1k.
1k is not that much gold, really, and the green sword should be worth a good bit more; far easier-to-acquire collectors items can be sold for more, and Droknar's weapon crafter DOES charge you 5k + a good bit of resources to build you a 15>50 weapon.
So, for some greens I'd say selling them below 5k would be underpricing.
1k is not that much gold, really, and the green sword should be worth a good bit more; far easier-to-acquire collectors items can be sold for more, and Droknar's weapon crafter DOES charge you 5k + a good bit of resources to build you a 15>50 weapon.
So, for some greens I'd say selling them below 5k would be underpricing.
greens are worth more than 5K ... if you have any knowledge about fair market value ... I've never seen a 20% enchantment staff wrapping (example) go for less than 20K ..you can purchase your 20/20 perfect collectors item for 5K plus resources ... then add on perfect mods which will run you a fair penny. So get your 'little cheap man syndrome' outta here. Those items are not the easiest to acquire ... I spent 3 hours killing bosses (accompanied by only 4 henchmen) who happen to take all the drops. Finally I got a green drop. I'd sooner keep the sephis axe with perfect mods than consider selling it for 5K ... hmmm 3 hours of my time > your offensive offer.

emil knight
Originally Posted by stumpy
greens are worth more than 5K ... if you have any knowledge about fair market value ... I've never seen a 20% enchantment staff wrapping (example) go for less than 20K ..you can purchase your 20/20 perfect collectors item for 5K plus resources ... then add on perfect mods which will run you a fair penny. So get your 'little cheap man syndrome' outta here. Those items are not the easiest to acquire ... I spent 3 hours killing bosses (accompanied by only 4 henchmen) who happen to take all the drops. Finally I got a green drop. I'd sooner keep the sephis axe with perfect mods than consider selling it for 5K ... hmmm 3 hours of my time > your offensive offer.
![]() |
In a week the game will be flooded with green items. I know about "fair market value" and in this case it's no more than 1K.
wait...green things cant be salvaged? WAAAAT?! that was my main reason for even picking some of the other stuff up.../pout
but they will be worth lots of cash right?...RIGHT?! if not...what do they actually do?
but they will be worth lots of cash right?...RIGHT?! if not...what do they actually do?
Sciros Darkblade
Originally Posted by emil knight
They drop IDed and they can't be salvaged. Plus anyone can go and get the EXACT SAME WEAPON from the boss they dropped from.
In a week the game will be flooded with green items. I know about "fair market value" and in this case it's no more than 1K. |
Green items are not hard to get, certainly. But, the market will be as flooded as it was with collectors items and no more, because the supply can meet the demand and that is that. Once supply exceeds demand, people will stop selling them really. And if a person suddenly yells "WTB the green illusion off-hand whatever it's called" you can bet your bottom dollar they'll give up 3-5k for it since they actually WANT it and 3k in their pocket is good for just about nothing else.
Even if you write off everything I just said as BS, the truth is items are worth as much as people will pay for them; not some arbitrary value you choose to announce. As long as people continue to pay 15-50k for a green axe, it will be worth exactly "15-50k depending on buyer" and not anything else. That will be my answer online to a Price Check on it until I see prices any different.
When people start paying 1k and no more, no less for green items, THEN they will be worth 1k. Until then you're just lying to us ^^
emil knight
Originally Posted by Sciros Darkblade
When people start paying 1k and no more, no less for green items, THEN they will be worth 1k. Until then you're just lying to us ^^
Please, don't think that I don't "know that market". I've been playing the game since December, and have watched the market for quite some time.
Green items will do only one thing: deflate in price. Why? The market will soon be flooded with them. With collectors items, you at least had to kill several MOBs to get enough items to actually get enough to buy a collector's weapon. With these new green weapons, all you do is find the appropriate boss and kill him. Now he may or may not drop his weapon, and you may have to repeat the process a few times, but you know EXACTLY how to get said weapon. It's not a matter of (as an example) slaying an entire area of Grawl just to get 5 necklaces. You are only looking for ONE GUY.
2-5k for a collector's item, based on the time it takes to farm the collectors required items is fine, but you can't honestly say you think these green items are worth MORE. It's ludicrous to believe that. I'll even conceed that these items MIGHT, MAYBE be worth up to 5k... and that's a HUGE maybe.
I've seen people trying to sell them for 30, 40, 50k and higher. Are you going to say they are worth THAT much? Please... they, most definately ARE NOT worth that much.
And I can farm my own greens, thanks... so I don't need to buy them.
Originally Posted by id0l
Not that I am necassarily disagreeing with your point of view on the patch Weazzol, but I take offense to that comment.

Tigris Of Gaul
Originally Posted by Gustav Gloomp
is the shadow blade back?
Sciros Darkblade
@Emil Knight: So now you are saying that collectors' items are HARDER to get than green items? I'll have to flat-out disagree with you on that point.
You bring up fighting "an area of grawl" vs. "one guy." Next time you try to get a hold of "Razorstone" or whatever the axe is called, please tally up how many enemies you end up killing from beginning to end (counting all attempts, mind you). I maintain you will find the numbers hardly close to "one guy." Plus these dwarves are a tad bit buffer than Grawl.
I think the green items should be worth more for 2 reasons:
1) they are HARDER to get. it will take me 30 minutes to fill up my entire inventory with sellable collectors' items. Each collector gives me 5 to choose from! Desert creatures drop sooo many collectors' items. Hydras drop dessicated claws almost HALF THE TIME. You name any collectors' weapon, and I will acquire it five or ten times faster than I will a certain green weapon I'm looking for.
2) they are BETTER. No two ways about it, but if you want a weapon with perfect inherent mods, you're either going to have to buy a gold one for well over 5k, buy one from a crafter for 5k + resources, or get a green one. You're gonna tell me that the green weapons are somehow markedly worse or easier to get than crafters' 15>50 weapons in Droknar's? I most certainly hope not. Yet, those cost 6-7k total counting resources (maybe more), and they don't have perfect upgrades on them either. Acquisition time for them? Nothing.
Now, *should* and *will* are two different things. People will have extra green weapons and they will rather sell them for 2-3k than sell them to a merchant. So they might end up dropping to near-rock-bottom once there is no demand for them.
But, we're talking about the WORTH of items. And, for all intents and purposes, green items are currently worth more than 5k. In the future they may very well be worth less, but not today. Probably not tomorrow, either. As I've stated before, items are worth as much as people will pay for them. There's no opinions about it. I've explained *why* green items should be worth more than other collectors'/crafters' weapons, but that does not and cannot prove they *are* worth more.
You bring up fighting "an area of grawl" vs. "one guy." Next time you try to get a hold of "Razorstone" or whatever the axe is called, please tally up how many enemies you end up killing from beginning to end (counting all attempts, mind you). I maintain you will find the numbers hardly close to "one guy." Plus these dwarves are a tad bit buffer than Grawl.
I think the green items should be worth more for 2 reasons:
1) they are HARDER to get. it will take me 30 minutes to fill up my entire inventory with sellable collectors' items. Each collector gives me 5 to choose from! Desert creatures drop sooo many collectors' items. Hydras drop dessicated claws almost HALF THE TIME. You name any collectors' weapon, and I will acquire it five or ten times faster than I will a certain green weapon I'm looking for.
2) they are BETTER. No two ways about it, but if you want a weapon with perfect inherent mods, you're either going to have to buy a gold one for well over 5k, buy one from a crafter for 5k + resources, or get a green one. You're gonna tell me that the green weapons are somehow markedly worse or easier to get than crafters' 15>50 weapons in Droknar's? I most certainly hope not. Yet, those cost 6-7k total counting resources (maybe more), and they don't have perfect upgrades on them either. Acquisition time for them? Nothing.
Now, *should* and *will* are two different things. People will have extra green weapons and they will rather sell them for 2-3k than sell them to a merchant. So they might end up dropping to near-rock-bottom once there is no demand for them.
But, we're talking about the WORTH of items. And, for all intents and purposes, green items are currently worth more than 5k. In the future they may very well be worth less, but not today. Probably not tomorrow, either. As I've stated before, items are worth as much as people will pay for them. There's no opinions about it. I've explained *why* green items should be worth more than other collectors'/crafters' weapons, but that does not and cannot prove they *are* worth more.
Lu Cheng Ying
Originally Posted by emil knight
I don't want them out... I just don't want to see people selling them for ungodly amounts of gold...
Greens are NOT worth more than 1K. Sorry. |
Would I pay 100K for this, hell yeah! You pair that with a Green focus and you have +17 Energy with 40% fast casting & 20% recharge!
An even better, a green wand/rod with 20/20--paired with a green or collector focus and you have 40/40!
So no, I love GREEN. Leave GREEN alone!

And I disagree with people that say doing collector with mod and you'll be the same. Well, no. You won't be the same. I just love Rago's Flame Staff...drops with +5 Energy & 20% long enchantment and it looks ultra-kewl! When in group, I spam what I have and other Eles salavates!

(I have a standing offer of 250K for my Rago..but i won't sell...not until I get him to drop another

Ok this is the most pointless argument I have ever seen. I am sorry to say, but why would they delete items that are constant? They made the items have ensured perf stats(except shields from what I've heard?), so they know exactly what they made.
And for those of you thinking they're expensive, well dur. Of course they are. they're not even 2 days old before you complain about the price. Give it time, farm for some of your own(its not hard with a few hench) and eventually the prices will go down.
And for those of you thinking they're expensive, well dur. Of course they are. they're not even 2 days old before you complain about the price. Give it time, farm for some of your own(its not hard with a few hench) and eventually the prices will go down.
emil knight
@Scrios: I'm going to answer your post by simply posting an excerpt from an interview with Gaile by GameAmp
Guild Wars at GameAmp Interviews Gaile and the Guild Wars Developers:
The Guild Wars loot system is now randomly generated between runes, salvages, collector items, weapons, shields and gold. With the absence of armor piece drops, the end-game gear is relatively easy to obtain and can be said to lack the luster of finding your ultimate set of gear. What are the developer's thoughts on the introducing unique items that have a set name and compiled with a set statistics (and perhaps 1 variable statistic) into the loot system? This will give players a new goal to focus on once they've reached end game as well as invigorate the economy.
Guild Wars:
It's an interesting question. This would tie in to basic principles of Guild Wars: The game is not based on the notion of "uber" items, and balance is the foremost objective, always. But what about the "collectability" and sheer coolness factor of having unique items and special looks for our characters? The answer is "Yes, why not!?" We won't add something that's going to tip the delicate scale of item balance, but we absolutely are looking at offering a lot more items for their sheer specialness factor and with the recognition that such items offer the ability to personalize your characters even more. Set items? Under consideration. Now, keep in mind there is a collectability factor in armor sets such as Druid's, Tormentor's, etc. But the idea of special items - that wonderful feeling of "I have the only one of this type" - is very popular with everyone on our team. (Oh, how I remember that from other games, too!) And one more thing about armor: For the next campaign, I expect we'll see the opportunity for making a fashion statement increasing in a bunch of ways, including what you wear in town and into battle, and in seeing a difference between the two.
The game is not based on "uber" items... so then... these items aren't "uber" by thier own admission. That means, they are simply and only "named" items, and can be duplicated without said name. The name is part of the "collectability factor" and nothing more.
So then... are they really worth what people think they are? Hell no. Just because people charge a certain price for something does not mean it's WORTH said price.
You missed the point. They aren't even worth what people are charging for them currently. Thank you for proving my point though, with a few henchmen you can farm them yourself, and thus affect the worth. Knowing that ahead of time, effectively, makes them as worthless now as I previously said.
Guild Wars at GameAmp Interviews Gaile and the Guild Wars Developers:
The Guild Wars loot system is now randomly generated between runes, salvages, collector items, weapons, shields and gold. With the absence of armor piece drops, the end-game gear is relatively easy to obtain and can be said to lack the luster of finding your ultimate set of gear. What are the developer's thoughts on the introducing unique items that have a set name and compiled with a set statistics (and perhaps 1 variable statistic) into the loot system? This will give players a new goal to focus on once they've reached end game as well as invigorate the economy.
Guild Wars:
It's an interesting question. This would tie in to basic principles of Guild Wars: The game is not based on the notion of "uber" items, and balance is the foremost objective, always. But what about the "collectability" and sheer coolness factor of having unique items and special looks for our characters? The answer is "Yes, why not!?" We won't add something that's going to tip the delicate scale of item balance, but we absolutely are looking at offering a lot more items for their sheer specialness factor and with the recognition that such items offer the ability to personalize your characters even more. Set items? Under consideration. Now, keep in mind there is a collectability factor in armor sets such as Druid's, Tormentor's, etc. But the idea of special items - that wonderful feeling of "I have the only one of this type" - is very popular with everyone on our team. (Oh, how I remember that from other games, too!) And one more thing about armor: For the next campaign, I expect we'll see the opportunity for making a fashion statement increasing in a bunch of ways, including what you wear in town and into battle, and in seeing a difference between the two.
The game is not based on "uber" items... so then... these items aren't "uber" by thier own admission. That means, they are simply and only "named" items, and can be duplicated without said name. The name is part of the "collectability factor" and nothing more.
So then... are they really worth what people think they are? Hell no. Just because people charge a certain price for something does not mean it's WORTH said price.
And for those of you thinking they're expensive, well dur. Of course they are. they're not even 2 days old before you complain about the price. Give it time, farm for some of your own(its not hard with a few hench) and eventually the prices will go down. |
Tigris Of Gaul
I can imagine seeing some green items being worth the high price longer than the other ones. Like Razorstone? The 15%>50 is great, but I don't want those other two mods and thus will look for a gold/purple/blue axe that's 15%>50 to improve on Razorstone. Speaking of which, get a collector with that mod or a merchant that sells it soon?
But some of those items are really great. Will I spend a lot of money on them? No, I'll probably wait for them to go down or farm them myself. But some green items are really good, some are not and since they cannot be upgraded their perfect stats are of no use.
But some of those items are really great. Will I spend a lot of money on them? No, I'll probably wait for them to go down or farm them myself. But some green items are really good, some are not and since they cannot be upgraded their perfect stats are of no use.
Sciros Darkblade
Emil Knight why are you so stubborn to accept the fact that "item worth" and item rarity/collectability are not at all related. There is no "true worth" to an item that exists outside of the GW item trade market as we know it. When people ask me for a PC, I don't make up some bogus value based on what *I* think the "worth" should be. No, I tell them what people are paying for the item, because that is THE ONLY WAY AN ITEM'S "WORTH" MANIFESTS ITSELF (apart from the "merchant price," which nobody follows so it is neither here nor there).
Your quoting of that interview was largely irrelevant, as I am not talking about rarity or "00ber"-ness of items at all. I am saying that items are worth that they're sold for, and there's no way to escape that.
What is a Beta-edition mint Black Lotus worth? And how is that price arrived at? By Bob Smith the king of card appraising? No, by looking at the prices at which they sell at various vendors and arriving at some mean or median.
Think about what I'm saying.
Your quoting of that interview was largely irrelevant, as I am not talking about rarity or "00ber"-ness of items at all. I am saying that items are worth that they're sold for, and there's no way to escape that.
What is a Beta-edition mint Black Lotus worth? And how is that price arrived at? By Bob Smith the king of card appraising? No, by looking at the prices at which they sell at various vendors and arriving at some mean or median.
Think about what I'm saying.
well my gold chaos axe hasnt dropped one bit
its still over a million in value
its still over a million in value

i like having it, i like having a rpg char who u work so long on have a slight advantage over a pvp
One and Two
who says its an advantage over pvp people? you can storage it to a pvp person if you want...
Originally Posted by Sciros Darkblade
As I've stated before, items are worth as much as people will pay for them.
I also saw someone spamming in D. War Camp that he was looking to buy the green axe (I think it was the 15>50 sephis lookalike) for 200K. Yes, 200K. That's what it is worth to him I suppose. And why not? Probably the last axe he'll ever buy. I also saw someone selling their Stinger bow for 200K or 200 ectos (?lol?) in another district. Luckily my ranger has been set for a while with his 15>50 req. 8 composite with Poisoners string and +5 defense...still untoppable by any green bow I've seen or heard about (to be fair, not all rangers would think this ideal, but I'm certainly not all rangers, so I could care less what you think

Originally Posted by ty3c
well my gold chaos axe hasnt dropped one bit
its still over a million in value |
Also, on an interesting note, I was in and out of SF tonite with a 7/8 group, did several quests, and fought several bosses. No green drops whatsoever, for anyone. Some bosses we fought multiple times (zoning in and out of the furnace for quests). I had originally heard that the bosses were dropping the greens often (although I cannot confirm this; and this was right after update - before we got hit with "new build, new build, new build!"), but it seems that maybe this is not so anymore. I would enjoy this change. Keep the uniques - well, unique. It's not really unique if everyone has it, is it? Maybe it would discourage all the wanna-be farmers that are spamming War Camp continuously (LFG Farming; Need monk for farming group; anyone farming?; NEED MORE FOR FARMING!!11, etc.). Pretty sad. Took me about an hour and several district changes to even get a group together for quests. I hope Anet nerfs the hell out of the bosses and their green drops. Sure, drop them occasionally - but not enough to make real gold off of them. If you only get a green every 20th or so time you take down a boss, and you're in a group of at least 4 (being generous here, I'm not sure how a 4 man group would do vs. mobs of lvl 24s, nor do I really care), is the time spent really worth it to farm/sell/repeat? I think not. But the item would be worth it to KEEP and USE, and isn't that what's important?

Just my 2 cents...like it or not.

emil knight
Originally Posted by Sciros Darkblade
What is a Beta-edition mint Black Lotus worth? And how is that price arrived at? By Bob Smith the king of card appraising? No, by looking at the prices at which they sell at various vendors and arriving at some mean or median.
Think about what I'm saying. |
These items are neither rare, nor gaming changing, since the game is based on YOUR SKILLS and not your "uber items" as the article above states. They are common (or soon will be), and every one of thier effects can be duplicated in a single weapon.
These items are not WORTH what people will pay for them. People just pay those amounts for them because they are impatient, or uninformed.
Sciros Darkblade
Well then it just seems you have created an imaginary concept of "item worth" that doesn't actually exist, in our out of the game. There's really no point to discussing it further, as I have no wish to debate anything wholly without the realm of reality.
Originally Posted by Sciros Darkblade
Oh, and yeah, the +5 energy sword, why the heck did they pull that? I mean, I'm glad I have one, but come on, nobody cared about them before. So why get rid of them? I personally found it seriously awesome and very much underplayed.. I'd give up 1 point of damage for having 25 base energy on a warrior any day, but I'm not sure anyone else did.
Mandy Memory
...they are so amazing </sarcasm>
they are equivalent to a gold weapon THAT YOU CANT CHANGE
they are equivalent to a gold weapon THAT YOU CANT CHANGE
My take on the green items is to spread them around more throughout the game areas. They need to put them in more areas so the farmers cant get rich off them. Right now how it is it, its unfair to the low lvl players just because they:
1 cannot afford the high prices players are demanding for greens
2 cannot get any greens until they get to the high lvl areas
3 and connot get to the high lvl areas due to the high lvl players charging for runs to the green spawning areas(I am not against charging for runs, just against not helping out the other players for once and beign nice).
If NCSOFT would spread the greens around to other areas it would more fair to everyone not just a special few. Keep them rare but just spread them around more. Examples are low lvl missions and some more difficult areas to go through making it so the players will explore more and not stick to 1 or 2 areas.
Thats my oppinion and ill stick with it.
Mega Mouse
1 cannot afford the high prices players are demanding for greens
2 cannot get any greens until they get to the high lvl areas
3 and connot get to the high lvl areas due to the high lvl players charging for runs to the green spawning areas(I am not against charging for runs, just against not helping out the other players for once and beign nice).
If NCSOFT would spread the greens around to other areas it would more fair to everyone not just a special few. Keep them rare but just spread them around more. Examples are low lvl missions and some more difficult areas to go through making it so the players will explore more and not stick to 1 or 2 areas.
Thats my oppinion and ill stick with it.
Mega Mouse
I've been into sorrows furnace 3 times and gotten a green each time
I've been into grenths footprint each time i went into sorrows furnace and gotten 1 green.
I did this all with henchies...
but the greens do need to be spread around more
I've been into grenths footprint each time i went into sorrows furnace and gotten 1 green.
I did this all with henchies...
but the greens do need to be spread around more
the greens are hear to stay, but has lowered teh price of basic stuff in teh economy.. only the "rare" skinned/nammed items are still worth lots..
Crystalline Fellblades Shaddow Blades, Sephis Chaos Dwarven Axes, Swamp Clubs, Storm Bows, Shadow Bows etc.
Crystalline Fellblades Shaddow Blades, Sephis Chaos Dwarven Axes, Swamp Clubs, Storm Bows, Shadow Bows etc.
WoW....thread necromancy.
My girls have been through the Furnace numerous times either questing themselves or helping friends out. Only *one* green has ever dropped for them there --- Flint's Artifact. Another green, Elswyth's Recurve, was given to my mesmer by a sweet monk one day in the Maguuma just because he was being nice. I bought the Willcrusher right before Ilyana's staff prices came down (to a much more affordable level) and love wielding it.
However, I gave into the immense peer pressure
and suffocating curiousity of the new Queen Hunt and took my ranger out yesterday. She got two of the new staves, one of which she gave to the warrior who accompanied her. The other is now on my monk, Cait, who honestly prefers her dark damage truncheon and collector's healing ankh (she's a healer not protector). My necro went out to test a new skill set and got one, as well. The skill set didn't work extremely well but the staff is pretty
. Farming? If only a real-life farmer had it so easy!
Greens are here to stay. A lot of golds are worthless and in my opinion, some of the greens aren't all that, either (Flint's Artifact, case in point). While I don't understand fully the mind-numbing monotony of 'farming' an area time and time again for drops, I do appreciate that there are people who can do it. If Anet were to severely limit the green drops at this point, it would drive weapon prices even further up and that would be a bad thing.
It would be nice if they were scattered more widely, though. Maybe a boss appearing in relatively random areas who dropped a green.....
My girls have been through the Furnace numerous times either questing themselves or helping friends out. Only *one* green has ever dropped for them there --- Flint's Artifact. Another green, Elswyth's Recurve, was given to my mesmer by a sweet monk one day in the Maguuma just because he was being nice. I bought the Willcrusher right before Ilyana's staff prices came down (to a much more affordable level) and love wielding it.
However, I gave into the immense peer pressure

Greens are here to stay. A lot of golds are worthless and in my opinion, some of the greens aren't all that, either (Flint's Artifact, case in point). While I don't understand fully the mind-numbing monotony of 'farming' an area time and time again for drops, I do appreciate that there are people who can do it. If Anet were to severely limit the green drops at this point, it would drive weapon prices even further up and that would be a bad thing.
It would be nice if they were scattered more widely, though. Maybe a boss appearing in relatively random areas who dropped a green.....
ugh lock
Guardian of the Light
Anet has had a long battle trying to please both PvPers and PvEers. One of the answers to PvEer moans about how PvPers can get max items was the green items. They had some mods that PvPers couldn't get a hold of.
Now PvPers are complaining that thier overpowered and that they should get them.
Anet is trying their best people lets not complain their doing a good job. Remember when alliances come out with factions we have to work together!
Now PvPers are complaining that thier overpowered and that they should get them.
Anet is trying their best people lets not complain their doing a good job. Remember when alliances come out with factions we have to work together!