Sorry if this seems like a n00by type question.. But I'm left wondering about things after my N/Mo just failed Frost Gate right at the end..
What I'm wondering is whether the monster group's you face are random or if they have made the end part of Frost Gate harder?
I ask because when my W/Mo & E/Mo did Frost gate there was only *1* group of enemies in the last section and I managed to kill them before the next group arrived (ok ok, there was 2 groups.. 1 by the gate and 1 by a lever...)... I've remade my N/Mo.. and the 1st time I went through there was also only 1 group there.. Now I just tried it with my new N/Mo.. and there was 2 groups by 2 different lever's this time.. and a 3rd group arrived right as I killed off the 1st group.. making it next to impossible to finish since the 3rd group arrived by the group I'd left...
Yes, I was stupid by going for the 1st group and not the 2nd.. I could have finished the mission had I gone for the 2nd group (I think).. But fact is everytime I've done the mission before, there has only ever been 1 group by the lever's.... yet now there was 2 groups.. Makes me wonder if the placing of group's is just random and I got a bad roll (and played stupidly.. LOL) or if they are in fact making it harder to try and stop stupid idiots like me getting past these missions
Monster spawns in missions random?