I'm just wondering if it's me or is Soul Feast bugged when it's used by enemies..
What makes me wonder is when I'm fighting Stone Summit howlers and they cast Soul Feast and get healed... when there are *no* bodies around. I've seen them get hit and then cast the spell when they where the 1st critter I attacked and there were no bodies to exploit... yet they still get healed when they cast it.
Here's the description ->
Soul Feast - Spell
Exploit nearest corpse to steal 50-234 health.
It clearly says that you need a corpse.. yet from what I've seen Stone Summit Howler's don't need corpses and will get healed if they cast this spell if there is a corpse or not...
And I'm sure they are casting this as I see the icon for it appear under their name and when highlighted it clearly says the skill they are using is soul Feast.. and they do get healed even when there are no bodies for them to use...
I wish I had some SS's to show.. but I'm usually too busy trying to kill them to take the SS's.. I'll try and get some next time I'm fighting them...
Is it me or is Soul Feast bugged?