Hey my guild is a little new (a couple months) and we have been doing GvG every night but we are having trouble with getting togather a good build.. Our guild (Guild Of Forgotten Souls) [Goft] is looking for a guild to do unrated with and help out with builds and just have a good time getting some practice PM me back or post.. ty all
IGN The Solo Artist.
Need a Guild Friend
Magic Gan Man
Our guild is always open for experimenting with builds in friendly unranked GvG. Post on my guild's forum sometime if you're interested. www.valiantguild.com
Magic Gan Man
wow thanks i posted anyone else wana helpout and do some GvG unrated for practice
Little Thom's Bro
we can practice unrated gvg with you guys
The hard part about getting a good build is mostly the people.. i suggest u limit ur self on recruiting "new players" dont want 2 use the word noob becuz i was once 1 =D, but anywho, this is how most guilds become successful.. Tombs.... u first start a guild, dont do gvgs until u have 8 decent ppl that are active..... recruiting just say u guys were rank 500 or something before and u resetted the guild ... i didnt but its a good way... also, when u start a guild, dont start it all on ur own.. then all u can recruit is new players.... i suggest starting with friends that will stay in ur guild and are decent in pvp... (nothing to do with unrated gvg topic but just a tip)
I have started forming a database for guild leaders interested in doing unranked practice/fun battles. If you are interested, check out my topic (http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...ad.php?t=58746) for more information.