Very Nice Gold Smiting Staff || Gold Spantha || Gold Summit Axe
Yo, got some pretty decent items for you, I think the Staff is actually the best out of the three. I'll go ahead and put a buyout on the sword for 10k. The other two I'll leave up for auction. I think the Summit Axe is relatively rare, or was it Dwarven...whatever. Either way, thanks for bidding and taking the time to look.
1. C/O:
2. - Sold -
3. C/O: B/O: 100k
Oh yeah, I'm not gonna sell if I don't like the bid (in regards to the staff) but same with the axe if it's the rare one. And hey sorry, I thought the sword was #1 in the picture so I put the buyout of 10k, but it turned out to be the axe. But I cleared it up now, very sorry for the inconvience.
rugal nuker
i buy out the axe...
5k #1
10k #2
10k #2
rugal nuker
Originally Posted by Armstrong084
5k #1
10k #2 lol...too slow..i buy out axe already...
10k #2 lol...too slow..i buy out axe already...
:P lol
Bump, again, I thought the sword was #1 in the picture so I put the buyout of 10k, but it turned out to be the axe. But I cleared it up now, very sorry for the inconvience.
I offer 5k for smiting staff
I'll give you 20k for the #3
Knight of Eternal Darknes
25k #3