The +15%>50 sword in Droknars Forge

Cecilia Blanka

Cecilia Blanka

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Ascalon..I think

Crusaders of Justice


Money & swords
Its just the one thing in the update that will change the value of swords.
The max damage +15%>50 Sword you can get from the Droknars Weapon Trader for 5K + some materials.
Ok it looks like a short sword and is called longsword, but who cares, its the so called perfect sword.
Lets see how this effects the sell Forums...
Will people still pay 100K and more for swords with those stats just because they look diffrent or are gold?
I also found some green items in the Furnace, they drop quite regulary.
And got some sup. runes and 3 max Staffs with god stats from the chest (Shiverpeak keys)
All that will and must have a good effect on the prices...or not?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by Cecilia Blanka
Money & swords
Its just the one thing in the update that will change the value of swords.
The max damage +15%>50 Sword you can get from the Droknars Weapon Trader for 5K + some materials.
Ok it looks like a short sword and is called longsword, but who cares, its the so called perfect sword.
Lets see how this effects the sell Forums...
Will people still pay 100K and more for swords with those stats just because they look diffrent or are gold?
I also found some green items in the Furnace, they drop quite regulary.
And got some sup. runes and 3 max Staffs with god stats from the chest (Shiverpeak keys)
All that will and must have a good effect on the prices...or not?
Theres SO many threads on this right now....Unless your stupid you wont pay more than 10k MAX ever on an item now.



Polar Bear Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

Is there a green 15>50 sword? (and what skin? )



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

Shameful Spirits [SsP]


Originally Posted by Cecilia Blanka
Money & swords
Its just the one thing in the update that will change the value of swords.
The max damage +15%>50 Sword you can get from the Droknars Weapon Trader for 5K + some materials.
Ok it looks like a short sword and is called longsword, but who cares, its the so called perfect sword.
it has a big problem: it's the most FUGLY sword model in the game .

It looks ok on my tiny monk, but on a big, brute (male) warrior it looks like a kitchen knife ...

Cecilia Blanka

Cecilia Blanka

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Ascalon..I think

Crusaders of Justice


But there is no point in paying 100K for any max damage sword with those stats.
Maybe 10-20K because of the design, as for the upgrades they still may costs some extra money...
Its just a good thing that green items, collector items and now also Weapon trader items will after all calm the economy and give every player a chance to fight with the best equipment the game has to offer...
Who needs gold if you get blue and green top items...


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by Witchblade
Is there a green 15>50 sword? (and what skin? )
I believe it is just a normal long sword skin or model



Did I hear 7 heroes?

Join Date: May 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Guild Leader (Not Recruiting)

People are still going to pay insane amounts for a 15 over 50 depending on the model.

Kuku Monk

Kuku Monk

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005


People will pay more for looks. If you don't believe me look at all the people running around in 15k armor (or at least partially )



Polar Bear Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Cobalt
I believe it is just a normal long sword skin or model
wanit wanit wanit !! where can i get this one


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

Knoxville, TN



I'd like to see mods for shields and off-hand items. That would be interesting. But back on topic, I'm gonna have to check out that sword you mentioned. Never noticed it before.

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

At an Insit.. Intis... a house.

Live Forever Or Die Trying [GLHF]


I don't know what this sword is, but the regular long sword does definitely not look like a kitchen knife:

Second biggest sword in the game, after fellblades (and the prettiest).

Bingley Joe

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Philosophers of Denravi

Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
I don't know what this sword is, but the regular long sword does definitely not look like a kitchen knife:

Second biggest sword in the game, after fellblades (and the prettiest).

Yeah, that's my favourite. I think it's funny you get to weild that monster one-handed when it's clearly a two handed design

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

At an Insit.. Intis... a house.

Live Forever Or Die Trying [GLHF]


Originally Posted by Bingley Joe
Yeah, that's my favourite. I think it's funny you get to weild that monster one-handed when it's clearly a two handed design
I reckon it's a Claymore.
It's also one of the few weapons in the game which looks reasonably realistic. Except that it should not have been used as a one-hand weapon, of course.

EDIT: I got uncertain so I did a search on claymore and... does this look familiar to anyone?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Knight Vision [KnV]


Yeah, it's like a Scottish claymore. I'd personally like to see a nice regular broadsword skin. Something like the Master Sword of Legend of Zelda fame. Or, even better, a daikatana. (Imagine a katana for an ogre and you have a daikatana.)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by Rossaroni
Yeah, it's like a Scottish claymore. I'd personally like to see a nice regular broadsword skin. Something like the Master Sword of Legend of Zelda fame. Or, even better, a daikatana. (Imagine a katana for an ogre and you have a daikatana.)
Not to get too far into sword geekery, but "broadsword" is not a historically relevant term, and Daikatana was a videogame, not a weapon.

(Try "arming sword" and "nodachi".)



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Originally Posted by Kuku Monk
People will pay more for looks. If you don't believe me look at all the people running around in 15k armor (or at least partially )
15k armor never fluctuates price-wise (unless you buy the materials). It is a solid investment.