Possible bug in the game?
The Great Al
Hey guys, has anyone noticed that at certain points, they can get 4,5,6 drops IN A ROW, while playing with a group of 8 people? My group killed one boss, it dropped 3 items, they were all assigned to me (everyone else in the group was on screen and alive)...and we went right to the next group of monsters, and the next 3 items were also for me! This has happened once on my warrior, and once on my monk, although it does seem overall that my warrior gets a lot more drops than my monk, except during the 2 or 3 instances that I get a bunch of drops all in a row.
aron searle
whats your in game name so i know to not team up with you
haha, that happens to me sometimes. when i played with my bf the other night he was forever moaning that everything dropped was assigned to me, hardly anything was for him. of course i didn't notice anything odd **grins**
x X x
x X x
salja Wachi
it is just random. you got really lucky :P
happened to me a couple time. (not liek that ) but something along those lines
anyway not a bug
happened to me a couple time. (not liek that ) but something along those lines
anyway not a bug
The Great Al
the probability of 6 straight drops being assigned to me in an 8 man group would be (1/8)^6....and for it to happen 2 or 3 times the past 2 days....well, you do the math
play the lottery :P