Pulling single mobs...or 2
I am wondering if there is a way/class that can pull mobs 1 or 2 at a time as opposed to all 10. Fairly new to the game, but I run a lvl 15 R/E...Any helpful pointers would be great...Thanks in advance.
Silverax Bowmaster
Silverax Bowmaster
Algren Cole
yes. rangers can do it most effectively as the longbow strikes from outside aggro. but every class in the game can pull
Thanks for the reply..I understand that everyone can pull..>But is there anyway to pull 1 at a time?
No, most mobs are tied to a group. You'll get however many that grouping is.
Titan Chrae
Originally Posted by Silverax
Thanks for the reply..I understand that everyone can pull..>But is there anyway to pull 1 at a time?
Usually not. The MOB consists of a group monsters tied together. You can, however, pull on MOB away from a stack of MOBs.
Ok...thanks very much!
It's all linked monsters. When you hit one all in the area come but many times you can break it down into the smallest unit.
Lots of bosses are solitary even though they stand with a linked group. You can pull them all away and tag the boss out to fight solo. Maybe not lots, but some.
I've seen so many people just assume that because a whole big group comes that they have to fight them all. The largest linked group I've ever seen was 6. It takes some time to break them all down though. It seems like most are in 3s to me.
Lots of bosses are solitary even though they stand with a linked group. You can pull them all away and tag the boss out to fight solo. Maybe not lots, but some.
I've seen so many people just assume that because a whole big group comes that they have to fight them all. The largest linked group I've ever seen was 6. It takes some time to break them all down though. It seems like most are in 3s to me.
This surprised me as well, as a person from FFXI... I would wait till the other monsters weren't looking at the one I was going to pull, then wondered why the heck they all came anyways :| Sometimes you'll get lucky though, and the AI will bug and send only one after you
Bingley Joe
Originally Posted by Titan Chrae
Usually not. The MOB consists of a group monsters tied together. You can, however, pull on MOB away from a stack of MOBs.
Just to be clear (because it's quirky, and I see many people around the forums using it incorrectly), the term "Mob" as used to refer to NPC creatures in a video game is singular and means "Mobile".
So an 'enormous mob of creatures' (mob=traditional English usage here) would comprise an a enormous group of Mobs (here 1 group=many Mobs).
Not trying to be a jerk or anything, it's just something that's worth clearing up every now and again and I think that's how the OP was using it..
Anyway, as mentioned, Mobs in GuildWars are linked in groups of roughly 3-8 (give or take a few depending on where you are in the game), so if you aggro one Mob in the group, you'll get them all - even if they've managed to get themselves quite spread out.
In situations where multiple groups of Mobs have mixed together, it becomes important to draw them into separate areas of the map before you fully engage, because aggroing even one Mob of an adjacent group will cause ALL of the Mobs in that group to join the fight and things can go bad pretty quickly.
This means you need to make sure that (for example) if you have a Ranger with a pet who is going to attack a Mob at the rear of its party, there is enough space between that Mob and any nearby un-linked Mobs so that the pet doesn't trigger aggro on something with its own aggro circle (I know that's not terribly clear, but I hope you can still follow the gist of what I'm saying). Lots of people just don't have the patience for this (you need to have at least some understanding of where things are going to patrol to, for example.. stand and WAIT?? NEVER!! ), and it's where just about every PUG I've been in that's failed has come apart first..
The only way I've managed to ever pull just a single Mob - that wasn't a hero - was to get something tenacious like a melee fighter aggro'ed and then really run it far away from anything else.. sometimes the rest of their group will lose interest and go back, leaving the poor melee Mob all alone
Thanks for all the great Info.... So what I am hearing is the best thing to do is..>Longbow shot 1 mob....Pull that group back to my party? so if i hit xmob and he brings his little group...the other groups around them will not follow if i am out of there arrgo range?
John Waffletord
Originally Posted by Silverax
Thanks for all the great Info.... So what I am hearing is the best thing to do is..>Longbow shot 1 mob....Pull that group back to my party? so if i hit xmob and he brings his little group...the other groups around them will not follow if i am out of there arrgo range?
Bingley Joe
Originally Posted by Silverax
Thanks for all the great Info.... So what I am hearing is the best thing to do is..>Longbow shot 1 mob....Pull that group back to my party? so if i hit xmob and he brings his little group...the other groups around them will not follow if i am out of there arrgo range?
Yes, that's correct.
One thing to consider with that approach however, is that if you have either a pet, or any henchies in your party, they will attack your target. Not such a problem for ranged classes, but your AI melee fighters will dutifully tear off in pursuit of blood and stand a very good chance of aggroing things you didn't want them to (also a huge problem when the path they decide to take causes them to Killroy a whole bunch of disparate groups - such as when you attack something from above). The pet in particular begins it's attack when your arrow actually strikes its target, and will remain locked onto that target for quite some time. In some situations, that will work out fine and there will be enough space around for the Mob to lock onto the little meatshield and you're golden, but in lots of situations, it's a disaster.
In these instances, your best bet is to use your aggro circle to draw the Mob's aggro instead and immediately begin to run away so that the Warrior henchies don't decide to attack (which I believe they will do as soon as the Mob reaches their aggro circle, although it's a bit hard to be certain. Still, you want to get them running quickly. Don't give them a chance to spot anything that needs a-killin'). It's easiest if there's at least one other human around to hold the henchies back while the other person draws aggro (note: the bots will follow - and keep following - the first person who moves.), but you can still do it if you're all alone.
Fantastic...Thanks guys! I will have to test some things out tonight then!
Divinitys Creature
Originally Posted by Silverax
Thanks for the reply..I understand that everyone can pull..>But is there anyway to pull 1 at a time?
Keep the rest of you party 3 aggro bubbles away - I'm exaggerating. Send one person close to the mob. Aggro with a longbow or the agrro bubble edge then run like hell back to party. Mobs break off into parties of 3 usually. If you lose aggro the start to walk back. Then aggro the closest one again. Repeat and you can normally separate them enough to kill one before the next one gets anywhere near your party.