I also have these on www.gamefaqs.com, and www.rpgtraders.net... i will update the c/o every day. The bid last for the weekend. and if the Storm and the Fellblade dont get to a resonable price i will not sell them.
Sundering Fellblade of Fortitude | GOLD|
15-22 Req 10
10/10 Sundering
+30 Health
Start: 70k
B/o: 500k
C/o:300k ( Some Guy In Lions.. )
Vampric Storm Bow of Fortitiude
15-28 Req 13
4:1 Vamp
+29 Health
Start: 50k
B/O: 200k
Ebon Great Axe of Axe Mastery | GOLD |
Earth 6-28 Req 12
Axe Mastery +1 (!5%)
Start: 5k
B/O: 25k
Skeletom Sheild | GOLD |
armro 16 Req 8 Tactics
Recived Dmg -2 ( Enchant )
Start: 2k
B/O: 10k
C/O: 5k ( Ace Wild )
Fiery Break Hammer of Enchanting | GOLD |
Fire 17-32 Req 9
-10 Armor
Enchantments last 15 % Longer
Start: 2k
B/O: 10k
Fiery Dragon Sword Of Fortitude | PURPLE |
Fire 15-22 Req 12
+12% > 50
+24 Health
Start: 5k
B/O: 10k
Some Gold ( Storm and Fell )
Guild Wars Master
110k on the fellblade
50k on the storm bow
Guild Wars Master