guild hoppers
omfg my gay ass guildi who is partially my friend keeps on being a dumbass im not saying out his name becuz i think thats against the forums... First, we were planning to do GVG(non ranked) to test out some builds... him being rank 4, and thinking hes so goood which he isnt(im rank4 also), he took party leader then "accidently" picked ranked, then w/o even 20 seconds it started. he then said" OMG I DIDNT KNOW IT WOULD START SO SOOON!" we were still owning the other guild and for like 20 minutes, we didnt even get morale cuz HIM agan being the dumbass said get flag! get flag! and i did and he didnt even protect flag all he did was take his ass and chase everyone.. god i hate him im PRobably not sure never taking him bak in the guild agan hes so freakin useless hes so cooockyy and me messed up our rank more then 3 times, once we playid with xen of onslaught and we lost becuz he was like OMG THEY ARE SOO GOOD then he gave up and started to fool around.. reason why i call him a guild "hopper" is cuz he keeps joinin other guilds then joinin bak.. god... whats wrong with dumbasses these days
Stalker Haras
then stop reinviting him back to the guild?
as i said, hes partially friend =Z
Sir Santiago
Originally Posted by conker
omfg my gay ass guildi who is partially my friend keeps on being a dumbass im not saying out his name becuz i think thats against the forums... First, we were planning to do GVG(non ranked) to test out some builds... him being rank 4, and thinking hes so goood which he isnt(im rank4 also), he took party leader then "accidently" picked ranked, then w/o even 20 seconds it started. he then said" OMG I DIDNT KNOW IT WOULD START SO SOOON!" we were still owning the other guild and for like 20 minutes, we didnt even get morale cuz HIM agan being the dumbass said get flag! get flag! and i did and he didnt even protect flag all he did was take his ass and chase everyone.. god i hate him im PRobably not sure never taking him bak in the guild agan hes so freakin useless hes so cooockyy and me messed up our rank more then 3 times, once we playid with xen of onslaught and we lost becuz he was like OMG THEY ARE SOO GOOD then he gave up and started to fool around.. reason why i call him a guild "hopper" is cuz he keeps joinin other guilds then joinin bak.. god... whats wrong with dumbasses these days
From what I can gather from your post, this guy is your friend, but he is somewhat.. "Out of it", unloyal, and lacks confidence in the guild.
Kick him, and keep him out.
Even if he is your pal, if you want your guild to grow, keep him out! Chances are his negative attitude will rub off on other guildies and discourage them.
In addition, constantly re-inviting him back makes your guild seem desperate (for members).. Which is not a good thing.
My previous guild have an issue somewhat similar to this. Our guild originally was founded July 4th 2004. We grew slowly and steadily, and there were some struggles but we were overal ok. Then we got a new member. This particular member was overlly arrogant, disrespectful, and caused 6 members to leave the guild the entire time he was there. Him and only him, no one else caused them to leave, just him. Being a co-leader of the guild I constantly tried to have him kicked, but he had gotten in good with the Founder and he refused to kick him, despite my urging him to do so before he ruined the guild. He then had a friend join, who was just as bad as him. Eventually we lost 2 more members because of the overal immaturiy of the guild and the constant insults of this person and his friend. I got fed up with it, gathered up those loyal to me, and we left to make our own guild.
Two days later the guild collapsed when the founder left it. RIP OoD, July 4th 2004-May 22nd, 2005.
Morale of the Story: Don't be afraid to take care of a problem, as a leader you have a responsibility to the majority of your members to do what is best for them and the guild, don't let one person bring you down.
Two days later the guild collapsed when the founder left it. RIP OoD, July 4th 2004-May 22nd, 2005.
Morale of the Story: Don't be afraid to take care of a problem, as a leader you have a responsibility to the majority of your members to do what is best for them and the guild, don't let one person bring you down.
My guild has a kind of problem in line with yours at this very moment. We have 2 kids spoiling the fun for the majority (eg. Spamming the Guild Announcements and guild chat, constantly making offensive remarks). The big problem here is that our guild leaders isn’t very steadfast himself having kicked one of those two, three times in a row while the other one kept inviting him back. Our leader is afraid that if he kicks both these guys he’ll lose other members as well.
Now I hate to stand up and tell the leader it’s either them two or me (in which case a few others will also leave with me), but I see no other solution at this point. Though with the current leadership I wonder if the best course of action would be to stay myself.
Now I hate to stand up and tell the leader it’s either them two or me (in which case a few others will also leave with me), but I see no other solution at this point. Though with the current leadership I wonder if the best course of action would be to stay myself.
Originally Posted by conker
omfg my gay ass guildi who is partially my friend keeps on being a dumbass im not saying out his name becuz i think thats against the forums... First, we were planning to do GVG(non ranked) to test out some builds... him being rank 4, and thinking hes so goood which he isnt(im rank4 also), he took party leader then "accidently" picked ranked, then w/o even 20 seconds it started. he then said" OMG I DIDNT KNOW IT WOULD START SO SOOON!" we were still owning the other guild and for like 20 minutes, we didnt even get morale cuz HIM agan being the dumbass said get flag! get flag! and i did and he didnt even protect flag all he did was take his ass and chase everyone.. god i hate him im PRobably not sure never taking him bak in the guild agan hes so freakin useless hes so cooockyy and me messed up our rank more then 3 times, once we playid with xen of onslaught and we lost becuz he was like OMG THEY ARE SOO GOOD then he gave up and started to fool around.. reason why i call him a guild "hopper" is cuz he keeps joinin other guilds then joinin bak.. god... whats wrong with dumbasses these days
yea some people are annoying, but hey if hes ur friends dont get pissed about it over a game
You know, I wondered at first if conkerz was making a joke post. It's kind of hard for a guild to prosper when the leader seems semi-literate. It is the leader of a guild that defines the guild - leadership and dedication makes all the difference in creating loyal members. I personally have left many guilds because of what I perceived as inadequate, or inconsistent leadership on the part of the leader.
You, Conkerz, don't have the RIGHT to complain about anything since *you* are the one reinviting him and complaining about it all the time.
If he quits the guild then he quit, why do you reinvite him?
Also: Try and learn to write correctly, if you write this bad when you have the *time* to post a thread, I can only Imagine what it's like online.
Yee gods! What a horrible thought
If he quits the guild then he quit, why do you reinvite him?
Also: Try and learn to write correctly, if you write this bad when you have the *time* to post a thread, I can only Imagine what it's like online.
Yee gods! What a horrible thought
Master Oria
Originally Posted by kawaii_bat
You, Conkerz, don't have the RIGHT to complain about anything since *you* are the one reinviting him and complaining about it all the time.
If he quits the guild then he quit, why do you reinvite him? Also: Try and learn to write correctly, if you write this bad when you have the *time* to post a thread, I can only Imagine what it's like online. Yee gods! What a horrible thought |
written much more politely.
Only have a minimum 1:5 ratio between captains and members. In management, a manager can only control 7 people optimally. Also, make sure your captains know the rules and policies of the clan, and be certain that they have the integrity and balls to carry out the dirty work (kicking out people, disciplinary action, etc). Most people are too soft, if you want a strong clan, you have to be honest not just towards others but to yourself.
If you or your captains cannot figure out who are good/bad members, then i suggest that you sit down and layout what exactly are the goals of your clan. And no, "being pvp or pve orientated" is not a goal, thats the gamestyle. Set out goals, enforce respect, zero-tolerance for goofups, and voila, you'll have a tight crew that will stick to u till the end.
If you or your captains cannot figure out who are good/bad members, then i suggest that you sit down and layout what exactly are the goals of your clan. And no, "being pvp or pve orientated" is not a goal, thats the gamestyle. Set out goals, enforce respect, zero-tolerance for goofups, and voila, you'll have a tight crew that will stick to u till the end.
Originally Posted by Master Oria
I agree, i have to say, it was also a very offencive post and could of been
written much more politely. |
Another way is to minimize "blind" invites, (not his freind, but just generally) ..I think Guilds which get screwed due to blind invites partly deserve it. Getting over on someone bkoz he has no cape is as lame as getting screwed..theysay everyday flips around ;-)
What do you expect with a guild named "The Douchebags"?
Happy Salamander
What does mean? Cookey? Cooker? Cook from Kentucky? Im confused
Kicking people that are irritating the others wont scare the other members. did it with a guy werry much like the one you are talking about and the strongest reaction was some who wanted to know why he was kicked
Originally Posted by Happy Salamander
What does mean? Cookey? Cooker? Cook from Kentucky? Im confused
RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOy. As in arrogant, full headed. Someone who is full of himself.
I feel that to have a good, balanced guild, have friends who you can trust as leaders. TRUST.
I had a member like this in the beginning!
First he wanted to be with us asking me to let him join so I did(even it was against our rules because we wanted to keep the guild 18+ and he was first 13).
Through the time he was nice, most of the time was mature and friendly.
One day me and a other member helped him to get his 15k Armor the day after he was gone without even saying something.
All of sudden he whispered me that he built his own guild, wanted to do a alliance and so on....
I told him ok! He guild was alive for around 2 weeks before he quit it asking me to take him back in ours.
I told him that if I give him a second chance it would be the last one and that I don't want guild hoppers in my guild.
So he stayed for around 2 weeks maximum and then he fought with a other guild in the tombs and they wanted him to change there so he did.
Even this was a unloyal behaviour, I wished him all the best and told him that I hope he will be happy in his new guild, kept him in my friendslist and we were done.
After only a few weeks again he asked me to come back because in his new guild the people were treating him "bad", guild was inactive and various other reasons.
I told him NO and explained him that I had said before that if he will ever leave again that there is no turning back.
He started with please and give me another chance, I won't leave anymore and so on.....
Even I got a bit sad because he actually was a nice person after all, I stood up my word and didn't let him back.
He said that obviously leaving us was the baddest decision he ever made cause in our guild he was at least happy (how could he be happy and leave all the time ) and he probably quit GW if he has to stay guildless or are not able to be with us.
I told him that there are a lot of other guilds that recruits out there pointed him to various forums and so on.....
Though I never saw him online again. He is still in my friendslist but he is never online so I'm not sure if he still is in GW playing other times than I or not.
The reason I wrote the whole story is because I think you should do the same friend or not!
Some people thing they can do anything they want with someone only because of friendship, though its in your hand to saw this guy that even a friendship has some limits and it is based or respect and loyalty!
That doesn't mean that you have to quit your friendship out of the game if you understand each other well, but at least show him that his behaviour is bad for the Guild in game so he understands what he is doing.
As long as you take him back everytime he will keep doing it without giving a damn about how you feel about it.
Of course if you explain and he still doesn't understand then I think you need to reconsider this friendship anyway....
First he wanted to be with us asking me to let him join so I did(even it was against our rules because we wanted to keep the guild 18+ and he was first 13).
Through the time he was nice, most of the time was mature and friendly.
One day me and a other member helped him to get his 15k Armor the day after he was gone without even saying something.
All of sudden he whispered me that he built his own guild, wanted to do a alliance and so on....
I told him ok! He guild was alive for around 2 weeks before he quit it asking me to take him back in ours.
I told him that if I give him a second chance it would be the last one and that I don't want guild hoppers in my guild.
So he stayed for around 2 weeks maximum and then he fought with a other guild in the tombs and they wanted him to change there so he did.
Even this was a unloyal behaviour, I wished him all the best and told him that I hope he will be happy in his new guild, kept him in my friendslist and we were done.
After only a few weeks again he asked me to come back because in his new guild the people were treating him "bad", guild was inactive and various other reasons.
I told him NO and explained him that I had said before that if he will ever leave again that there is no turning back.
He started with please and give me another chance, I won't leave anymore and so on.....
Even I got a bit sad because he actually was a nice person after all, I stood up my word and didn't let him back.
He said that obviously leaving us was the baddest decision he ever made cause in our guild he was at least happy (how could he be happy and leave all the time ) and he probably quit GW if he has to stay guildless or are not able to be with us.
I told him that there are a lot of other guilds that recruits out there pointed him to various forums and so on.....
Though I never saw him online again. He is still in my friendslist but he is never online so I'm not sure if he still is in GW playing other times than I or not.
The reason I wrote the whole story is because I think you should do the same friend or not!
Some people thing they can do anything they want with someone only because of friendship, though its in your hand to saw this guy that even a friendship has some limits and it is based or respect and loyalty!
That doesn't mean that you have to quit your friendship out of the game if you understand each other well, but at least show him that his behaviour is bad for the Guild in game so he understands what he is doing.
As long as you take him back everytime he will keep doing it without giving a damn about how you feel about it.
Of course if you explain and he still doesn't understand then I think you need to reconsider this friendship anyway....
Mellia Darkstar
kind of a sad story tho
I have had problems like that in the beginning(like most guild probly).
Now, if a person leave i dont reinvite them back unless they were with us for more than three weeks to a month and told us why they were leaving.
But, one second change only is good enough lol. Alot, of people leave a guild to make their own then realized it's hard and time consuming. So many small guild has died and so many guilds of 3 to 10 players.
Loyalty is hard to find but when you do they becom ur best ally and your friends
I have had problems like that in the beginning(like most guild probly).
Now, if a person leave i dont reinvite them back unless they were with us for more than three weeks to a month and told us why they were leaving.
But, one second change only is good enough lol. Alot, of people leave a guild to make their own then realized it's hard and time consuming. So many small guild has died and so many guilds of 3 to 10 players.
Loyalty is hard to find but when you do they becom ur best ally and your friends
I've met someone like this, He joined the guild i'm in and being the nice person i am i did a load of missions with him and gave him some decent equipment.. 2 days later he left for another guild.
seems they're after freebies which defeats the object of being in a guild.
seems they're after freebies which defeats the object of being in a guild.
Originally Posted by conker
omfg my gay ass guildi who is partially my friend keeps on being a dumbass im not saying out his name becuz i think thats against the forums... First, we were planning to do GVG(non ranked) to test out some builds... him being rank 4, and thinking hes so goood which he isnt(im rank4 also), he took party leader then "accidently" picked ranked, then w/o even 20 seconds it started. he then said" OMG I DIDNT KNOW IT WOULD START SO SOOON!" we were still owning the other guild and for like 20 minutes, we didnt even get morale cuz HIM agan being the dumbass said get flag! get flag! and i did and he didnt even protect flag all he did was take his ass and chase everyone.. god i hate him im PRobably not sure never taking him bak in the guild agan hes so freakin useless hes so cooockyy and me messed up our rank more then 3 times, once we playid with xen of onslaught and we lost becuz he was like OMG THEY ARE SOO GOOD then he gave up and started to fool around.. reason why i call him a guild "hopper" is cuz he keeps joinin other guilds then joinin bak.. god... whats wrong with dumbasses these days
Please, please tell me English is not your first language!
Kais Unduli
At least this guy wasn't going around asking for donations to start his own guild. We've had a few people do that in ours.
The solution is simple. Kick the tard, and place him on ignore. The 2-step solution works every time.
The solution is simple. Kick the tard, and place him on ignore. The 2-step solution works every time.
Hard choice, let the guild suffer or risk losing your friend.
Other choice is to turn over leadership (completely - step down) to another person and let them deal with it / have them kick him.
Other choice is to turn over leadership (completely - step down) to another person and let them deal with it / have them kick him.
Originally Posted by Ristaron
Please, please tell me English is not your first language!
Originally Posted by Kais Unduli
At least this guy wasn't going around asking for donations to start his own guild. We've had a few people do that in ours.
The solution is simple. Kick the tard, and place him on ignore. The 2-step solution works every time. |
Originally Posted by conker
as i said, hes partially friend =Z
Folks from our guild get lots of experience and often are ready to "graduate" to places less focused on PvP training and more focused on hardcore ladder climbing. When this happens we wish them well and try to keep in contact with them, sometimes they may come back and guest with us.
If they change their mind though, they are not often welcomed back with open arms. In this way we can be sure people have thought long and hard about moving on - and thereby avoiding lots of issues.
If they change their mind though, they are not often welcomed back with open arms. In this way we can be sure people have thought long and hard about moving on - and thereby avoiding lots of issues.
Originally Posted by WOLF
My guild has a kind of problem in line with yours at this very moment. We have 2 kids spoiling the fun for the majority (eg. Spamming the Guild Announcements and guild chat, constantly making offensive remarks). The big problem here is that our guild leaders isn’t very steadfast himself having kicked one of those two, three times in a row while the other one kept inviting him back. Our leader is afraid that if he kicks both these guys he’ll lose other members as well.
Now I hate to stand up and tell the leader it’s either them two or me (in which case a few others will also leave with me), but I see no other solution at this point. Though with the current leadership I wonder if the best course of action would be to stay myself. |
To anyone who is in a guild that isn't so hot, or has problems like these. Hang in there, once you find a good guild it makes the game so much more fun.
Storm Chaser
one time my comp overheated in the middle of a GvG and i got kicked from my guild. so now i keep a small fan hittin the comp when im playing to prevent that from happening again.
You guys think to hard!
Just ask yourself a few questions.
1. What does he have to offer to the guild?
2. Is he really the kind of person that you are looking for.
3. Does he use the shower more then twice a week?
4. Is a person like that really needed in a guild?
5. Friend or Foe. Useless = Useless.
Just very simple if you cant use them kick them, if you can keep them.
Nothing personal just business.
Just ask yourself a few questions.
1. What does he have to offer to the guild?
2. Is he really the kind of person that you are looking for.
3. Does he use the shower more then twice a week?
4. Is a person like that really needed in a guild?
5. Friend or Foe. Useless = Useless.
Just very simple if you cant use them kick them, if you can keep them.
Nothing personal just business.
Mellia Darkstar
OoO all so easy....
Another question to ask : that sounds honnest, I know him from the internet but is he really honnest...........
Another question to ask : that sounds honnest, I know him from the internet but is he really honnest...........
We're a small (and I do mean small) guild who at this points only plays PvE. An individual had asked a gaming friend to invite him/her into our guild. He did and all was good for a day or so. Then that person dropped our guild. Two days ago, I logged on to find they had joined again with the sob-story to the guild member that they had 'accidently' dropped. Uh-huh. That evening, they asked the guildmistress to borrow 3K for armor and because we try to help each other out whenever possible, got it. Less than a half hour later, he/she whispered that they had 'found' their old guild and been invited to be an officer so they were leaving us *again*. To add insult insult to injury, he/she tried to convince our *guildmistress* to drop our guild to be officer there!
Yesterday I whispered asking when they planned to repay the gold they had borrowed before they had so conveneintly found the other guild. The answer was "when I get it"---maybe they could ask their new guild for it >.<
Yesterday I whispered asking when they planned to repay the gold they had borrowed before they had so conveneintly found the other guild. The answer was "when I get it"---maybe they could ask their new guild for it >.<
when I started I got awed into a huge mucking guild with over 50 ppl.
I thought "hmm a lot of people means theres someone to play with all the time".
since I make friendships with online games ( still talk in chat with pals from d2lod, even have gone for beers with guys local from rogue spear) having a close knit group of people who are genuine is very important.
I was in that guild for a month, got promoted to officer, and hardly ever saw anyone but other officers on, when members logged on it was a beg fest wanting plat . items. even black dye... on occasion they would get X thing they wanted and log off promptly afterward or bitch about it not being availible and log off without ever putting up the effort to get it themselves.
this grated me, I wanted to gvg, pvp tombs, pve the missions .. basically get my money out of the game but the bulk of members wanted to chat in the hall or come in for a bit then leave ... never playing the game...
SO since I farm a lot and enjoy finding items ( I dont care I get excited about having a pile of stone summit badges) I started a guild. had a guy who was from another guild that was much like the old one I was in join up and the two of us started playing areas together, pvp is more for a laugh ( yea it would be cool to hold HOH but im not gonna loose sleep or rage over it simply due to running into 40 kids a day who like to talk as much crap as possible)
so having shared motivation wanting to find items, play all the different areas, gain a lot of faction. Farmers Coop [farm] was born.
we dont actively recruit, we dont spam our guild and beg for members, we play, in the course of playing we have came accross some good people and some not-so-good. one month later we are a grand total of FOUR people who know eachother by first name, play 20+ hours a week minimum, do UW/FoW, hit the 4v4 arenas and farm damn near every spot in the game.
the moral of the story sometimes less is more... of course 8-12 solid ppl would be ideal but four seems to work just fine...
I thought "hmm a lot of people means theres someone to play with all the time".
since I make friendships with online games ( still talk in chat with pals from d2lod, even have gone for beers with guys local from rogue spear) having a close knit group of people who are genuine is very important.
I was in that guild for a month, got promoted to officer, and hardly ever saw anyone but other officers on, when members logged on it was a beg fest wanting plat . items. even black dye... on occasion they would get X thing they wanted and log off promptly afterward or bitch about it not being availible and log off without ever putting up the effort to get it themselves.
this grated me, I wanted to gvg, pvp tombs, pve the missions .. basically get my money out of the game but the bulk of members wanted to chat in the hall or come in for a bit then leave ... never playing the game...
SO since I farm a lot and enjoy finding items ( I dont care I get excited about having a pile of stone summit badges) I started a guild. had a guy who was from another guild that was much like the old one I was in join up and the two of us started playing areas together, pvp is more for a laugh ( yea it would be cool to hold HOH but im not gonna loose sleep or rage over it simply due to running into 40 kids a day who like to talk as much crap as possible)
so having shared motivation wanting to find items, play all the different areas, gain a lot of faction. Farmers Coop [farm] was born.
we dont actively recruit, we dont spam our guild and beg for members, we play, in the course of playing we have came accross some good people and some not-so-good. one month later we are a grand total of FOUR people who know eachother by first name, play 20+ hours a week minimum, do UW/FoW, hit the 4v4 arenas and farm damn near every spot in the game.
the moral of the story sometimes less is more... of course 8-12 solid ppl would be ideal but four seems to work just fine...
my guild's sad beginning story
We had around 12 members, and we were active, i bought a hall for us, and we did some GvG with a balanced build... All was good...
All of a sudden no one was on anymore except for about 4-5 people who are now my homeys (lol) in the game. I'm now starting to kick out all the non active members(4 weeks is too long)>_<
But, were not really recruiting but we really have fun farming(rite now im saving for fissure with one of my homeys(lol again) )
So, I've found that out of aroundevery 5 i recruit, i get around one member who sticks with us and becomes loyal and enjoys PvE and farming and doesnt want to OMG PWN IN HOH LOLZ!11111!1!11
We had around 12 members, and we were active, i bought a hall for us, and we did some GvG with a balanced build... All was good...
All of a sudden no one was on anymore except for about 4-5 people who are now my homeys (lol) in the game. I'm now starting to kick out all the non active members(4 weeks is too long)>_<
But, were not really recruiting but we really have fun farming(rite now im saving for fissure with one of my homeys(lol again) )
So, I've found that out of aroundevery 5 i recruit, i get around one member who sticks with us and becomes loyal and enjoys PvE and farming and doesnt want to OMG PWN IN HOH LOLZ!11111!1!11