The Answer To Your Level 20 Armor Questions
Where to get it?
Droknar's Forge
How do I get there?
Well it starts from sailing across the ocean to 'The Amnoon Oasis' from 'Sanctum Cay', then you have to get to 'Augury Rock' where you have to do 3 diff missions in 3 diff directions(north- 'Elona Reach', South-'Dunes of Despair', East-'Thirsty River'(the fun one)) after you do ALL 3 of them, then you fight your mirror image, then you have to defeat 6 facets in the 'The Dragon's Lair' mission, then you are there.
Any questions while Im standing around in there?
Where to get it?
Droknar's Forge
How do I get there?
Well it starts from sailing across the ocean to 'The Amnoon Oasis' from 'Sanctum Cay', then you have to get to 'Augury Rock' where you have to do 3 diff missions in 3 diff directions(north- 'Elona Reach', South-'Dunes of Despair', East-'Thirsty River'(the fun one)) after you do ALL 3 of them, then you fight your mirror image, then you have to defeat 6 facets in the 'The Dragon's Lair' mission, then you are there.
Any questions while Im standing around in there?
There's also another way to get there, though it's not for the fainthearted or weak.... you can head into the Lornar's Pass area from Beacon's Perch(where you get dumped after finishing Frost Gate), and hike south through the mountains.... however, that way is probably about 10x harder than going through the missions in order until you get there....
But yeah, once you get to Droknar's Forge in the Southern Shiverpeaks, you can get the top-level armor, and start fighting the big baddies.
But yeah, once you get to Droknar's Forge in the Southern Shiverpeaks, you can get the top-level armor, and start fighting the big baddies.
I just posted because everyone asks(and i wondered before i figured it out), but no one i did.
this needs to go into the faq or the post on retail changes. Thanks for info.
How do I submit it to the FAQ? I will get detailed names.
The armor found there is the absolute possible best at this time? I See max of 60 for Enchanter, thought I'd heard there was one with 65?
Yes its the absolute best
Is that armor the kind a PvP only character starts with?
Is that armor the kind a PvP only character starts with?
Only one type of level 20 armor? Great I guess everyone at level 20 will be wearing the same thing (though dyed differently). What variety.
No theres like 6 types there....but theyre the best.
And yes its the armor pvp only chars make.
And yes its the armor pvp only chars make.
They have no regal armor for mesmers though! I want regal. Where is it?
Originally Posted by RoxorMcownage
Yes its the absolute best
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Here's a link with maps for these quests (scroll down): +Weissagung
its german
anyway - it should give you some hints and I give you a quick translation:
Elona Reach = Elonaspitze
Thirsty River = Durstiger Fluss
Dunes of Despair = Dünen der Verzweiflung
Augury Rock = Fels der Weissagung
The Amnoon Oasis = Die Oase Amnoon
Color of lines:
blue = quit fair
red = not easy
red triangles = hot spot = hot action
Have fun! +Weissagung
its german

Elona Reach = Elonaspitze
Thirsty River = Durstiger Fluss
Dunes of Despair = Dünen der Verzweiflung
Augury Rock = Fels der Weissagung
The Amnoon Oasis = Die Oase Amnoon
Color of lines:
blue = quit fair
red = not easy

red triangles = hot spot = hot action
Have fun!
Well I was the only one willing to post any information so I assumed it was the best. What are the stats on the underworld armor?
this thread helps those with endgame armor, but what about pre-ascension lvl 20 armor?
i am trying to complete the ascension quests, and would like to know what's available pre-ascension. where's the best place to buy monk armor pre-ascension?
i am trying to complete the ascension quests, and would like to know what's available pre-ascension. where's the best place to buy monk armor pre-ascension?
yeah.. i would like to know this too... i just got a Superior Rune to Expertise and don't wanna use it till' i know i am putting it into the "Best" possible armor
Well I guess the best pre-ascension armor would be Amnoon Oasis....I think thats level 15 or 17...not sure. I'd wait til Drok's Forge.... You can also get there through a hellish run from the outpost after Frozen Gate or whatever(theres a south exit, theres level 20+ monsters, cant miss it). The run is about 3 hours if you fight everything(and somehow manage to make it with level 10 henchmen). Buuuuuuuut on the other hand you dont have to do elona's and what not.
Dunno, id do ascension and get to droks before placing runes.
Dunno, id do ascension and get to droks before placing runes.
Originally Posted by Phaedrus
There's a better crafter in the underworld.
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Its not a better crafter, the stuff just looks different. Dont be misled. And Im not sure if its in the underworld, there is one in granite something way north of drok's, though.
If you want stuff for use-ability, just get the drok's armor. All the stuff after that point is the same stats but looks diff.
If you want stuff for use-ability, just get the drok's armor. All the stuff after that point is the same stats but looks diff.
Large Penis
Granite Citadel only has the Pyromancer and the Hydromancer oufit redesigned there, but I wonder if the Underworld has the Aeromancer and Geomancer and possibly the 6th Look besides the Elementalist look. Can someone confirm?
I remember in the Beta that you used Silk to craft a Elementalist's oufit, but atm I have not seen any outfit requiring Silk to craft.
I remember in the Beta that you used Silk to craft a Elementalist's oufit, but atm I have not seen any outfit requiring Silk to craft.
Marhan's Grotto also has armor for 15k. So if the Citadel crafter doesn't have what your looking for, look there.
Large Penis
where is Marhan's Grotto?
Great post Roxor. I was looking for this info. I got to Amnoon Oasis yesterday I will countinue my journey tonight. Thanks alot.
Fenix Swiftblade
can anyone confirm the underworld armor crafter? Obviously it wont be better stats if it's there, but it will probably look awesome (and cost more money than you can carry...)
Kerus Tel Veren
I still haven't seen an answer on the Elementalist's 'Masters' armor. The +5 to all elems (instead of +15 to one). I want it just for a different look, not even for the stats. Can't stand the various Man Robes the male enchanter wears
Of course, it's probably another one...