#1 Insightful fire staff of enchanting (Enchantments last 19% longer, improves skill recharge using illusion skills chance 19 % energy +14 in total, REQ. 8!)
#2 Water wand req.9, +4 energy while HP is above 50%.
#3 Tuncheon req.9 improves skill recharge chance:9%!
#4 Shocking horn bow of shelter req. 10 dmg+ 13% while enchanted armor +6 vs physical
#5 Tall shield req 8 tactics, hp+ 37 while enchanted, armor 16
#6 Sundering long sword of enchanting req 9, 10/8 sundering, dmg + 14 % while enchanted, enchantments last 15 % longer!
#7 Hammer grip of enchanting, enchantments last 19 % longer.
IGN: Andy of Glacieria
~~wts various max dmg gold stuff u might wanna take a look at!~~
Andy of Glacieria
Enoch Siki
20k #1
IGN Enoch Siki
IGN Enoch Siki