Zero Tolerance Gaming - [ZT]


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

Zero Tolerance is a multi-gaming community. A lot of us know each other out of game, and for the most part, we are mature gamers. We like to see similar gamers join us in optimizing the gaming experience and fun factor. We are always looking for people with which to share the gaming experience.

ZT has a focus in mind that goes beyond the win of the battle. It is the challenge of overwhelming odds, the silent victory or the lesson of defeat. As a multi-gaming community we try to maintain an even stance within all aspects of the game. Our diverse player base ranges from all walks of life, skill levels, and professions. We are slowly becoming a force within PvP as well. We strive to enhance the individuals gaming experience as well as the groups. Our standing policy is to congratulate those that defeat us in battle as well as those we defeat. It is not productive to flame, hate tell, whine, complain, gloat, or brag about such encounters. Though admittedly that sometimes happens. (c'mon we're only human).

Please stop by our forums if you're interested.